For all investors who wish to combine efforts and join us in becoming an organized, coherent group please see the urgency in joining us. Those that can't make a decision may be left behind.
Do something useful and become a part of the solution to move forward as a group. Blogging and making useless remarks worsen our situation. The newspaper and Panama office is closed down. Some think that is good and some think that is bad. Since Jeff is no longer able to bring in funds at his Panama office, what does that mean for the investors? We will see.
Jeff just was or is in Houston trying to dredge up funds or support at a Ron Paul campaign. It just never ends does it? Like a cat chasing a string.....
Face the facts that Jeff is stalling because he can not do what he wants us to believe or hope he may do.
The litigation process is inevitable and you need to document your investment history/profile at our new website just created 1/22/09. Soon we will be deciding on a law firm to represent us. At least those of us that see this as the last resort to the slight possibility of recovering funds.
If we are not prepared then our opportunity will be lost. If you want to sit back and wait and see what happens, it may be too late for you to participate. Something constructive has to be done and so far all of the talking and blogging has not accomplished much to resolve our concerns. We are not all unified yet.
Investors must be cross-verified for authenticity prior to receiving a password to our private and secure website.
E-mail the following information:
Full name
Phone number
Date(s) and amount(s) of deposits
Who introduced YOU to FCSL
Who you introduced TO FCSL
Send this information to fcslconcernedclients@yahoo.comOnce verified you will receive a password and site address. Please be patient for a response and password since there are a lot of you in this mess and just a few trying to get us all organized.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
For accuracy purposes, Jeff went to Houston not for Ron Paul's campaign (which ended in May), but to embark on a DIRECT MAIL campaign for FIRST CAPITAL to Ron Paul Supporters, exploiting Ron Paul's face therein.
Ron Paul has nothing to do with Jeff, but Jeff is trying to make it look like Ron Paul is behind him by using an impromptu photo taken in Minneapolis.
Jeff was in Houston when this all hit the fan and has been there since from what I understand.
I have been gone this past weekend and see I have a LOT of emails to catch up on and I did talk to some of my contacts on Friday. Things are still progressing, but please bear with me as I get caught up.
Eliza-what impromptu photo? Can someone send me the link? or the pic?
PS-If i know me I will dive in and be caught up by morning! as I will do whatever it takes to accomplish this mission!
Hope for the best, Plan for the worst!
The photo is of Ron Paul holding up the USA Tomorrow Newspaper. Jeff is mailing this photo with the 1st & 2nd edition along with promotion material for First Capital. This is direct mail campaign for First Capital, not a political campaign.
I don't want to ever see any other Patriots get tangled up in Jeff's web.
A copy of the photo won't help you and I'm not comfortable sharing it.
How does Jeff expect to get new investors when all anyone has to do is google Jeff's name and find our blog? He's got things out of order.
He starts paying us back, we take down the blog and THEN
he starts looking for new investors.
He can run but he can't hide.
You are assuming that Jeff thinks like a rational person.
He went there to do this before the January 5th deadline. I have no idea how he could do any business at this point with the blog up. When it was up before it was definitely a major hinderance, but he still managed to pull in some new clients.
It probably does not need to be said here that Jeff has a way of talking people into abandoning their reason, much like his alter ego (in my opinion) makes him abandon his own.
I have received conflicting reports regarding his current whereabouts. I apologize that I may have been mistaken earlier.
why does eliza constantly talk of info and then pull back with i, photo, but I'm not showing it...? why bring it up then?
Jeff, you are truely one pathetic, lying, cheating, stealing piece of shit. I don't think a lifeform can come any lower then what you are right now. Your constant delays in getting information out to the ones that helped you get started in (obtaining your dream), shows you have no concern for anyone else besides yourself.
Your total lack of disregard for people other then yourself, is totally selfish and disrespectful.
I think you know exactly where you are headed. You will have plenty of time to talk to the Lord in prison. Hopefully "HE" will not delay in answering your questions as you have done so for us. Just hope he doesn't answer questions as you do, because you then will be just as confused as everyone else.
Your kids and family will see their father, mentor, and friend, rot in prison for a very, very long time, when all he had to do was communicate with all of those that truely believed in what he had to offer.
People can bash me for what I have said, but am only speaking the truth as to what I believe that has happened. You can make your own judgement. Some still believe, and some are past the point of forgiveness. I really do hope that the laywers can help get some or all of the money back, but still think Jeff deserves to be penalized to the fullest extent of the law, not only by the courts, but from the Lord of the bible himself.
Jeff, one of the investors was right there is only one question,
1. Where is? and when do we get our money?
Your time has come and gone. Jeff feel the wrath that will be bestowed upon you.
Jeff is not in that photo. The photo is of Ron Paul holding up the paper. Jeff may have mailed that photo to Ron Paul supporters in an attempt to sell them indirectly on First Capital.
I mentioned it to deter potential investors who might be reading this blog and have received Jeff's mailer.
I apologize for the confusion.
ty for clearing that up Eliza, good talking with you today as well
Learned a TON today about Jeff-maybe he quit giving out money for his birthday in June!, the operation investor and paper, talked with the California attorneys and now that we have a leadership established I have started delegating some tasks to some people to share in the work
Please I just ask everyone to be patient as we screen you in to the new blog and collect info
I also ask you just to spread the word to anyone you personally know that is an investor and send them my way. Strength in numbers and growing fast.
Still hoping Jeff will just talk to us more and encouraging that he talked to Blog admin today.
PS on a lighter note-got 2 spam emails for investments today ont he email --those truly are everywhere! :)
What was the jist of the conversation between the Blog admin and JEff??? Details please
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