Dear Jeff Lowrance,
I am writing to you today on behalf of the investors of First Capitol Savings and Loan/Mentor Investing Group Inc. While it may appear to you that there are only a few disgruntled investors numbering around 43 for the last public conference call, we are much stronger in number. I have started to move behind the scenes and have had another conference call in private. As of the date of this writing, I currently have 125 investors members supporting this correspondence and I see I have a ton of emails again to go through with more people wanting to join me/us.
We are not unreasonable people. We simply seek a solution to the problem that has been created by the failure of FCSL and/or you to make the scheduled wire payments as you agreed to do since June 2008. The people may not have done anything for a long time hoping you would come through but then myself and some others have stepped to the forefront of this effort to harness our efforts and move forward effectively. We are not the same organization as in June 2008, do not underestimate our ability to respond. Your silence is deafening and has resulted in some of your own friends and business partners seeking to gain compensation from your own investors, which built up FCSL’s coffers, for their own personal gain at the further cost to your reputation and the effort for the paper. What does Ed Snook, Michael Minns, Congressman Paul and a number of former employees think of your actions? We would ask that you contact us either in your traditional mass email format to the entire group or you contact me at with a phone number and a time you can be reached and work with us to find a solution.
As you have imposed a deadline upon yourself at many times and failed to meet those deadlines, I do not operate in such a way. It appears you need a good solid business manager to make sure the operation is running smoothly and we can assist you, if need be. However, we the investors are giving you a deadline of Friday, January 30, 2009 at 9:00 o’clock a.m. Central Standard Time to contact me and leave me a phone number where I can call and talk with you directly. Please be advised that if you fail to meet this deadline, FCSL may face its own version of Armageddon. Just as the good lord has given all of us free will to make decisions to control our actions and keep us from eternal torment, you too have the abilities to save yourself, your company and the newspaper, but you need to work with us and not in silence.
While some in this group are very desperate as their houses are on the brink of foreclosure, they have lost the chance at adopting children and have had their very marriages strained by your venture, there are still many of us with a lot of powerful political, governmental, business and financial resources both in the United States and in other countries available to seek the return of our funds or take your freedom from you if you have embezzled, misappropriated funds or made any sort of fraudulent conveyance. I have talked with some foreign based attorneys and banking officials and they also expressed concerns about your operation and the reputations of their countries.
Please do not misunderstand, Jeff, we want to work with our good neighbor and help him Sheppard his flock of bank associates, investors, future business partners and newspaper subscribers. Work with us Jeff and not against us.
Everyone is tired of the silence, delays, missed deadlines and the fact that we need to take these actions. We implore you to respond, but be warned if you do not meet the deadline and respond in some fashion we will respond accordingly.
I look forward to hearing from you at
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
Blog Admin, can you bold the date and time, so that they stand out to Jeff?
Can someone please post a summary of the call? Some of us could not join. Did Jeff say anything or did he continue to hide like a frightened mouse?
There were over 80 people, Jeff never spoke, Ed never spoke.
There was an update by the blog admin about a phone call he had earlier this week with Jeff, you can find that info in another post on the blog. Basically the update that was supposed to come tuesday was supposed to address most of the questions that the blog admin asked Jeff. Other than that we heard from J in the midwest who gave us an update on the private recovery group and website and what they have been up to. To get more info join the private recovery group website by emailing .
After Friday if there is no contact by Jeff I think this blog should be changed back to private. Or start using the private blog for investor communications or create a new blog. It's unsettling that Jeff can sit in on calls or read all of our updates to know what is being discussed up to the minute.
We need A blog to be private but not this blog. That would reduce the publicity of things. We need a private blog so that we can start our attack on Jeff without broadcasting our intentions. Conference calls also could be in secret. Jeff needs to be cut off from our discussions since he obviously does not want to participate. No more free info Lowrance!
To access the recorded call from last night:
Playback Number: (218) 339-4699
Access Code: 377947#
We had a total of 88 people join the call. Thank you for all those who dialed in. One way or another we will have this done.
Just got back from federal court out of state on another matter-checked email immediately as of 1:45 CST-no email from Jeff
Jay the Concerned Client at
Please send any investor you know my way and I am processing as many people through to the private blog as possible and will catch up this weekend at worst-ty for your patience and understanding.
If you are an investor that has not sent their info-please send
Your name
Your mailing address
Your phone number
Amount you invested
Amount you are currently owed
Who referred you in to FCSL/Mentor
Wh you personally know that is in FCSL/Mentor and if you referred them in
The deadline is soon approaching Jeff. Send us an update. It does not need to be 10-20 pages long. Just tell us why we have not seen any money, if you have the money, if not why, and when are you going to start making payments again. I believe if you start making regular payments, most of us will at least be tamed. But this business of no information has got to stop immediately!
why are people even asking Jeff to reply at this point... don't you think he realizes by now we're a little upset? lol, I mean seriously... it's false-hope. and I hate to be negative, but I'm being realistic here folks.
let's sue the man, prosecute him in every way, in every state/country we can. take his money, his freedom, and his family, and don't stop until we have it all - sorry Jeffie.
I agree. If jeff doesnt realize by now that we are upset and need our money, he is a fool. If he is using excuses as portrayed in the call abuot only a handful of folks are upset and if it were not for the Blog site the needy few would have been paid etc. he is arrogant and out of touch with our pain and the seriousness of the situation. Only one solution. Let us unite and prosecute hom to the Max. Make him and his Family Suffer like they are making us suffer and extract every penny we can out of them till they are broke like we are. No mercy , No exceptions and No extension of deadlines.
The only reason I say this is to show that there is a balance to the feelings out there. This situation has cost me more dearly than most though I am sure some are hurting worse than me. Jeff knows my pain as I have sent him countless emails begging and pleading for the return of my money. Losing this money for me has consequences far beyond material possessions... I lose the chance to ever have more children. It is unbearable!
But I want to say this... I personally do not want Jeff or anyone else to suffer as I have. I do continue to hope and pray that he will see the light of reason, that he will be moved into action. I have not lost hope in him entirely. I do not mean to justify in any way what has happened. But I do not share in wishing harm to Jeff or his family!
Jeff, I continue to pray for you and your family! I hope you can have the courage, strength and wisdom to choose the right path at this difficult time. I hope you can overcome whatever is blocking you from doing what you know is right! I hope you can end the pain for us all!
Please end this Jeff. I believe you have enough money to at least return our principle. Perhaps it will leave you without any more money. What is more important to you... having money or salvation? Stop looking for a miracle to happen and become the miracle! Return the money and save many families, marriages and even lives!
Well said 8:40.
I'm in a similar boat, scraping to get by as I was counting on this money to get me through my new business start-up period. My only choice is to deprive my wife and kids of anything that is not absolutely essential in hopes the money I have saved doesn't run out before my business gets up, running and hopefully profitable. It clearly wasn't supposed to be that way, but I planned it out relying on Jeff to keep making his payments on schedule.
I've been made a fool and the stress is enormous for me and my family. My 5 year old gets depressed and upset to keep hearing "we can't afford that". However, Jeff can still make ammends. I still feel the possibilities and pray for them (and Jeff) everyday.
As mad as we may be, it wouldn't hurt to pray for the best.
For what it's worth, Jeff, my wife prays for you also. But she's a better person than I am.
Me, I think you've stepped outside the God sphere with your deceit and malice and only cynically throw Biblical notions at us for your personal benefit, and that you do not represent God in a good light. But who am I to judge? I think we should just leave God out of this and make this man-made business situation get where it's going.
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