Thursday, October 16, 2008

USA Tomorrow Update (not acceptable as FCSL update)

Dear Friends and Patriots,

It has now been a little more than 3 full months since USA Tomorrow began distributing back during the summer on the 4th of July. With nearly 100 days under our belt and now several thousand people on our mailing list, we feel that we are ready to take the next few steps towards growing USA Tomorrow into a national newspaper. And in order to become a national newspaper, we will need all the help that we can get!

Frankly speaking, I have been surprised by the positive response that USA Tomorrow has received. Americans across the country have reacted with such great comments, emails and phone calls, that it thrills me to know that there are truly still a LOT of people out there who really do care about our country.

With that in mind, we want to thank all of you for the awesome job that you have done in passing out hundreds of thousands of copies of the USA Tomorrow newspaper. You have delivered them to friends and neighbors in your parts of the country and you are to be congratulated. Thank you again for your help!

Now, after 3 months of learning and growing, we feel that we are prepared to take on 3 new areas of growth. The first is that we are now just days away from being able to start accepting Subscription orders. The second, we have tested the development of our USA Tomorrow Distributorship program and are confident that it is ready to go for a national launch across the country! And third, the USA Tomorrow newspaper is being supported by a financial product that has been paying clients 13.25% - 18.70% annually for more than 4 years straight. We are now making that financial product available to our readers.

In regards to our USA Tomorrow Distributorship program, it is geared to earn our distributors substantial monthly income for those who work at it. If you are a worker, then you will most likely enjoy our distributorship program.

This short email message to you is simply a survey to find out if you would like to hear more about either Subscribing to USA Tomorrow, being a Distributor for us, or if you would like more information regarding our financial product now available to our readers.

Please click the appropriate links below. If you have interest in more than one category, then follow the link for each one, filling out the simple request form and then hitting the word "Finish" for each one.

If you would like more information about Subscribing to USA Tomorrow, Click Here

If you would like more information about being a Distributor of the USA Tomorrow newspaper publication, Click Here.

If you would like more information about our financial product that is paying 13.25% - 18.70% annually, Click Here.

Thank you for your time and let's Grow, Grow, Grow!

Jeff Lowrance

Publisher - USA Tomorrow


Anonymous said...

To the group that is preparing oct. 19th statement. We need to do research and have as many contact names from usatomorrow. We need to be prepared to lay out in a statement (this statement only comes out if there is no update on the 19th) that we will call/email everybody involved with USA tomorrow and tell them that they are being paid with stolen money.


CommonSenseRambler said...

The live links for the "click here":



the investor plan:

Hopefully, these links work. The intesting aspect of the notice and the information provided at the links is this. Clearly, he plans to continue offering this investment program on a small scale. Clearly he is moving forward with his newspaper project. He has also developed his own debit/credit card program with anonymous identity (your name is not even on the card) as a means to increase privacy when spending the money: ie: bringing money back home. Take it for what it's worth, but I think it's a decent indication of what we might be able to expect.

CommonSenseRambler said...

The links I posted do work, but the 2nd half of them appear to be hidden. You simply need to highlight the link and the row below it so you automatically capture the entire linked row in your copy and paste.

Anonymous said...

This is an update???

Who else would like to know that this paper is being funding with stolen money? How about his competion like USA Today or other national papers!! If we get the word out that his moral standard is a bit lacking, maybe that would make him so something.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Jeff intended this to be his update to us as investors. This is just a way to drum up more money.

The idea to smear Jeff's name is great as a last resort but if we do it now it will not force him to do anything... it will instead prevent him from being able to do anything. We need him to still have the hope that all can be resolved. If his paper is ruined, why would he continue on?

Anonymous said...

Frankly, it is a piece of JUNK!

Anonymous said...

I assume no one has heard from Jeff? I cannot imagine he considered that solicitation email to be an update since it wasn't actually sent out to the investment group. Has anyone sent an email requesting the update?

Anonymous said...

My post was not supposed to be on here as a post, it was a email that I sent to the blog for consideration. The threat would be something carried out January 6th. Not now, but the statement needs to say something in the arena of what we will do come Jan. 6th if nothing changes. -Diligent.

Anonymous said...

If January 5th goes by without me getting my money back from Jeff, I will go after his newspaper. I will make sure to contact all his competitors 9 (newspapers), sponsors, etc. All these companies and people will be interested in knowing the truth about this so call “righteous” man. If he is destroying my dreams, I will destroy his no matter what it takes…

Unknown said...

Does Jeff know that he is late with an update, and that we really want that update as a sign that he is taking this seriously? Or does he think he is immune? Perhaps the blog could email him a complaint, and our continuing concerns. He would likely be more interested in an email from the blog--more likely to read it--than from an individual investor.

SubVet said...

As a potential investor in FCSL, I have been attempting for some time to evaluate the opportunity. I spent a few hours on the phone with Jeff last night and he certainly appears sincere about his hope for FCSL and his news venture. He indicated that he would start having the daily trade data sent my way as well as a newer edition of "USA Tomorrow".

It seems, looking over the comments on this blog that many of you seem to share the idea that Jeff is sincere.

I will certainly be forwarding this information to Joseph, the person I have been communicating with (until last night when I spoke to Jeff personally). I have been contemplating a large investment with FCSL prior to the market crash as I knew where that was headed. I also pondered a smaller investment to vett the opportunity.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback as I still believe he is sincere and I will certainly be discussing this blog with he and/or Joseph in the very near term.

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Well you are a wise person for doing your research and you should count yourself extremely lucky that this blog exists. It is hard for any of us to recommend that you move forward given our current circumstance. Most of us still believe Jeff is sincere but sincerety doesn't count for everything. None of us has been paid a dime in over 4 and 1/2 months. Everything was going great for several years up to that point. When the money stopped, there was absolutely no communication as to why. After almost 2 months, Jeff finally provided a lengthy update detailing the many things he was involved with and also telling us that he had spent some of our payment money on the newspaper. He indicated that things would be caught up and back to normal within 5 weeks. Well those 5 weeks passed and nothing happened. No payments and no communication. Finally his account manager quit out of frustration and things were on the edge of serious mutiny.

Jeff finally did send another update out that you can read on the main page of this blog indicating that he had lost some of the money (how much, we don't know). He also told us he could not access his main fund until January 5th, 2009. We were all under the impression that this money was traded in Forex so this came as a big surprise. We still have no idea why the money is tied up as he will not tell us any detail. Jeff has given us no option but to wait for Jan. 5th to arrive when he says he will then return us our money in full.

He also promised to send out a communication at least every 4 weeks. It has been more than 4 weeks and we have heard nothing.

So... is he sincere? Hard to say. Should you put money with him? 5 months ago, I would have said absolutely the best investment I ever made. Now... you make the call!

As you seem to be the only person who is actually able to contact Jeff, we would really love to hear what he has to say in response to all this information! Would you please post more information? Also, do you have any information on who Joseph is?

Thanks for posting!!!!

SubVet said...

I will send the contact information via email. Your blog indicates that you don't want that kind of information posted.

SubVet said...

For any interested folks, I just received the detailed trade spreadsheet through 3 October.

Send me an email with a valid address and I'll forward it.

Anonymous said...

We all get details on all the trades emailed to us (assuming they are accurate and not madeup). We have concluded as a group I believe that the trades are real although what we lack is any kind of verification as to how much money is left.

Have you approached Jeff or this Joshua about this blog? What have they said if so?

SubVet said...

I sent an email earlier today but have not received any feedback. I will be certain to keep this blog advised.

I'm really hopeful that Jeff has the integrity he conveys. I believe we Americans need the kind of things he is trying to do.

Uncle Dan said...

To SubmarineVeteran:
I know a SubmarineVeteran that is or was affiliated with a Liberal Arts College/University in Southeast Utah. Are you he?

Jeff has an amazing ability to enroll/enlist people like you and me into causes and investments that he believes in. He is a very skilled talker. He has loads of charisma.

Don't be fooled. Don't be "hopeful" that Jeff has the integrity he conveys. If I had been more concerned with a return "of" investment than a return "on" investment, I wouldn't be participating on this blog. Keep a tight grip on your wallet and run the other way.

Anonymous said...

I bet Submarine Veteran is grateful this blog is not private. Maybe we should ask him.

First Capital Savings and Loan Client said...

If there are private comments that you want only members of this blog to read, you may e-mail them to and ask for them to be forwarded in private to members only.

First Capital Savings and Loan Blog Administrator

First Capital Savings and Loan Client said...

I sent an e-mail to Jeff requesting the update on behalf of all. We'll see if it helps.

Anonymous said...

I'm giving him a few more days to make an update, and then that's it. I have a full-time employee at the office that's been doing very little since the economy has slowed. I don't want to let him go, so guess what, I think I'll have him go to work full-time on contacting every single potential investor, past/present/future clients, private investigators, Federal investigators, lawyers, or anyone else that I can think of.

Jeff will know at least that someone is coming for him, and it's no joke. I don't get ripped off for hundreds of thousands of dollars and take it lightly.

I'll make it my personal mission to ruin him, his career, his newspaper, and his family if that's what it takes.

Anonymous said...

This is to add clarity to anyone who might be receiving info from this site. It seems that the message from the sales floor at FCSL to new potential clients is that there are only a few people that are unhappy with FCSL. I wish this was the case, but it is not.. There are hundreds. It is just that not so many FCSL clients are on this blog. Lives have been ruined, marriages have ended, etc, because of the way FCSL has operated the last 5 months. This is not a personal attack on anybody at FCSL, it is an accurate reporting of the facts.

The head of FCSL admitted that he took money that was not his, and used it for personal matters.

Clients have asked for their principal to be returned, as in the agreement, and have not been able to get their money back, and for the most part, do not receive communication from FCSL.

No investors have received payment since June.

In June, key clients were promised money in September because "the money was tied up until September in a longer term investment, but you will get paid then." That time has come and gone with no payment. A new statement issued to ALL clients stated that "the money is tied up until January and will get paid then." The same story except the goalpost has been moved.

There is a promise from Jeff that he will pay everyone back by January 5th, although it might be at a lower interest rate.

Close relatives of Jeff are in the same boat as other clients are, and are absolutely baffled, hurt, and livid with him at this point. They spoke of going on 48 hours with the story.

There are people that Jeff has agreed to share information with, to come clean with, regarding how much money is left, where it is, and who all is owed money. He has not delivered this information as promised.

He has promised to pay the ex-account executive $2000 back pay as of two weeks ago. He has not done this.

There was promise of a progress report, there has been none.

These are all verifiable facts. For the record.

We all want FCSL to succeed. We want Jeff to explain how that is going to happen.


Anonymous said...

USA Tomorrow???? what kind of USA do you envision Jeff? Is it one where a corporation is allowed to steal money from its investors for the personal use of the CEO, lies to them, wreck their lives, and all with not the slightest bit of guilt, remorse, or even a simple explanation???

That surely doesn't sound like any USA I want to be a part of.

Your a fake. A fraud, a con-artist. Do USA a favor and don't have any part of our tomorrow - we don't want people like you.

Bruce said...

About an hour before Jeff posted his newest update (at 3:50pm) I talked to Joseph Love. This is a conversation with information I have personally obtained.

He says he has been working for Jeff for the past year. He also said that the assignment from Jeff to Tucker and Ben was to talk to each Premier Investor and get them converted over to the new program at the lesser interest rates (that are now on the FCSL website). They did not do this so that was a problem for them.

Joseph said their job was to move us over to the NEW program which he (Joseph) runs.

Joseph also says that Jeff is working hard along with Joseph's team and they fully intend to pay all of us Premier investors our money back.

Joseph promises he will personally do everything he can to make it work and says he is working long hours (12-14 hours a day) to ensure that.

He said that whether I or anyone believe that is not something they can change but his personal feeling is that it will happen.

He also says that the freeze on our funds was needed so the trading could build back up the funds in the accounts to be closer to the level they were at so Jeff would have the ability to pay everyone back due to the funds Jeff took out.

I asked Joseph about the affect of the blog and he said they are aware of it and have read all of it.

Joseph had a $300,000 client that was about to put funds in last week but he saw the blog and pulled out at the last minute. They have lost at least three clients recently due to the blog.

Joseph said regardless of the blog and those that are upset, they will continue to work hard so they can get things back to normal, pay those that want to be paid back and move forward.

As I blogged before to everyone, I think this blog should be PUT ON HOLD until we see what happens by January.

This BLOG only hurts us and any efforts that Jeff is attempting to get back to normal or to pay us. It does not seem to be the intention of Jeff to hurt his investors and does not make any logical sense for him to do this. Jeff's newspaper is out there and is starting to make headway. Jeff knows perfectly well that if we want to we could completely ruin him and his efforts with the newspaper.

Of course no matter what I or anyone else says, there will be a number of you that DO NOT CARE at this point and want to get even or do damage. There is no way to combat this feeling due to the fact that many of us have been hurt financially by putting too much of our trust into such a good thing. I for one am guilty of that.

Let this be a lesson to all of us to spread our funds out among our investment opportunities so we are not left with nothing for our families. But...I feel we have some hope here and I have enumerated those feelings before.

Please....all of you on this need to let the owner of this blog know who you are, provide your email address and ask that this blog be suspended or at least made PRIVATE (by invitation only) so it is NOT viewable to the general public.

If you would rather join another private group/website we can set that up easily but your responses need to be non-anonymous. Who are you?

We need to get to know who each other is and commit to working together on our options. We need to be organized so that when January comes and goes we will have been on the same page together to HELP JEFF MAKE IT A REALITY and get our funds back or to DESTROY Jeff's DREAM if he does not do what he says he will do.

How many of you are for suspending this BLOG till January? STOP BEING ANONYMOUS if your money means anything to you, step up and don't waste everyone's time on this BLOG complaining and whining. Be Pro-active!



Anonymous said...

kim said...
Greetings, I am Kim, an investor with FCSL. I am in extremely bad shape on many levels because of my investment with FCSL. I say this to let everyone know whose 'side' I am on.

I hear that there will be an email from Jeff sent out shortly. look forward to getting that.

As I suspected, this blog is hurting his chances of improving this bad situation we are all in.

I see this blog serving two functions.

1. Letting Jeff know that we are organized and with very little effort can cause a great deal of damage to his operations.
2. Getting to know each other so if the time comes to take action, we can be organized.

#1 above has been a success. Jeff now knows we can organize, he knows his businesses can be hurt, even by this mild blog…. (Things can get much more damaging in the internet world than this blog). He gets the idea. This blog is hurting him (and by hurting him, if some people have not figured it out, it is hurting us.)

#2, 'organizing and getting to know each other' has not been successful at all, and will only be successful if communication is carried out privately, where people can speak freely, without fear of retribution.

Clients have agreed to give Jeff until Jan before we take action. Please understand something..


We can’t have it both ways. We can’t say “…yes, please go out and work very hard to straighten everything out, but in the meantime we will cripple your ability to do so.” We are not keeping our side of the deal by having this blog up, and we are not establishing a contingency plan if things do not work out, either.

A very simple equation is at play here. We want our money back, or want distributions, and we want jeff to go to work and make that happen. In order for Jeff to make this happen, this blog needs to be taken down, and those who wish to communicate can do so privately. Everyone here absolutely should speak with each other to get some kind of game plan should January come and go without any results from FCSL. Effective organizational efforts will only be realized with open communication, which, if you have not noticed, is NOT happening on this blog.. at all...there is no real communication happening between clients here. I know it must feel good to vent, believe me, I am as upset as anyone, but at this point the blog is only functioning to make it more difficult for us to get our money back, or to get distributions happening again.

And to the people who say they want to protect future clients, Jeff is able to earn money for new clients at the lower rate he is paying AND pay premier clients off. It is not one or the other.

I have information that everyone will find useful, and I will be happy to share this information when people will identify themselves in a private forum after this blog is removed. It would be counter-productive for us all for me to share information on this public forum.

From what I read here, the administrator of this blog is in agreement with this approach. I have emailed, but not heard from him or her at this point. I hope to hear something soon.

I am not technical, but I understand that one possibility for the blog at this point is: The administrator of this blog requests that emails be sent to him explaining who you are, there should be some kind of verification, and then a password will be sent to you. Then the blog will be made accessible by password only, not visible by the general public, or anyone from FCSL. People will feel safe and can organize.

Another member has suggested setting up a secure website, and doing away with this blog entirely. That is probably the best way, but I suppose it is up to the administrator to figure it out.

I look forward to hearing from the administrator, I look forward to having this blog be private, or removed totally, and I look forward to giving Jeff the space that we said we would give him so he can put FCSL back on track. If things are not in some kind of acceptable order by January, THEN we take action, which we can do in an organized, effective way because people will have spoken with each other. Again, the act of having this blog up is the clients taking action at the wrong time.

I know this is redundant, thanks for listening.


send me an email and I will gladly talk with anyone.