In the past week over 1100 unique computers visited the blog from the following countries,
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What this means is that a much larger percentage of the investors know there is a problem and are actively seeking more information. Everyday more first time visitors arrive on the blog, many from Google. The word is getting out, and there is power in numbers.
It is important that as many people as possible contact, Jay, at He is an attorney/investor who is preparing for legal action. The more we have that hire the same attorney the less we pay in upfront retainer fees. Even if you don't have money to hire an attorney you need to contact him. Some legal action may simply take your name being added to a list. If we go to the FBI and/or receive free legal council in the beginning, even one more name can help.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
I realize this will likely anger some people but I feel it is a very important thing to say. There are many different stories and situations involved here. Some people are in the process of losing everything in their lives while others are simply frustrated over a few lost paychecks. I don't say that as a judgement against anyone. The person how has lost some paychecks is very upset and rightly so. I do think though that we need to make sure that a priority is established where those in the most dire/desperate situations are taken care of first. I certainly do not mean that they should receive any interest prior to someone else receiving principle reimbursement. What I guess I would propose is that we do the following:
1. Establish how much each person put into this investment.
2. Figure out how much each person received out in bonus payments.
3. Find out who is in the most dire circumstance.
We could then make sure the first payments go to them. Again, no one should ever receive any money above what they invested as principle until everyone has received their original investment (minus any payments) back.
I would also ask that people be sensitive in their comments on this blog. Some of us are suffering unbearably during this time!
Please do not take any action that will put Jeff in jail until we reach a point that we know he cannot pay. I think he can pay and so hope that does not happen. If we end up finding that there is no money, then he will be free game but I imagine that jail will be a safe haven for him if that happens!
I couldn't disagree more. If you chose to invest money you couldn't afford to lose and you CHOSE to let it stay in Jeff's hands as opposed to taking your interest in payments and putting it to more fruitful use, that is a RISK YOU TOOK that those who didn't put their last dollar into it were unwilling to take. Different choices - different consequences.
If some people chose to receive the interest their money earned and put it to less risky use than sending it back to Jeff, which is what a rollover amounts to, then that was their choice. But those payments were money our investment earned - not the investment. If you received interest payments and spent them, you did not consider that you were spending your principle. If you would have considered those payments to be subtracted from your original investment, you would have not spent it the same way. Interest payments received are not principle repaid!
So I think it is HIGHLY unfair and irresponsible to point at those who made different choices with some of the interest that their investment earned, and tell them their investment must be devalued because others made riskier choices.
I fall somewhere in between, but those who risked more than just the money - those who gambled with their mortgages, etc. - are just investors like the rest of us. The payments I did receive were earnings on my principle, not repayment, and those who CHOSE to roll it over received interest just like I did, but chose to let Jeff keep it. That was a risk decision on your part. And devaluing the investments of those who may not have made that same choice is asking others to bear the consequences of risk others took. If you risked your house, and lost it, I'm not on the hook to buy you another house. My investment is not of lesser values because of the choices you made - and they were CHOICES.
2:31 You are a rambling babling idiot just like jeff. No one is asking you to buy anything if someone got in right away and got screwed right away damn right they deserve out first!
How about we worry about getting any/all the money Jeff still has back first...then figure out how it should be distributed. This isn't helping get anyone's money back.
This talk about distributing money sounds quite a bit like Marxism "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need". We all made choices to invest; some smarter than others. All are invested though, and a dollar one is still a dollar to another.
At this point, we have no idea what the truth is, so please stop coming to conclusions as if we have the money in one account have to find the best way to distribute it. It is plain rediculous to assume this.
We must focus on the basic principles here. We all loaned money to Jeff at an interest cost to him. He is obligated by eternal principles to make it right with us. Otherwise, eternal consequences, both in this life and beyond, await him.
3:10 I got in way early. What's your point?
If someone wants to devalue my investment and decline my repayment in favor of their repayment because they regret the choices they made, I don't intend to just let that happen. We all had choices to make. The consequences are our own.
Rambling and babbling - whatever. Idiot? What exactly do you disagree with - that each of my dollars invested is worth the same as anyone else's dollar invested? I didn't invest my last dollar. But all the ones I DID invest are worth the same as all those of people who CHOSE to invest their last dollar. Greed does ugly things to people, but I'm not the one who made them do it.
I'm all for paying back principle first, before any interest, and I'm fine with paying out of whatever there is in proportion to our principle investment. What I am NOT in favor of is devaluing my investment because other investors made destructive choices with their earnings. Why should I?
For all investors who wish to combine efforts and join us in becoming an organized, coherent group please see the urgency in joining us. Those that can't make a decision may be left behind.
Do something useful and become a part of the solution to move forward as a group. Blogging and making useless remarks worsen our situation. The newspaper and Panama office is closed down. Some think that is good and some think that is bad. Since Jeff is no longer able to bring in funds at his Panama office, what does that mean for the investors? We will see.
Jeff just was or is in Houston trying to dredge up funds or support at a Ron Paul campaign. It just never ends does it? Like a cat chasing a string.....
Face the facts that Jeff is stalling because he can not do what he wants us to believe or hope he may do.
The litigation process is inevitable and you need to document your investment history/profile at our new website just created 1/22/09. Soon we will be deciding on a law firm to represent us. At least those of us that see this as the last resort to the slight possibility of recovering funds.
If we are not prepared then our opportunity will be lost. If you want to sit back and wait and see what happens, it may be too late for you to participate. Something constructive has to be done and so far all of the talking and blogging has not accomplished much to resolve our concerns. We are not all unified yet.
Investors must be cross-verified for authenticity prior to receiving a password to our private and secure website.
E-mail the following information:
Full name
Phone number
Date(s) and amount(s) of deposits
Who introduced YOU to FCSL
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Send this information to
Once verified you will receive a password and site address. Please be patient for a response and password since there are a lot of you in this mess and just a few trying to get us all organized.
Anyone who thinks they should be paid out first over anyone else is nuts! Everyone gets the same treatment! Don't like it, tough grunt!
You don’t have to look far to see how the government views this issue. Any monies received from Madoff from six years back are returned to a government run escrow or a judgement against the investor for the same. Let’s hope this case doesn’t end up there, but it probably will if we keep putting the cart before the horse like this. My point is lets agree to agree for now as to our common cause. Namely, getting our money back. As Kenny Rogers said, there’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done. -Diligent
Prioritization of distribution of funds once they are recovered based on how much a person has been hurt will be impossible.
Is a marriage worth more than a house? A house worth more than a job? A dollar worth more than another dollar? I think we need to focus on quantitative vs. qualitative analysis as we all dream about when we are getting our money back.
Put me on the committee to decide who deserves to be repaid first and in what amount, based on my determination of who got hurt the worst. I promise that I'll fairly and objectively determine that - surprise! - I deserve to be paid back in full, and first!!
The gov is already involved... that is why they want to know who you brought in... and who brought you in! In addition, when the SEC gets done with this, if they are indeed involved already as I suspect, only principle will be considered, and anything paid out will be deducted from principle, because it will be declared a ponzi scheme! ALL proceeds declared proceeds of crime, and anyone receiving large amounts in excess of principle will be billed... the rest will have a net recovery minus their receipts! Believe me this is how it works when these things BLOW UP as someone is trying to do here!
So, after lawyer's fees, including court appointed receivership, a portion recovered will go to what principle you have left after receipts deducted. After all that the IRS will be handed all the info, and come a knocking!
I hope, for all persons sakes, that this has not been an attack on the new paper, but it smells like it! I hope that all victims will be given a chance to allow calmness and recovery to take place... including investigating quietly the potential of Jeff's recovery! That is your best hope!
But, there is always a weak link which can be exploited! They may have found it!
Wouldn't the government need to establish that it was a Ponzi scheme before just "declaring" it a Ponzi scheme? Do you know something we don't?
Jeff is a weak link
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