Dear Jeff Lowrance,
I am writing to you today on behalf of the investors of First Capitol Savings and Loan/Mentor Investing Group Inc. While it may appear to you that there are only a few disgruntled investors numbering around 43 for the last public conference call, we are much stronger in number. I have started to move behind the scenes and have had another conference call in private. As of the date of this writing, I currently have 125 investors members supporting this correspondence and I see I have a ton of emails again to go through with more people wanting to join me/us.
We are not unreasonable people. We simply seek a solution to the problem that has been created by the failure of
FCSL and/or you to make the scheduled wire payments as you agreed to do since June 2008. The people may not have done anything for a long time hoping you would come through but then myself and some others have stepped to the forefront of this effort to harness our efforts and move forward effectively. We are not the same organization as in June 2008, do not underestimate our ability to respond. Your silence is deafening and has resulted in some of your own friends and business partners seeking to gain compensation from your own investors, which built up
FCSL’s coffers, for their own personal gain at the further cost to your reputation and the effort for the paper. What does Ed
Snook, Michael
Minns, Congressman Paul and a number of former employees think of your actions? We would ask that you contact us either in your traditional mass email format to the entire group or you contact me at with a phone number and a time you can be reached and work with us to find a solution.
As you have imposed a deadline upon yourself at many times and failed to meet those deadlines, I do not operate in such a way. It appears you need a good solid business manager to make sure the operation is running smoothly and we can assist you, if need be. However, we the investors are giving you a deadline of
Friday, January 30, 2009 at 9:00 o’clock a.m. Central Standard Time to contact me and leave me a phone number where I can call and talk with you directly. Please be advised that if you fail to meet this deadline,
FCSL may face its own version of
Armageddon. Just as the good lord has given all of us free will to make decisions to control our actions and keep us from eternal torment, you too have the abilities to save yourself, your company and the newspaper, but you need to work with us and not in silence.
While some in this group are very desperate as their houses are on the brink of foreclosure, they have lost the chance at adopting children and have had their very marriages strained by your venture, there are still many of us with a lot of powerful political, governmental, business and financial resources both in the United States and in other countries available to seek the return of our funds or take your freedom from you if you have embezzled, misappropriated funds or made any sort of fraudulent conveyance. I have talked with some foreign based attorneys and banking officials and they also expressed concerns about your operation and the reputations of their countries.
Please do not misunderstand, Jeff, we want to work with our good neighbor and help him Sheppard his flock of bank associates, investors, future business partners and newspaper subscribers. Work with us Jeff and not against us.
Everyone is tired of the silence, delays, missed deadlines and the fact that we need to take these actions. We implore you to respond, but be warned if you do not meet the deadline and respond in some fashion we will respond accordingly.
I look forward to hearing from you at
fcslconcernedclients@yahoo.comJAY THE