I have referred in the past to an attorney/investor group that is working on making decisions regarding legal action against FCSL. This group is also referring to themselves as "FCSL Investment Recovery Group." This is the group that is being formed with the primary e-mail address of fcslconcernedclients@yahoo.com. Many of you have contacted them already. They invited me to a "private" conference call on Monday morning. On the call were two attorneys from CA with a lot of international experience and many resources. Once the CA attorneys left there were many discussions on how exactly to proceed. With the blog being a central point of information I was grateful to be invited to the call. It sounded like many decisions were made with concrete plans of action. If you would like to get more information, I would encourage you to contact Jay at fcslconcernedclients@yahoo.com.
There will be a conference call tomorrow. The conference call information is now located on the left side of the blog. I do know that some of the decision making committee with the AIG will be on the call.
Further, there have been rumors floating around that I spoke with Jeff Lowrance on the phone. A few of you have asked for details. I did speak with Jeff Monday afternoon. Most of my questions were answered with, "That will be addressed in the update." The update was said to come out Monday late at night or Tuesday (today). If there is time, I will spend a few minutes talking about the conversation on the conference call Wednesday night.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
Jeff, You are next!!!
Good riddance you worthless piece of trash. Your son must be soooo proud of you.
Jeff, since you are so "accessible" to us all, why don't you speak up on the call tomorrow and dispense your mighty wisdom to those of us wandering along dark paths! Seriuosly, if you want to be open, then TALK and don't sit quietly like a snibbling idiot!
I don't think he cares what his son thinks. He couldn't. In my experience, people who prosper by lying and stealing tend to actually feel pretty proud of themselves and feel that their victims deserved what they got.
My guess is that he's not the least bit ashamed and has no expectation that his son won't also be tickled at the fortune he gets to live on.
See...thats were he is completely wrong. He won't get to live on a fortune, and his family will suffer. They can of course, visit him once a month at the local Federal Prison. The only ones going to make money are the lawyers..(and Ed Snook). Jeff is going to Prison. We are going to get screwed. If Jeff would actually pull his head out and do the right thing, he gets to start over, we get our money back and nobody goes to Prison.
Just ask Snook ... Jeff--he said he is coming after your family...
Jeff will lose his family and everything in his life that means anything. It just a matter of time.
The unfortunate circumstance is that we all lose every dime too. I'll be fine, I didn't invest my life savings by any means. To those who did, my deepest hear-felt "I'm sorry" goest out to you. I can't begin to understand how upsetting this all must be.
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