Please click on the link below to read the letter from Eliza, a former USA Tomorrow employee.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
The hard sell of Ed continues...
Jeff just make it right, Ed only has a few, you still have a lot of us left after that... don't underestimate us either
I do appreciate your willingness to come forward and share your experiences. I am sorry for you difficulties, and wish you the best. You must understand, that if Ed really was doing this for the "right, just reasons", then he would have a much more reasonable fee structure. It is fairly unreasonable to ask a group that has lost upwards of 40mil to send another 2mil (approximate) with no guarantee of ever seeing either again. I do not mind him making money for his efforts...I just want him to earn it first. I don't appreciate his elitist approach, and potentially result of dividing this group. Our biggest asset left is our unity. Jeff may be able to hide, but not for long.
He really only has two choices; repay the money he stole, or face a future of running, misery and shame. I would like to think he would choose wisely....but then again it is Jeff.
Neither You nor most of us have a good track record of who to trust and not trust.
We know now after a few years of dealing with Jeff what a phony he is.
I don’t doubt for a minute your story on Ed. But his insistence on Paying huge sums of money that most of us don’t have upfront and with no guarantees of any result or to focus only on the principal and let Jeff keep the rest of the earnings doesn’t reflect well on his motives. If he truly is what you say he is, he should do this as a public service and believe me we will treat him as God and reward him well for it.
He had such a great opportunity to leverage his influence on Jeff and pick us up off of this deep hole we are in, We would have followed him to the end of the world. But he chose to follow a mercenary tactic and weird logic of I will do this only for the folks who will pay me upfront. This is what creates concern for me about his motives. This is a free country and he has the right to do whatever he wants to do with his power of influence and his ability to convince Jeff but he needs to come out say that this is the business he practices and he will do this for personal profit and not hide behind the public service front and expect us to treat this as a god sent blessing. Once he does that it is very simple, those of us who can afford him will use him and those who can’t will understand that his services are beyond our reach and look for alternate approaches.
There was a blog a few days ago about accountability. The common thread between Jeff and Ed is lack of accountability and the lack of humility. We are fools to have trusted Jeff and we don’t need to be reminded of that. Especially when we are hurting from such deception and are paranoid, Ed’s approach just doesn’t sit well.
Nothing personal. Just the unfortunate situation we are in.
I in conjunction with a good contact have the private blog ( by invite only) ready. I am slowly feeding emails to him after I check them out. He then turns around and send you an email inviting you and asking you to fill out a profile with essentially the same info I was asking you for.
If you have emailed me-please verify who you know. ty
FCSL Concerned Client
Can anyone seriously offer me any reason to still hope? I have having a hard time believing that this ends positive and I really cannot take this anymore!
Eliza, you said:
"Ed investigates and publishes in pursuit of resolving legal contractual debts within the limits of civil law remedy, in defense of people whose rights are violated and well within his 1st Amendment rights."
But Ed is not doing this in defense of anyone except people who are willing to pony up thousands of dollars. In the past, who paid Ed large sums of money to publish investigative stories of wrongdoing?
We're all entitled to our opinions, but these are the facts: Ed is not attempting to defend people whose rights are violated. Ed is attempting to help people who pay him thousands of dollars make Jeff Lowrance an interest-free loan. Those facts, as I see them, are indisputable.
"Can anyone seriously offer me any reason to still hope? I have having a hard time believing that this ends positive and I really cannot take this anymore!"
Not unless you believe in Santa Claus and Snow White, because getting a penny back from Jeff is just as much of a fairy tale at this point.
You embezzled our money. Embezzlement is a crime. If you want to stay out of jail you need to start paying us back. Something.
Anything. That is the ONLY action that will begin to rebuild our trust.
We have been told by those close to you that you got a big chunk of money on January 5.
So please, in your next memo don't tell us you lost it or can't pay us
anything. You say we aren't going to like what we hear. If you hide the money and then lie to us about it...we will know. After 8 months of it, our BS detector with you is finely tuned. You have shown us time and again how good you are at spin and lies. Stop it. Any thing short of the total truth will not do. We will know it.
True, many of us gave you money we could not afford to lose. We are kicking ourselves for that. It was stupid. But that doesn't justify you keeping the money we loaned you for your personal use. THAT IS EVEN MORE STUPID CAUSE IT IS A CRIME. AGAINST THE LAW. At least we don't have to fear prison or being hunted down for the rest of our lives. There is no "Thief Protection Program" you can enter. (speaking of prison, many of us are already in one, thanks to your arrogance, hubris, and greed).
Since you want to quote the Bible to me, let me quote the dictionary to you. HUBRIS: EXAGGERATED PRIDE AND SELF CONFIDENCE. I heard a talk show DJ say the other day, "Many a man has been brought down by arrogance and hubris." Guess who I thought of.
I fear the only reason you keep needing more time is so you can plot and scheme on how to keep that money and get away with it. Coming up with a story that will work.
Maddoff, Nadel, and now Lowrance
I just have one question for Jeff... do you *really* think we're all just gonna let you get away? Are you some insanely egotistical to believe you can take your family somewhere and hide, where no one can get you? In big business they call it an exit strategy. Besides a razor blad to your wrists, I'm not sure how you think you'll manage to get out of this mess.
People with far great influence, and much more money, haven't been able to swindle and make a clean-break. I'd love to hear your final email "update" from the Federal Penitentiary you wind up in.
I’m not here to sell you on Ed. You all have a right and a responsibility to do what is best in your individual case. If you are not comfortable working with Ed, then don’t. He works for money, just like everybody else and hasn’t pretended to be anything different. I see more in Ed's accomplishments than that, but you don’t have to. 1%-15% doesn’t seem outrageous to me, but I am not in your shoes nor do I know squat about investing. It's your money, your choice. How many of you have spoken with Ed personally about your individual case?
Are the attorneys working on contingency? How much do they stand to gain from you all collectively? Are investors who participate in outside services excluded from the suit?
Is there a confirmed count of angry investors? By angry, I mean those who have been waiting to be paid. Some investors don’t even know that there is a problem because they’ve been manipulated into "compounding" or have recently signed up. Quantitative values are helpful when speaking with those who don't know there is a problem. I am concerned for those who will try to collect next year.
I know there are something like 500 investors total. How many are currently trying to collect?
10:23, There is $42M in Jeff’s account. Anything can happen. Hang in there.
10:54, You are paying him to investigate with the possibility for recovery. You are not paying him to publish. Please brush-up on the difference between fact and perspective. "Facts as you see them" are called perspective. Can we move on to helping each other with what JEFF LOWRANCE has done?
It’s depressing and so disappointing that Jeff has put us all in this position. I’m here if you have questions about JEFF and the paper.
I completely agree with Eliza. I am sick of reading Ed as the focal point of this blog! Ed represents one of many options for going after the real reason we are all in the mess to begin with... Jeff Lowrance!
Focus your anger, depression, sadness, frustration, desperation, tension, etc. on the cause. Jeff Lowrance is going down hard unless he has his little miracle. His little miracle can happen whenever he wants it to. Pay us back or at least start a payment plan and miraculously, we will stop coming after you!
10:23pm & 8:53am -
If you cannot post anything positive, please do not post at all. We all know that that may be a possibility, but we are not going to stop trying. United we stand, on our own we fall.
Leave Ed alone! It makes no sense to attack him! What is the difference between what he is doing and what any law firm will do? They both charge money irregardless of whether or not they collect. I agree that, if we have 100+ people sign up then an attorney will be cheaper per person up front but who knows how much more it will cost down the road before money is collected?
I am certainly interested in signing up with an attorney but I also see no sense in bashing Ed in the meantime. If you don't trust him, don't use him. If you don't trust the law firm that most people feel is best, then don't sign up.
But do you honestly think that the law firm people sign on with, and pay a retainer to, is going to represent anyone else? If funds are collected and I did not sign up with them, do you think I will get a dime of that money? NO!
But I don't hear anyone calling the attorney unethical, or part of a conspiracy. Seriously!
You "borrowed/stole" our money without our permission for your personal use. You asked us to give you the benefit of the doubt that you'd pay it back in 4 to 6 weeks. You didn't. Then you said we'd get it back on January 5. Another lie.
You said we could expect an update every four weeks. Yet another lie.
Your sloppy, uneven communications with us has been an outrage. Leaving us hanging, always wondering. If you had shown just the smallest amount of consistency and concern the blog never would have been born. Since you wouldn't talk to us we started talking to each other. You left us no choice. It is clear you really don't give a damn about anyone but yourself and playing God with our lives. Your arrogance, self-absorption, and hubris is really something to behold. Is it going to take jail for you to finally find humility? Until you do, you won't be hearing God's voice.
You are proving to be a smooth talking, conman/criminal. The fact that one man could steal 42 million dollars from 540 investors and think he is not going to end up in prison or worse is jaw-dropping.
Do you think we are just going to walk away like nothing happened, that there won't be a heavy price to pay? After all the lies and smooth talk you are about as credible right now as Governor Blagojevich.
None of us is holding their breath about the promised weekend update. If by some miracle you do follow through please don't insult our intelligence with long explanations about your work habits, your mental state or your God. And DON'T waste your time or ours answering all our questions. Until you start paying us back all or some of the money you stole, your words mean nothing.
You have used up all your capital.
What is the plan for getting our money back? That is all we want to hear from you. IT IS TIME TO DELIVER!!!
By their fruits ye shall know them.
Jeff has shown us who he really is. His words are utterly meaningless. His actions are all that matters. Based on what he has done (not said) he is a lying, thieving, incoherent criminal. Nothing he says can change that fact.
Jeff, I sincerely hope you haven't deluded yourself so much that you really think you can "talk" yourself out of this one. I realize that you have been able to talk people into believing a lot of things but we are past that. The truth about you has set us free from your webs of deception. You are evil until proven otherwise in my book. You have no mercy in your heart. The only chance you have to gain any measure of respect back from the world is to simply PAY US BACK! That is it. No words, just action.
One more thing, I know that God has power to do all things. Do you really want Him against you? Do you really think He will stand idly by and let you work evil in His name? Your time is at hand and the reckoning will be severe. Our "consequences" will pale in comparison to the whirlwind you will be reaping. I say that with no malice in my heart, only pity for your soul.
You still have the opportunity to save yourself. Make things right with us and do it NOW. Don't delay. I sincerely believe that there will be a direct relationship between the amount of suffering you cause and the amount you will experience!
Great we all appreciate the letter, thank you for sharing that info. I personally want to see it go away he hurt your feelings and screwed you out of a check, that wasnt and isnt right, BUT all of you leaches coming here to start shit and want to see jeff go to jail because he screwed you out of a check or because i was a greedy self serving individual who put in 50,000 and have made 200,000 or more GO AWAY! There are people who have put their whole life into jeff in the last 6-8 months who have received nothing, you want to see him go to jail over a couple of grand? I DONT!!!!
If Jeff goes to jail, it won't be over a couple grand. The people on this blog represent millions of dollars.
For the record, I do not want to see Jeff go to jail. I want to see him make this right, quit being a complete hypocrite, and I want to help future investors and Patriots from ever getting entangled in his sick schemes ever again.
Jeff Lowrance, you have exploited many people. I'm sure you're hurting and feeling very conflicted. I believe you can fix this. Just do it. You are ruining peoples' lives. I am certain that is not the legacy you want to leave your son.
What is the difference between what he is doing and what any law firm will do?
The difference is that Ed's not an attorney. Ed has no power to secure judgment or achieve any kind of legal decision. His claim is that his persuasive capability lies in protecting or harming Jeff's reputation. Attorney's don't go to court and hope to have a judge affect someone's reputation. That may be a side-effect, but it's not what attorneys seek (think O.J. - the civil judgment against him was a dollar amount, not a declaration about reputation, and no reporter or investigative journalist has the authority to go to court and secure such a judgment).
i do think that at this poiny it would be very wise to trust Ed. He is the only good backing that we all have in this times of stress. if yo uhave already hired amother attorney that is great. but just remember that there are very few pwoplw in this feild that are capable of taking thia kind of action. if anyone can talk to jeff it could be Ed. remember that.
2:39, You have more faith in the injustice system than I do. 3 wolves and a flock of lamb deciding what to have for lunch is not my idea of a fair scenario. The court system is broken. The fact that Ed is not an attorney is only to his credit.
Aside from the retainer, are the attorneys working on contingency?
Eliza - I was just answering the question about what is different about Ed vs. and attorney. I didn't say anything about who I have faith in, which may not be anyone in this entire process. We're now inundated with lots of folks that want to help us, some in exchange for yet lots more money, but we're supposed to shut up if we find something fishy about their story.
I've got $75,000 that says I have no intention of shutting up.
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