Are you sending me back principle plus interest, or just principle for now?
Will the wire transfer be sent:
a. today
b. tomorrow
c. today
d. yesterday
Are you sending me back principle now and interest in a month?
Will an "undue hardship" or "undue burden" bonus be included?
Where do we send your Valentine to thank you for returning our money?
How do we get our homes back?
Are you sending me back principle plus interest, or just principle for now?
How do we get our marriages back?
Are you sending me back principle plus interest, or just principle for now?
When can we start feeding our children something other than Top Ramen and generic mac and cheese?
Investors - Please post any other relevant questions in the comments.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
Jeff, God can only do so much. Are you truly willing to do your part to get us our money back? Even if this means that you will have to walk away from this with less than you want to. It's not like God is just going to give you money because you want it! Stop living "high on the hog" and give us our money back.
This man is delusional. He believes he and his actions are "divinely" protected to pursue his mission. Another update is not needed. His message was clear enough in the rambling, but in his words "brief" update. He as "big problems" that he is "exhausted" trying to solve, meaning, he DOES NOT HAVE the money! This is the "truth" that will set him free. Set us free too.
Looking forward to working collectively on the campaigns to freeze whatever assets he DOES have--that are accessible. We have got to stop drinking the Koolaid!
Jeff, just when I think you can't get any dumber- you totally redeem yourself!
His update said a ton! If he is unable to sleep because of something he needs to tell us but is struggling to, if he has exhausted his options and is turning it over to God for a miracle, then there can be no other reality than that the money is mostly gone! He cannot pay us back.
That is most likely his "dirty little secret" that he has to get off his chest.
Jeff, just get it over with and tell us. Stop wasting our time and hope! Let us get on with our lives!
Well, I'm not going to put up with an admission that he spent all the money and he can't return it... "sorry".
That doesn't cut it. His plan has to be that he will work 28 hrs a day for the rest of his life UNTIL he has done right by ALL his loyal investors who put all their faith and trust (and for many of us our life savings) in him and his "guaranteed" program.
Now is not the time to settle, it's time to come up with solutions
Are the trades real? If you are trading "for real", then what the hell is the problem? You should be able to make tens of millions in short order. Investors, if the trading is not real, we are invested in nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.
Jeff, paybacks a know what I am saying don't you. Your lucky that you live where you do and that your a Christian, God fearing man that plays those cards for everyone to read! You can't sleep at night because you have stolen, lied and cheated people out of millions of dollars while selling Christian ethos to all of us.
Claiming Christ as an answer works between you and God, it does not work between those you have screwed. Growing up in a very religious family that followed the "word", makes me sick every time you use your faith as an answer to your problems. Don't be an idiot and think that if you confess your sins to Christ that they are going to go away and that you don't have to pay the penalties!
If you think that the answer to your problems is coming by asking for forgiveness, than think again. If Jesus had to hang on a cross for our sins to save us all, then your not going to get away with hoping it all works out. The son of GOD had to pay the ultimate price for us....that is why your updates after updates are such BS and a slap in the face for us Christians to read.
Your a fake a phony and a complete pussy. You have hidden yourself away in a foreign country thinking your free from repercussions, but that's not the case. You chose to dance with the devil, and you don't have a clue all the people that have power that know who you are and what you have done.
The sad thing for you and all people like you, is that there is a game called six degree's that I am sure you know. You have screwed up big time and you have not confessed your "sins" to those of us that gave you money. Those six degrees go a long way and have a heavy hand when tested. You have tested the limits and exceeded them, the time to put those six degrees to work has come. This is not a threat, its reality, and once again...paybacks a bitch!
REALLY, stop with the BULLSHIT. When you say that the only answer is God, that just means that you messed things up by LYING. God is not the answer when you have not adhered to God's principals.
Listen...You have to walk away with NOTHING and start over. Give the investors what you have, and start your life over. THAT is the only way out of this mess. I hear there are nice modest homes for rent in Idaho.
It is clearly documented that you only give money back to people when you are absolutely forced to. THings will only get worse, someone will catch up to you, and the duress you will be put under will be MUCH worse than dealing with the pain now.
Deal with it. Make things as good as you can. be humble for a change. stop this grandiose delusional 'mission from God' nonsense. This is simple. It is business. Keep God out of it. You are only trying to confuse the issue. You are not my guru, or my religious advisor, just pay me MY money... the money that my kids are depending on.
I do not know if you are sincere in your religious conviction. I have to assume that somehow you feel you are doing God's will in all this. So I thought I would share a scripture with you...
Matthew 25:34-46
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and tood thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO ME.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not ministrer unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them saying, Verily I say unto you, INASMUCH AS YE DID IT NOT TO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE, YE DID IT NOT TO ME.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
Jeff, not only are you not imparting to many desperate souls, it is OUR MONEY that you are not giving back. I assume you believe in the Ten Commandments.
You can try and justify it all you want but right now, you have stolen from us. You have our money and you are not giving it back even after we have begged and pleaded and followed your procedures.
You are living a lie! You cannot profess to be following God's will if you do not obey his Word! You cannot expect that he will bless you if you spurn him and persecure His children!
I do believe you can be forgiven completely for what you have done. I know that Christ is merciful and extends this mercy unto all who profess His name and keep His commandments. But forgiveness doesn't just happen because you feel bad! You must make amends as best you can. You must return to us what is rightfully ours. Only then can you begin to beg God to forgive you for what you have done to the "least of these"!
I continue to pray for you because this has gone way beyond money. We are talking about your eternal soul. And the lake that is waiting for you if you do not change your ways immediately and make this right is not one I want to be swimming in with you! You cannot possibly deny in your heart that this is true! Choices bring consequences! We, as investors made a poor choice by putting our money with you and we are reaping devestating consequences. But ours are only part of this life.
Your consequences are eternal!
Please Jeff, get it over with and tell us the truth. Then accept what consequences come as a man! Then you can begin to find forgiveness for your soul!
I will continue to pray for you!
I feel very good about you paying the investors back. Please Mr. Lowrance look at yourself and come up with the plan of how you will accomplish this task. Many many people are hurting very bad and my heart goes out for them. Life is hard enough and then add this stress on top of it. Please come up with a payment plan for your investors, or pay it all back at once..
If you have the money it should not be hard to figure a way to continue to trade and pay back the money.
Do this before Ed and other lawyers get involved, because your life will only get worst.
Jeff I want a plan by the end of the week......can you do this?
And Some Cash payments immedeatly following that. There are folks who are hurting very bad and they need some relief.
I will be meeting with Mr Bollard and the principle of another Law-Firm in the morning to discuss this matter further. Both of these attorneys have more than 20 yrs experience. Most of that is international. They have already been looking over the information I provided and will be speaking with ex-employees for further information. We need to unite together to accomplish our goal of retaining our principle and interest back from FCSL/Jeff. For this purpose I will also be contacting Jay the attorney/investor that has been gathering names and information. I will post updates as they come as well as a time for a conference call with the Attorneys. If you have any information that could be helpfull in locating Jeff, any assets, and any other info, please email me at
This is only going to get uglier by the day. Attorney after attorney threat after threatlast ditch effort after last ditch effort (which are most often irrational and eventually destructive). You have one PI on you now, there will probably be many more in the near future. This is spiraling out of control and I see a huge mess if you don't come up with a viable plan by the weekend. You have the money, pay us back and regain any integrity that is left and then start over with a clean slate. You don't have much time. We are at wits end!!!! The suffering is unbearable. We don't need a double digit page oration just a simple explanation of what you are going to do and when. We need $....
the money isn't coming back to us... it's gone, never to be returned. I'm coming to terms with that finally and moving on with my life as best I can. Any hope for getting $$$ from FCSL is pointless IMO.
Thanks Jeff, may "God" be with you.
Unfortunately, you're probably right. Perhaps the only solace we have is that it seems pretty likely that this will actually wreck Jeff as much as anyone, if we have anything to say about it that is. There are some very, very angry people who have a lot of resources that are going to "release the hounds" on him. I hope for Jeff's sake that he ratholed enough to last the rest of his life - I can't imagine him being able to raise any more money. I hope not anyway.
Jeff, You are next!!!
Good riddance you worthless piece of trash. Your son must be soooo proud of you.
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