Please click on the link below to read his update.
Summary: A four page bible study update to tell us to wait for his update.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
I am really starting to hate his stupid updates. All it did is fuel the fire for me. I can't take waiting for the next update. I've been doing that for eight months now.
I will be pushing hard to hire an attorney with or without 100 people. February 5th is the deadline the group put together, and I for one will stick by it. Update or no update, I want a wire transfer of money, dollars, capital, dinero.
Now I'm going crazy too.
Please Jeff, stop going through all of the comments and questions on the blog. There is only ONE thing we want to know. Just send the update NOW and tell us when we will get our money back. PLEASE!
I anxiously await your comments.
I don't want to start legal proceedings against you, but that my friend is entirely up to you making the correct decision. Civil proceedings are bad, but I also think you have been criminal in some of your actions. You need to spell out what has happened and give a real "state of the union" on this to help me understand what has gone on with my money and be prepared to give it back with the interest you promised.
Jeff, I need the update by Friday at 5pm MST. All the update needs to include is your plan to pay the funds due. There will need to be full disclosure to someone representing the investors verifying the funds, trades, etc. As disclosing the plan will not be enough without verification. Without a plan and verification of the plan there is no need for us to stop in regards to investigations and criminal charges.
I await your payoff plan by Friday at 5pm MST.
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Jeff, no more fluff, no more dog and pony show...
What happened (Where did the money go)?
Where are we now (How much is left)?
What is your plan to make things right?
It's about time you said something, now it's time to finish it. Send the update.
I have waited months at a time to hear something. Honestly a few weeks ago I told some family members and friends that I would almost like to hear that you decided to buy an island and disappear and send a final email to laugh at all of us, as at least that would bring some finality to the endless wondering and questioning we have all endured.
You have continued to lead us to believe all is well, a few hangups, two months, and we'll be back in stride, on the 5th we'll get this cleared up....on and on.
Yes it is time to be honest, but it is also time to stop wasting our time. We all "feel" like you have wasted our money (your update will hopefully clear that up), luckily, money we can live without - though many like myself have found many new challenges in doing so. Our time on the other hand, we don't get that back, we can't make more. Our Time is the one thing in this world that we can not afford to lose any more of, so Please Jeff Lowrance, stop wasting my time.
"As pertaining to the Bible verse above, I am hoping that I can walk the fine line of Godly obedience, so that I, in no way, interrupt or block the hand of God working in the middle of this dilemma that I find myself in."
Do you honestly think that you are walking the fine line of Godly obedience with what you are doing? You aren't even walking the broad line of manly obedience! Jeff, come to your senses if you still have any. FCSL is finished. The only thing you can do to save yourself and your family at this point is to return the money!
We have pitched many ideas for how you can do this such as paying half back now and then starting a monthly distribution of 5% until the rest is paid off. I figure most investors would agree to that as long as you were never late! I personally wouldn't care if you only paid me 1% return in the meantime. As long as money hits my account each month I can live with it. That way, everyone is taken out from under the heavy burden of losing homes, families, etc.
Of course, all that assumes your FOREX trades have been real and not a complete scam!
If you really believe in God, one of His main teachings is about loving others with full charity. Treating others as you would yourself. Are you doing this? You are driving many of God's children to ruin! You are destroying families and lives! There is no love in you if you do not come clean and act now!
Waiting for you to act is over. You know this is true! Stop hiding and act NOW!
everyone I don't think it is productive to ridicule or shame Jeff. We wanted an update , we got one, it was't perfect but it was SOMETHING. Now lets see if he says anything by the weekend like he said or not.
I think it is abundantly clear we want our money and him to explain the situation. Lets put productive questions to him.
There is an old saying, "Religion Is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Don't steal my money then talk to me about God. Quit changing the subject Jeff. I want you to tell me about my money. That is all I want to hear from you. Do you have it and when am I going to get it? You clearly don't care about our personal problems(which you created) so quit regaling us with yours. And don't waste your time or ours giving detailed answers to "all our questions." All we want to know is, "WHERE IS THE MONEY AND HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY US BACK? Enough with the BS.
Yes, we wanted an update, what we got was a prelude to an update....
Many of us are at whit's end, and with good reason. Personally, I am glad to hear from Jeff, but what I want to hear is his update. I don't think any of us are going to like what we hear from him, or want to hear what he says, but we want to know what is going on (a "real" update).
The constant delays, the lack of communication from Jeff, are the reason this blog started, because we are all wondering what is happening.
Forgive my impatience..... I am, like all of you, only human.
Jeff, the update does not have to be more than 5 sentences answering the following questions:
1) do you have enough money to pay principle and interest?
2) if yes than when?
3) if no, do you have enough to pay principle?
4) if yes than when? and what is your game plan to get interest back (FOREX I assume)
5) if you don't have enough to pay principle when can you start making monthly distributions while continuing to trade to make up the rest?
We need money, bottom line
"Show me the MOney"
Hey Jeff...
God called and asked that we send along a message...THOU SHALT NOT STEAL!!!!
PS. He also asked that you quit pretending he is on your side. You already blew that.
Jeff, if you're reading this you are not getting us our money! Stop wasting your time and get some money transfered!
BUCKY. In earlier comments you mentioned that Ed was able to get money from Jeff for you but the posts above indicate that you did not get any money from Jeff??? What's going on?
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