Dear Investors,
I deeply apologize for the delay in getting my update to you. The past few months have taken a toll on me as I honestly tried to do way too much with my businesses. I started the USA TOMORROW newspaper to create a vehicle for change and I didn't realize the response to the project to be as enormous as it has become. On the advice of a very smart friend of mine I have decided to set the paper aside, in part, for the next few months and take care of my financial responsibilities to each and every one of you. I have lost money over the past few months on some investments, not unlike almost every major bank in the world. I can't touch my main investment fund until January 5, 2009. At that time I plan to close the fund and return investors their money in full. Also, I am going to be restructuring the interest rates that we have been paying out to clients. Please watch for an update about that subject to come out soon. I have struggled recently, however. I am not tucking my tail, but I am communicating with all of you simply because I'm a man of my word and each of you will be paid in full. I don't need to spend pages here informing you of my various problems, both physically and time wise; I just need to inform you that I am working religiously on your behalf and you will be taken care of. I will be updating you by email at least every 4 weeks until I access our fund. I sincerely wish that I could talk with everyone but that is impossible for me - I need to work. I thank you for your patience.
Jeff Lowrance
First Capital S&L
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago