Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FYI Desist and Refrain Order, CA


State of California - Department of Corporations
TO: Jeff Lowrance
Mentor Investing Group, Inc.
501 W. Broadway
Plaza “A” - #403
San Diego, CA 92101
(For violations of section 29520 of the Corporations Code)
The California Corporations Commissioner finds that:
1. At all relevant times, Mentor Investing Group, Inc. (“Mentor Investing”) conducted
business at 501 W. Broadway, Plaza “A” - #403, San Diego, CA 92101. Jeff Lowrance
(“Lowrance”) was a purported principal of Mentor Investing.
2. Beginning in at least March 2006, and continuing thereafter, Mentor Investing and Lowrance, through its Internet site, sold or purchased, or offered to sell or purchase commodities under commodities contracts, or offered to enter into, or entered into, as sellers or purchasers any commodity contracts in the state of California.
3. The commodity contracts Mentor Investing, Lowrance and offered and sold, or offered to enter into or entered into as sellers or purchasers on behalf of investors, were primarily for speculative and investment purposes, in that, the contracts were purchased, sold, and entered into based on quoted price changes and fluctuations in particular currencies, rather than as a means of acquiring the physical commodities.
4. The foreign currencies purchased or sold, or offered to be purchased or sold under commodity contracts were commodities within the meaning of section 29504 of the California Commodity Law of 1990.


State of California - Department of Corporations
Based upon the foregoing findings, the California Corporations Commissioner is of the
opinion that Mentor Investing, Lowrance and purchased, or offered to sell or purchase commodities under commodities contracts, or offered to enter into, or entered into, as sellers or purchasers any commodity contracts.
Pursuant to Section 29542 of the California Commodity Law of 1990, Mentor Investing
Group Inc., Jeff Lowrance and are hereby ordered to desist and refrain from the further offer or sale of commodities, including but not limited to foreign currency contracts, or from the further offer to enter into, or from entering into, as sellers or purchasers, any commodity contracts, in the state of California, unless and until such activity is not in violation of Corporations
Code section 29520 of said law.
This Order is necessary, in the public interest, for the protection of investors and consistent
with the purposes, policies, and provisions of the California Commodity Law of 1990.
Dated: September 13, 2006
Los Angeles, California
California Corporations Commissioner
By ____________________________
Supervising Attorney
Enforcement Division

Aug 26 update

Dear FCSL Clients,This is a simple communication to all of you to let you know that I have finally finished my Update Letter. I have a few more small corrections to make and then it will be sent to you this evening.However, I want you to also know that I am absolutely furious, now that one person has threatened me and my family, and a couple of others have threatened to "interrupt" the Ron Paul Convention. You want to play hardball with me? Bring it on! I just finished crushing USA Today's attempt at what is none other than their bogus attempt at a "cease and desist order" against USA Tomorrow. Yes, we stopped practically the largest newspaper in the country and their advances against us! So I am locked and loaded for you as well. And, yes, that was a 2nd amendment comment! It is called self-defense and if you don't like it, then move to another country!Friends, I am not in the newspaper business to fool around. I am here to make a real change in our nation, and for the better. And not the kind of "change" that Obama spews out.I am legally prepared to take on the best of them, so you will cut the crap and give me the time and space to solve my issues with you. I have had hundreds of clients now for nearly 4 years. You WILL give me that credibility!Otherwise, I will take drastic measures against anyone who even so much as sneezes against USA Tomorrow, me or my family.It is now 1PM Central Time and the Update is due to come out this evening.Very sincerely, Jeff Lowrance First Capital S&L

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This weblog is specifically designed to connect First Capital Savings and Loan customers throughout the world. It has been created by a group of current customers in order to gather and disseminate as much information as possible to each other.

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