Thursday, October 16, 2008

USA Tomorrow Update (not acceptable as FCSL update)

Dear Friends and Patriots,

It has now been a little more than 3 full months since USA Tomorrow began distributing back during the summer on the 4th of July. With nearly 100 days under our belt and now several thousand people on our mailing list, we feel that we are ready to take the next few steps towards growing USA Tomorrow into a national newspaper. And in order to become a national newspaper, we will need all the help that we can get!

Frankly speaking, I have been surprised by the positive response that USA Tomorrow has received. Americans across the country have reacted with such great comments, emails and phone calls, that it thrills me to know that there are truly still a LOT of people out there who really do care about our country.

With that in mind, we want to thank all of you for the awesome job that you have done in passing out hundreds of thousands of copies of the USA Tomorrow newspaper. You have delivered them to friends and neighbors in your parts of the country and you are to be congratulated. Thank you again for your help!

Now, after 3 months of learning and growing, we feel that we are prepared to take on 3 new areas of growth. The first is that we are now just days away from being able to start accepting Subscription orders. The second, we have tested the development of our USA Tomorrow Distributorship program and are confident that it is ready to go for a national launch across the country! And third, the USA Tomorrow newspaper is being supported by a financial product that has been paying clients 13.25% - 18.70% annually for more than 4 years straight. We are now making that financial product available to our readers.

In regards to our USA Tomorrow Distributorship program, it is geared to earn our distributors substantial monthly income for those who work at it. If you are a worker, then you will most likely enjoy our distributorship program.

This short email message to you is simply a survey to find out if you would like to hear more about either Subscribing to USA Tomorrow, being a Distributor for us, or if you would like more information regarding our financial product now available to our readers.

Please click the appropriate links below. If you have interest in more than one category, then follow the link for each one, filling out the simple request form and then hitting the word "Finish" for each one.

If you would like more information about Subscribing to USA Tomorrow, Click Here

If you would like more information about being a Distributor of the USA Tomorrow newspaper publication, Click Here.

If you would like more information about our financial product that is paying 13.25% - 18.70% annually, Click Here.

Thank you for your time and let's Grow, Grow, Grow!

Jeff Lowrance

Publisher - USA Tomorrow

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Comments e-mailed to you

If you would like all the new comments emailed to you as soon as one is made, please send me an e-mail request. That way you don't have to check the comments from different posts to make sure you didn't miss any updates.