Please e-mail me if you have received any money from Jeff since June. Thank You.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
none...not a penny
My account report shows a wire sent in June that I never got. I received the last payment on May 2008.
I also show a wire transfer on June 17th, 2008 that never actually got sent to me.
nothing, except three email answers telling me they forwarded my wire requests to Jeff... a lot of good that did.
BUCKY (Dan) indicated that Ed helped him in securing funds in early posts but later posts indicate that he did not get any funding. Not sure what happened.
From what I heard, he did get a payment in December. At least that is how I read it. Maybe there was a subsequent payment that was not made? Or maybe I misread it all along.
Did I read that Lowrance spoke to the blog admin? What did he say?
Some questions to Ponder:
1) When was Jeff supposed to answer all our questions and comments on this Blog? Is he still reading through it?
2) If he is sitting in Texas Who is trading on the account? Does this mean the trading Info we get every day is phony?
3) Where is Buzz - he has not answered some questions about How much money he received from Jeff after Ed intervened on his Behalf.
4) How many have signed up with Ed and what is the status of the folks about receiving their principal from Jeff. Has Ed closed the doors on additional signups?
5) Are we ever going to get even a Nickel from Jeff? Will he survive our Wrath?
Just wondering!!!!!!!
FYI don't think Jeff is in Houston.
I will be writing a letter to Mr. Lowrence and fellow FCSL victims shortly!!!!!
So what are the odds of Jeff sending the update this week? I am guessing a big zero. What is up with Bucky? I mean he sounds like a crazed fool. But if that works I am all for it. Anyone heard anything from Ed lately? We were told not to talk to him directly but what is going on? Ed are you out there? I am still waiting for my password from the Jay and Bruce. Is anyone there? When is the next conference call?
what do you want to bet? Jeff will not respond until the deadline for signing up Ed has passed.
Dear Jeff,
So there is no misunderstanding it is me Antonio Anderson who is taking the time to write you this letter. For all of you who do not know who I am, I am an employee with the investment side of First Capital Savings and Loan down here in Panama who was used and brainwashed by Mr. Lowrence to CON innocent people out of their hard earned money. Needless to say I am pissed to $%&# off!!!!!! Jeff now I fully understand why you do not like Muslims. It is Muslim law that if you are caught stealing your hands are cut off and this means you would have been unable to be a hypocrit and pray to your God with no hands!!!!! First of all let me clarify that I am speaking for myself and I am totally immune to any of your threats or whatever little influence you have in my country so if you dont like what I have to say make your move!!!!! When you first brought me to work for you and interviewed me in Bennigans you told me you had a dream. You said that you wanted an entire floor in the Global Bank building and you wanted to take investments to another level. I listened to you carefully looked deep into your eyes and I seen an honest sincere businessman with the desire to make the world a better place. You spoke about Ron Paul, The newspaper USA Tomorrow,Jesus, and offered me a salary that I could not refuse. You played the part well...even to the point that you started believing all this bullshit yourself. What you did not tell me was that you owed all these people all this money, that you were selling a dream, in the bible I dont ever remember PETER BORROWING MONEY TO PAY PAUL!!!! I pray to god that the 200,000 that Mr. Client sent because of me preaching your GOSPEL does not disappear like all of these other clients money did. He is a good man and he does not deserve what I believe is coming to him. You used me to perpetuate a crime, YOUR crime and you used GOD to do it. How can you quote what one of the clients said about how your son will look at you!!! Have you no shame???? How can you live with yourself, justify your actions??? You are endangering your family and you seem to not care. You owe us all down here in Panama money, people are jobless, because you kept paying us all late some of us have debts that it will take some substantial time for us to bounce back and yet still you dont even have the decency to communicate when we try to contact you. All you can say is give me 2 to 4 weeks. Listen to my advice Jeff and listen carefully!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody is perfect, I have done some things in my life that i am not too proud of also but do you know what the difference between you and me is??? I have faced up to everything I did, that is what a MAN does. If you cant pay these people back their money be HONEST and say so dont customize and design and hide behind a veil of religious hypocracy. Open your accounts and show them what you have and pay them what you can.... Then and only then will you be able to turn it over and leave your destiny in Gods hands. He will not help you do wrong, believe me I know first hand!!!!! You have let me down Jeff and I DONT FORGIVE YOU.... I no longer believe anything you say and I know you will not send the money that you owe us but one thing is for certain and two things is for sure you have committed the ultimate sin,,,,,, you have taken advantage of GODS children and for that one day you will PAY!!!!! Bless!!!!!!! Thanks for all the bible classes you gave us SATAN!!!!!
Constructive dialogue. So little about Jeff/FCSL can actually be confirmed as fact, we’re left to deduce almost everything. Over the past few months I’ve thrown away as many blog entries as I have submitted. Although it serves as therapy, it doesn’t pay the bills. Although I’m well aware the propensity desperation can have to illogically fuel optimism, some facts are inconsistent with the “made-off” with your money style of thinking. I personally believe Jeff has immeasurably more to gain by paying us off than by running. Anyone familiar with FICO knows you can never start over with a clean slate. You can only improve (or damage) your existing position. Similarly, with the internet and media sources, your reputation doesn’t have a pull date but it can change. “Paid off” is better than “write off”. In terms of character or credit analysis a private lender is much more likely to loan to someone of the history that re-aligned priorities or even lifestyle to honor his word than perhaps someone with all the right answers. It irrefutably answers the question in the back of every investors mind “but what will this guy do if the wheels come off?” Truth is I give my money to the guy with the decent payout that had previously fell on his face, but got his own self up, and honored his word. I give my money to that man before I give it to someone that has surrounded himself with professionals with pedigrees as long as Madoffs (ex) client list.
The point then is not how much money does he now have, but what is his character. Most of us would agree that beyond his character Jeff’s most valuable asset is his proprietary trading techniques. I for one know that what he does in forex takes unique discipline, patience, and timing. His system is special. $ize can help the timeliness of keeping your word, but I would submit as equally relevant is our ability to be brutally realistic about not burying the overburdened. Let’s not deceive ourselves, the fund ended Dec. 31st, 2008. He needs all the size he has as his shovel. Ok, fine, lets back up to the “are we already defrauded?” In speaking with Ed, the confounding answerless question still is: If he was absconding with our money and had indeed lost it all then why in that first letter did he say “lost money” but has “main fund” still instead of “well not unlike all other bank –I lost it all.” All the while broadcasting winning trades, with (although only rumored) at least our principle. Let’s face it, any money - even if it’s enough for next month’s mortgage, would signal he is interested in laying the monthly bricks of trust back into his FICO score with us. Who knows, maybe along the way (I’m praying) he cultivates the loudest spokes mouths his character can buy. -Diligent
On the thread previous to this one there is a post that the blog admin talked to Jeff this week....please admin tell us what the conversation consisted of. Communication is the purpose of this blog and we need some communication from you about your conversation with Jeff this week
Why do we continue to assume that the trades are real? That seems highly unlikely at this point! Who is doing the trades? If they were real, then Jeff would be flush with money as I don't think I have ever seen a losing day yet!
Everything about this situation mirrors the other major fraud scams that are being brought down. The only thing different is that Ed is out there saying he is sure Jeff has the money. But he won't say how he is sure. Jeff sure is not behaving like there is any money!
Jeff, Ed better be right in this case or you are about to be another ugly headline and we the ultimate victims of your greed and avarice!
Open your accounts and show them what you have and pay them what you can...
Antonio, I also worked for Jeff. I posted a letter on a previous thread. Could you get in touch with me? I'd really like to chat with you.
323-515-3219 (vm)
I heard on the news yesterday that a politician in New York state was facing 20 years in prison for embezzling 2.5 million dollars. Based on that, my math tells me that Jeff, by stealing 42 million, faces 336 years in jail. Good behavior might get him out in 200 years. Way to go Jeff.
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