Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
So did the conversation go well for only the people that signed up with Mr. Snook. What happens with the rest of us that can't afford him.
I second the previous statement. This all seems too coincidental. Now Jeff is going to be able to get off the hook with just principle...
It also seems to contradict this post from the blog on the long line letter from Ed---
I talked with snook this afternoon after he was to talk to Jeff..... Jeff did not call. As far as I know no contact from Jeff.
January 17, 2009 12:38 AM
and what about the people that don't even know there was a problem! Talked to a few this week that were compounding and knew of nothing about this ordeal.
Did any of you read the post under Ed Snook's letter posted Jan 16 at 8:51 from the attorney who offered assistance free of charge. He has a VESTED interest as much as we do. I will opt in favor of him:
Jo Ann
I have written a letter to my attorney in Panama asking if there was anyway to locate Jeff. I don't expect too much as this is the same legal office that I use. I also asked the name of the Panamanian attorney who sued Jeff, and the case numbers. Mayne we can glean information from this guy.
which panamanian attorney sued Jeff? for what? can you provide more details I am in the dark on that.
I am getting a good response with my idea to UNITE and become a class of people to write to Jeff and/or go to the next level as I know some powerful contacts in DC and around if need be.
Again send your name, address, phone number, amount invested and amount it is with compounding to
I am building a database and having everyone that contacts me contact the people they got involved. If you want me to call you I will to verify myself with you, just put that in the email and give me a little time to go through them all as the responses are increasing.
I also will not share any of your info without your permission.
FCSL Concerned client/ J from the Midwest
PS--JEFF: Just email us and clear this all up!
end of the month, then why sign on with Snook, or is that conveniently when his deadline was? is Jeff going to send an email by the end of the month, more details please administrator.... educate us more
a pic of ed snook
Jeff if you are reading this maybe we should just go back to the BASICS:
"You shall not steal" (Ex 20:15; Deut 5:19). "Neither thieves, nor the greedy . . ., nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor 6:10). Every manner of taking and using another's property unjustly is contrary to the seventh commandment. The injustice committed requires reparation. Commutative justice requires the restitution of stolen goods.
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (Ex 20:16). Truth or truthfulness is the virtue which consists in showing oneself true in deeds and truthful in words, and guarding against duplicity, dissimulation, and hypocrisy. Lying consists in saying what is false with the intention of deceiving one's neighbor.
I am not casting judgement on you Jeff, but in my opinion, it is my belief that as an FCSL investor I have been both deceived and stolen from. Where are those Christian values you used to preach?
No matter how Jeff has justified it in his little world, he is definitely on the wrong side of those commandments!
And didn't Christ expand on the commandments to say that "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"?
Where did your christian values go? In what class at your christian academy did they teach, "How to ruin a life in 30 days"?
By your blatant disregard for those most basic tenets of Christianity, you are totally destroying peoples lives. Marriages will be ending or have ended, children will lose their fathers, peoples entire live savings wiped away... in a tough economy no less.
This is all happening to people RIGHT NOW because of your choices.
Please FIX IT! It is not too late to make the right choice! Please send out a proposal and let's work together to end this amicably!
My hope is that everyone will be able to recover from this mess. I know it might be hard. I just hope we can get our principle back. The interest will be a bonus. Please people do not do anything stupid. Life can and will be good.
Looks like this business works with Jeff in Panama.
How is it going with the person who was going to contact Ron Paul? I'm sure Jeff would no want to be embarrassed in front of his hero! Maybe if Paul knew, he could talk some sense into Jeff. Let's hit him on every side that we can and FAST!
For those people who have hired Ed, there needs to be some sort of communcation procedure setup. For example, we understand he spoke with Jeff for an hour or more on Friday... that is a very big deal. If he is representing us, we deserve to know what was discussed.
I agree that Ed does not physically have the time required to update us individually but could he at least update a point person, like the blog guy, and then have that information posted on the blog or emailed out?
Those who hired him are taking a big risk spending more money for the hope of their principle return. Asking for details on a direct call with Jeff is totally reasonable in that no one has been able to communicate with Jeff for a long time!!!
Weren't you putting a list of people together to hire an attorney? I cannot find the contact information for that and am interested. Please re-post your contact info.
Is there any more information you can provide about the fact that you received 3,000 in December?
1. Are you sure if was from Jeff Lowrance?
2. Did you ever communicate directly with Jeff in this transaction?
3. Why only 3,000? That hardly seems worth it in the whole scheme of things?
4. Were any promises made for the future in your agreement?
5. Did you receive the money via wire or check?
6. Did you feel Ed was representing your interests or Jeff's in the transaction?
Please let us know all you can as this could be valuable information in evaluating appropriate action at this point!
steve was talking to a Utah attorney Joe Pia
Another group is composing a list of investors. They are asking for your name, address, phone number, principal invested, amount of prin plus interest, how you found out about FCSL/Mentor
the email he set up is
I talked to the guy he seems the most genuine so far and said he is getting quite a few names. I think he is right united we stand, divided we fall.
It appears Ed is getting the money he is owed from Jeff from the investors and getting out from under the interest obligations. Sure looks like Ed and Jeff are working together. I think it would be very reasonable for a few investors to be allowed on the next conference call between Jeff and Ed, if there really is one.
Ed may be sincere, I do not know. I know that he authored a piece for USA Tomorrow standing behind Jeff and the paper against USA Today that was published on 1-9-2009. It is on the USA Tomorrow website.
If Ed has been working on some of our behalf for two months it seems weird that he would also author that piece at that time.
It could be that he authored it a month or more prior to its publication on the site, but my guess is that it was only a week or two prior.
I agree we should hear the substance of the conversation between Ed and Jeff. It could be posted on this blog. For all we know he is playing both sides and making a good show.
It sound kinda fishy.
Ed actually addressed the article during the call. He stated that it was written over 8 months ago and published at that time. He said that all those new articles are actually slightly modified old articles that Jeff has re-added to make it look like new material.
Another person on the call indicated that all the contributing writers were done with Jeff due to that.
Not sure if it is true but that is what was said.
I am sorry Dan. I even got the Buzzy part wrong at it states Bucky on your blog entry.
Is there any chance I could contact you? I would really love to speak in person as I am also on the desperate end of things!
You could post an email address and I could email you my number. Or post a phone number and I will call you.
Whatever you feel comfortable with...
It says "Profile not available" when I click on your name. I don't want you to have to publicize yourself. If you don't have an email address or phone number you want to make available (and I understand why you wouldn't) then I could try to get one and post it for you.
email my at
I need a phone number and when I can call you.
Looks like a Jeff, walks like a Jeff, and has a huge, weird shaped head like a Jeff, then... it's probably Jeff.
Wake up and smell the exit strategy people! Move now!
Seriously -- I'm not going to get Snookered. If Snook gets his cash and I don't, I'm going after Snook with my attorneys as well.
To those of you who are dumb enough to trust in Mr. Snook, here is what he had to say in my emails to him, asking about his plan on what people are saying about him on this forum:
The idiots that make such claims aren't even worth responding to. When I collect from Jeff you can rest assured that I will send the message, "kiss my ass" to these wothless human beings. As I have stated numerous times, I am not going to work for nothing...period. I certainly didn't have any part in these people sending their money into cyber space.
Edward Snook"
I then replied with how I might be more inclined to use him if he wasn't asking for payment up front, to which he said:
You obviously can't understand what I've said to you in numerous emails. Please do not contact me again - I don't have the time to waste.
Best Regards
Edward Snook
Why are we attacking the one positive hope we have at this point? Just because he is a "no nonsense" person doesn't mean he is in any way negatively linked with Lowrance. It is illogical that Ed would be doing this as part of a scam.
Anyone who is putting together a list of those wanting to join a law suit please re-post your contact information.
Didn't you have a group you were putting together? How can I contact you? If you want, you can email me contact information at
I wanted to state that I appreciate the information provided by Bucky. He has fought harder than any of us to get all of us our money back and I consider him a major asset! I hope no one else posts stupid comments that somehow link him in with Jeff and his crimes!
Thank you Bucky for all you have done and I pray things resolve very soon for you and your family!
I wanted to state that I appreciate the information provided by Bucky. He has fought harder than any of us to get all of us our money back and I consider him a major asset! I hope no one else posts stupid comments that somehow link him in with Jeff and his crimes!
Thank you Bucky for all you have done and I pray things resolve very soon for you and your family!
"Why are we attacking the one positive hope we have at this point? Just because he is a "no nonsense" person doesn't mean he is in any way negatively linked with Lowrance. It is illogical that Ed would be doing this as part of a scam."
I disagree. Believe what you like. You're already out all the money you/we gave to Jeff... why give more away to somone trying to chase it down, but never will.
"It is illogical that Ed would be doing this as part of a scam."
One can certainly believe that Ed is on the up and up, but I don't see how that would be a result of logic. I certainly hope he's on the up and up, but I've long since passed the stage of comfortably trusting any communication about all this, especially one that comes from a close assiociate of Jeff's, is asking for a lot of money with no guarantees, is making very big claims to be the only person empowered to bring about an effect, and is not an attorney or member of any inforcement agency. He's an investigative journalist, and shares some very specific political ideals with Jeff as well as has a long and close relationship with him. If that relationship compelled him to influence Jeff to do right by all his investors, I would find fewer aspects about all this to question. I hope I'm wrong about all of it.
Ed is not going to use any influence he might have to lean on Jeff for the same reasons he, the way I understand it, leaned on other wrongdoers, such as judges; because he wants to expose wrongdoing (did he charge someone a large fee to bring down a judge? Is he an "exposer for hire"?).
He's claiming to use his influence to help only those who pay him thousands of dollars (in total he could make millions if we all pay for his representation) to recover only enough money for us so that we have made Jeff an interest-free loan, less a fee. Where go all the profits made on that principle? Hmm?
He says he knows executives at off-shore banks where Jeff has lots of money. Will he just call one of them up one day and tell them to tell Jeff to take a lot of money out of their bank and pay people they don't know? What result can Ed knowing any banking executive provide?
Anyone want to take a guess as to whether or not those who get Jeff's agreement to repay principle, through Ed, will be asked to sign an agreement not to come after their interest? Just speculation. I hope not.
To me it seems quite logical that two individuals would construct a scam whereby they make a lot of money using other people's money, and then set up an end game where everyone thinks they're going to lose it all and then some "savior" comes in to recover their principle investment, for a nice fee of course, and the investor is left thanking him for arranging for him to provide an interest-free loan. Meanwhile, those who did the trading have made and kept the profits. I wish I could be confident that this is not the case, but the way all this is unfolding, it's hard to accept any part of it as honest and transparent. I'm just as blind and vulnerable as anyone else, and that's the way scams like their victims to be.
If there are tens of millions of dollars involved, don't be too surprised if people do less-than-pristine things to make and keep it. It wouldn't be the first time.
Mr. Snook talked to Jeff, is there anyway he can ask Jeff as to why he just can't send out an email.
Thanks to CR for his post at 12.04pm.
In response to Ed's defensive attitude reflected in his response to doubters: I will send message to "kiss my ass," these are "worthless human beings," and "I had no part in these people sending their money into cyber space." Who besides me sees a big red flag here? Why all the rage? Another weapon in the the conman's bag of tricks...strike fear in the victim by raging at him...intimidate him so he stops asking questions. As for "sending money into cyberspace," that reminds me in Jeff's first long letter to us last summer when he made a strong statement to the effect it was common knowledge one should never invest in Forex money he couldn't afford to lose. Perhaps in the minds of both these guys, because we were such fools, they should feel no compunction to return our money. Sort of lets them off the hook a little.
I have been leaning towards sending him my money but now I don't think so. How does Ed's defensiveness strike the rest of you?
It is not just the defensiveness. It is his overall Demeanor.
The very first thing he said when asked about doing this on a different type of payment scheme that would make lot more sense ( If he truly was trying to help us) was his mercenary like answer of “No way am I going to do that” . And of course he back tracked a little bit later and said He had helped others get their money back for free.
There are several contradictions in his storyline.
I still don’t know how much money Jeff owes him it went from 300k to 500k to several Hundred Thousand Dollars and for what – Investment? News-paper rights? If it is investment he is in he same boat as us. If it is News paper money, by his own admission the USA tomorrow is doomed and so are his chances of getting Jeff to pay off on it. So could this be a scheme to get his money and allow Jeff to legitimately get off this mess with minimal payouts.
I will still sign up with Ed under the following conditions
1) I will pay him a small fee ($250 or so) upfront to cover his expenses (This should be a hefty sum if All of us signup together). I shall pay him the remaining money as per his rate schedule or actually pay him the full rate (which means the $250 given up front is a Bonus) after My money is recovered at minimum my Principal.
2) Under No circumstances will I sign any document that allows Jeff to skip out on the Interest. I would still reserve the right to go after him for the interest accumulated as I have compounded since day 1 and I am not willing to give up on that.
3) I still reserve the right to do everything possible to see Jeff pay the price for Fraud. How-ever I am willing to be compassionate to his family and make a settlement with them to ensure their well being.
4) If Ed Snook is really the people’s champion like he proclaims and is in this to do the right thing he should find this offer very logical and reasonable. And If he is the Smart guy like he is referred to, this approach can get him his money and still endear him to all of us.
I will wait and see how others feel.
I find it funny that there are people who actually think they get to tell someone else how to run their business. Mr. Snook is going after Jeff to get his money. He knows there are hundreds of people who are desperate to get their money also. He feels he has a valuable service to provide those of us trying to get our money back and is charging accordingly. Dont like it, dont buy in. Like it, buy in. No different than going to the movies and paying $7.00 for popcorn. What a rip-off. But people pay it. Others dont. MAKE A CHOICE and move on.
Thank You Mr. 6:15
Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 6:15 PM
Well put. Please read the 6:15 comment and stop complaining about Mr Snook. Either you like or you don't. You hire him or you don't. Make a decision and move on.
I also agree though I totally understand why this generates intense feelings in some people. It is a very difficult decision to make given the circumstances we face. The thing is no one is going to make Ed Snook change his mind. He is not at the table for negotiation but has simply made us an offer to help should we wish to take advantage of that help.
I know that many people have already contracted with him including myself so it isn't like this is going to not happen based on what some people say. I for one feel he is completely legitimate.
I am sure that his actions will simply be the beginning of Jeff's downfall. Despite signing up with Ed, I still want to join up with a group hiring a lawyer as well. Please post any options for that the people have. Or let's have a call to discuss other options.
I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for all their comments on this blog. They have helped me to deal with this situation better. I am in a very desperate situation and any information is helpful. I am especially thankful for the blog creator. It is because of him that things are happening finally. Jeff cannot continue to ignore us or threaten us because we are now MANY.
when it comes to negiotating a lower price with ed snook, you need to call him in person. It helps to plead the fact of how bad things are, we did, and we got our up front cost lowered dramatically.
Someone asked for another FX manager on the last conference call. Besides my account with FCSL I also work with 6 other Money Managers that Trade FX. Two that are off-shore and 4 that are state-side I didn’t want to place all of my funds with one manager. I can refer you to a couple of Managers that are doing well for me.
Has the other "Jeff" had any contact with the main manager down in Panama?
Conference call tomorrow at 7 MST. Same number, same code. Pia will be on, so if you want legal counsel with all this, bring your questions and we will explore that avenue. Again, I don't think its one or the other, I just think that we ought to consider all options. Some have said Pia doesn't have the experience etc. I think he does. Of course, if someone has a better idea than let me know.
We will talk on Wed. evening.
I am also putting together a list of names, numbers and emails of those who would possibly want to retain Pia. No obligation, of course, but we need to have a good number to make it economically sensible for anyone.
This is the other Jeff... I have tried calling a few times yesterday and today and left one message but no response or answer. That isn't too unusual though as I know he is very busy.
I spoke to you yesterday and would love to chat again at your convenience. You have my number.
I have posted previously:
"I have a personal referral to some attorneys in Panama, a recovery investigator (for the funds), and an attorney with experience in Mexico, Latin America, Brazil, Taiwan, and the Inland Empire. (as posted today at 1:10pm) All of these referrals look to be just what we need. I have put calls into all and will be talking again with them the first of next week. As soon as I have more info I will post it. In addition to setting up a conference call."
I am now forwarding information about FCSL and our Blog etc. to this CA attorney (Mr Bollard). I am absolutely convinced that he is the right man for the job. He is currently working a case in Panama and as mentioned earlier has a lot of experience in Latin America. He speaks spanish fluently. He has won high profile cases before. No offense to Mr Pia, but I dont believe his experience holds water compared to Mr Bollard.
Mr Bollard has not officially agreed to take the case on, but will be in touch after reviewing what I have sent him.
I mentioned the concern of some not being able to afford him and he said that in times past when representing groups of investors that as long as we can put together a pool of money, the rest of his fees can be paid as he goes (which means he will work with us on paying the fees). I will let him explain that in further details on our call.
Mr Bollard doesn't want to be updating all clients, but rather have a committee of 3. I would like to be one of the 3 and would suggest Randy the Blog admin be one as well. THAT BEING SAID PLEASE DO NOT CALL MR BOLLARDS OFFICE AT THIS TIME. He will review the info I am sending and we will set up a call for questions and procedures.
If you have any questions for me or Mr Bollard please address them to me at this time. My email is
Does anyone know if people are still working at the Panama office?
Things continue to go well and the list is growing dramatically to become a UNITED effort. As I have told all that I have called Jeff will have a chance to make it right or Jeff's life will never be the same again as he has no idea who or what he is dealing with especially in light of all the heartache and anxiety he has caused so many.
If you are interested, please send your name, number, address, principal amount, amount you should have with interest, how you got involved and how long you have been in Mentor/FCSL to
I am trying to help in the UNITED EFFORT. I am in the Utah area and am working in conjunction with the gentleman that has created the account:
Do we have someone(s) that can try to help UNITE other areas like: California, Great Lakes, and Washington/Oregon. What other areas have groups of people?
Personally, I think that Jeff is sitting back watching and waiting. When he feels really threatened he will do something. In the meantime, he will keep the money as long as he possibly can so that he can make money off it for himself. Nothing in my opinion will budge this man except for the imminent threat of damage...
We have to start doing things NOW! Let's move faster on attorneys. The Snook thing will likely work as it will be immediate consequence for Lowrance but that is only going to account for principle return for some people. The fight will only have begun.
On the call tomorrow, let's not hash over the Snook issue. People are or are not going with him and nothing is going to change that. Let's make sure we move forward with the next plan to destroy Lowrance if he doesn't repond immediately and start the money flowing!
He has to know he is out of time and that we are taking action now!!! The only reason I haven't yet is so as not to ruin returns for others. But come next week if funds are not being disbursed, then he is going to start feeling pain. And I guarantee I am not the only one that will be delivering it!
Lowrance, you had better send an email out. You had better start with a repayment plan immediately cause we are coming for you! Like someone already said.. what is he going to do not give us our money. Many of us are already damaged beyond belief. The emotional toll has been astronomical. He may think that a small minority of his clients are raedy to mvoe against him but he is mistaken!
I think that a majority are past the breaking point and ready to do anything to get him. The patience is OVER!
I agree with 8:16 PM. If jeff is sitting back watching and waiting, Here is a heads up Buddy. We will unite and seek your destructions just like you have tried to destroy us.
My situation is not suited well for Snooks help otherwise I would start with him, Then Hire the Lawyer that is looking into. I also would suggest hiring a Private Dtective to go shadow jeff and make his and his Family's life miserable.
We have waited long enough. If By this weekend we dont hear from hi we should not wait. let us go on with our plans so we show Jeff that we mean business.
I want to make his life as miserable as he has made mine.
I have nothing to loose that I have not already lost. Getting back the money that is owed to me and to make Jeff's life as miserable as he made mine are the only Two goals in my life and I will not rest until both are done.
Count me in on any of the Class action ideas.
it is my understanding that Jeff is hiding and trying to protect himself behind several corporations, will this not make it a more difficult challenge to get to the money?
Do not say "WE" in your statements! It is totally irresponsible for you to state that the group feels the way you do. Some of us believe in Mr. Snook and that is okay. If you want to go off with ultimatums then that is your right as an individual but state it that way!
This is exactly what Jeff and the rest of his associates want.
For all of us to get hot under the collar and start fighting with each other. Irrespective of who we trust and who we don’t, please remember that we are all in it together . Our Goal is to get the money from Jeff for all of us. Not a Handful. Especially if that handful can increase the risk for the rest of us to get our money.
Please calm down. Each one of us has the right to go with who ever they choose to go with. But Make sure you follow 2 simple rules
1) You make the deal that best serves your need and your current financial capabilities. But ensure that you don’t sell out the rest of us from our ability to get the money back (Some more than you and some less).
2) Please communicate to every one on this web log the Success, failure & Accomplishments of your choice of method to get the money back.
I for one plead guilty to being emotional and accusing Ed and others of being par of this plan. But on hindsight I don’t know that for a fact other than my Paranoia. I am willing to give him a chance to prove himself. I can’t afford him and my situation doesn’t allow me to take just principal only as I have been part of this Program since the mentor investment days and have compounded (Did not even know till recently that there was even a problem). What I would request the folks that hire him to please keep us in the loop and communicate with us on what efforts are underway and what the results were.
At this stage any movement in this situation is better than the dead situation we have now.
Peace out
What if we, as a group, decide to go after Jeff's reputation. We have unlimited ways to do this. We could all start contacting anyone associated with USA Tomorrow for example. Their contact information is public. We could each contact USA Today separately. We could all contact Ron Paul's organization.
Calls and emails from all of us! That would end things for him in a hurry! One person might be ignored but if 100 people were making the same calls and sending the same emails it would be impossible to ignore.
I would like to propose this be part of the discussion on the call tonight. All we have to do is decide to go through with it and set a date for it to start.
Jeff obviously could care less about us on a personal level. He has hear of our pain and ignores us. Jeff obviously does not care for negotiating. I have read several reasonable offers placed on this very blog where Jeff could start paying a portion each month until caught up. But he ignores that as well. The only thing that will effect him at this point is the threat of impending doom on his life! And that is something we have not acted on yet. Perhaps we fear losing the money? What money? Jeff is thumbing his nose at us with the money. We don't even know that he has any honestly.
I think it is time to set a deadline and when that time arrives, we all do all in our power to bring him down so he cannot ever do this again to anyone!
What do others think about this plan?
By the way, I would still think it appropriate to pursue things with Ed and/or attorneys.
I have from a very reliable source an investor that wanted to remain anonymous but talked with me last night, someone that I trust and has been helping me gather info, that Ed Snook told that person that he talked with Jeff on Monday. Ed also told Jeff not to contact us or send out an email since people are mad at Jeff. Ed also said that he was suprised that less than 100 people had even contacted him.
LOL, what Ed thinks there are 100 people out there in this economy that have 5-10K sitting around to pay him for "maybe" getting our money back...what a joke.
Please take notes tonight
Of course 80% of these postings are pure speculation won't communicate with us, so how the hell would we know whats going on?
Please post the 'update' email. I did not receive it.
Dear FCSL Clients, Family members, Employees & Ex-Employees,
For nearly a year now, I have struggled with how to properly respond to the situation that I now find myself in with FCSL.
In just a few more days, I will have an Update coming out. I have held my silence long enough and I need to discuss a number of issues in regards to FCSL.
Although I am not a professional banker, nor a seasoned newspaper man, I find my God-given calling in life to be a very difficult thing to accomplish at this moment in time.
You, every one of you, deserve better communications and honest answers from me, if I am ever to have a hope of regaining your trust again.
Whether you believe me to be a Christian or not, that is your choice. I don't use Christianity as a cloak or cover to be a fraud. Nor am I asking for you to show any undue mercy towards me. The God of the Bible is well-equipped to hold back any man-made vengeance set up against me, so I don't worry about those kind of things.
However, I do firmly believe in those precious words written in the Bible, in Ephesians 3:20, where Paul the Apostle is speaking of the greatness of God by saying.....
"Now to Him (God) who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think....."
I need that right now. I need to know that no matter what happens, that the God of the Bible will come through with more than what I have asked for, and with more than what I have even imagined was possible.
I tell you now, that for this situation with FCSL to turn around for the better of us all, it will be the work of the Lord Himself. I am drained of ideas, exhausted from thinking about it, and have turned it all over to Him. I will now simply stand back and watch His handiwork be displayed in the middle of a real-time crisis.
By no means does this imply that I will be lazy and sit back and not work.As all of my employees have known about my work ethic since day #1, I work more than 2 or 3 people put together.
As pertaining to the Bible verse above, I am hoping that I can walk the fine line of Godly obedience, so that I, in no way, interrupt or block the hand of God working in the middle of this dilemma that I find myself in.
It is apparent from Biblical examples that the God of the Bible likes to show Himself and His great power at those times when we have hit the wall, or when we have nowhere to turn, or when we have lost our way, or just simply when we have a sense of hopelessness about our lives.
The God of the Bible has shown Himself to be of that miracle-working character all through His Word, so I can trust that He will be the same with me, and with you, should we allow Him that opportunity in our lives.
Either way, I am just wanting to send this short email out to each of you, to let you know that I have been working on an Update and that I intend to get it sent out to everyone by this coming weekend.
On another note, I know that someone has sent a private investigator (PI) to follow me around. I figured that this would eventually happen anyway. It does not bother me. And if I were in your shoes, I would probably do the same thing.
However, in my opinion, I think it is a waste of your time and money, since I am obviously not trying to hide. Any investigator worth his salt can find me, so there isn't much glory in that, is there?
I have only wanted to work without being bothered or interrupted by anyone.Therefore, I have just wanted some time and space for privacy in order to focus on solutions, since I am all too aware of what my problems are.
I am troubled enough in my own conscience about the situation that I find myself in, let alone to have to be looking over my shoulder at a PI. Friends, if I wanted to lose the PI, it wouldn't be hard. I can assure you, you did not spend much money on this one, since if I can know that he's there, than anyone can. I am not exactly your James Bond type!
As someone on the blog has said, "Jeff has friends in many different countries. He could hide himself very well." That is a very true statement. However, my goal of establishing a national newspaper would have been just a pathetic excuse to steal people's money and then hit the road, never to be seen again. For those that know me, my cause, and my purpose, that is an utterly bankrupt accusation and assumption.
The Update will answer many questions, speculations, assumptions, etc. that FCSL clients and Blog participants deserve to have provided to them. One Blog commentator said this,
"I believe Jeff knows that his offspring will one day bring to account how the money was mishandled, but once it was in the hole, he turned it around by doing the honorable task of communicating and fixing a grievous error. Or not. Jeff should be thinking about the day when his kids grow up and learn about their father during this time, what will they see? Will they see a father that acted with character or a father that acted with fear?"
Those words really touched me. I read that and really pondered it. Not that I have not been considering to do the right thing all along anyways, but that this blogger was kind enough and wise enough to speak frankly, without blustering up with a boatload of wild accusations.
My estimation, so far, as I read through all of the postings on the Blog, is that 80% of the postings are pure speculation. I am believing that my Update will clear all that up.
At this time, I am meticulously going through the Blog and answering all of the comments, to the best that I can do so. I know that my Update will clear up most of the important questions about me and FCSL. I say "most" because I am not sure if there will arise any more new questions after I have sent out my Update. There probably will be some new ones, so I reserve that for that time.
Although some of my answers will not be what you want to hear, my answers will be 100% truthful. Being honest, in the midst of all of what has happened, is truly going to set me free. I want to go back to sleeping well at night, and that has not happened for nearly a year. I look in the mirror at myself and I see more and more grey hairs, and yet I am only 47 years old. That is not supposed to be happening,.....yet!
And, being honest in my Update will also set me free to continue my work on the necessary solutions to FCSL problems. I have set my sights on a couple of solid solutions and have been working on them feverishly to get them completed.
I will have you know that I have dedicated myself to Solutions and not to fluffingup the problem to be bigger than what it is. Sure, for me, it is plenty big enough.But I am believing for the Lord to surprise me with solutions bigger and better than that of what I am asking or thinking. That gives me hope. That stirs me up.That makes me work hard, to get myself into the position to recieve what God has waiting for me and for all of us. And, to get myself into the position of earning your trust once again.
I am asking for you to wait for my Update. As I mentioned before, I am going through the entire Blog, answering all of the comments and questions posted there. As you know, there are many 100's of postings. But, you each deserve an answer and I am here letting you know that I am working on that very thing.
Thank you for reading this.
Jeff Lowrance
Screw answering all the questions... what questions? We want to know the answer to 1 question...
And the only answer that is acceptable is NOW!
No one is going to keep waiting any longer. Action starts immediately!
when will you send the money?
This is the email where I am trying to get everyone organized into one cohesive group. If we go to the authorities or need a class action suit this effort will save us all a lot of money with attorneys or authorities vs them trying to track everyone down that was wronged and foster communication with eventually a private blog and possibly private phone conferences.
I again ask for your name, address, telephone number (I am trying to call everyone but it does take time and effort) principal invested, amount you are owed with interest; how long you have been in Mentor/first capital and how did you here about it and who is that person.
Note I have added the last question for verification purposes and to make sure we spread the word and don't miss someone as there may be an investor out there that doesn't know there is a problem.
Jeff Lowrance,
Do you really think we are that stupid? Why waste your "valuable" time sending such a waste of time update. Did you really just send an update quoting scripture and ultimately telling us you were going to send the real update soon? Did that really just happen?
You blaspheme all that it means to be a Christian. Do you really think that Christ would do anything close to what you have done? He was all about building people up... saving them. You are systematically destroying families and lives!
Hell hath no fury!
But keep deluding yourself into thinking you are on some God mission. I am sure he is smiling down on you while you ruin us!
Jeff – if you’re really reading this, I have some suggestions. If you have money to trade, but not enough to make good on everyone’s accounts, maybe with some independent verification (such as an attorney and accountant specified by investors that you make all the books available to) and a credible schedule we (I?) might be willing to just let you trade it up and recover all the funds. But I would want you to submit this process to independent verification. Right now all we as investors have is someone who has taken our money on an agreement and, apparently through personal mismanagement and self-aggrandizement, has reneged on the agreement for their own benefit.
So if you’re really interested in doing the right thing, you’ve got to let us know where things really stand (i.e. how much money is in the accounts) and then be transparent about any future activities. The flippant dismissal you’ve given us all for so long now is really bizarre and without any rational justification. It seems clear that you believe we’re all idiots and are getting exactly what we deserve – that you yourself would never have done what we’ve done.
If that’s really the case, then our entire menu of choices are to a) just keep waiting for you to make good on our agreements (seems increasingly like a silly notion), b) just write it all off and walk away without saying anything more (definitely unlikely), or c) do whatever we can through legal, civil, and public action to recover as much of our losses as possible (seems increasingly likely).
If you have things to tell us, things you claim we’re not going to like, just tell us. Waiting for more motivation, clarity, inspiration, or just avoiding facing up to the situation do not benefit any of us, including you. Just lay it out there and let’s move onto the stage of figuring out what is the best we can make of the current circumstance.
I'm not sure where to post this, so I'll just put it here. On the conference calls I here people calling for those who have receieved dividends or payments in the past to have that amount reduced from the amount of their original investment when calculating how much principle is due an investor.
I cannot disagree with that more. I fall in the middle of that (took some dividends and then decided to let it roll over) and have received in dividends (long ago) less than half of my principle investment.
But those of you that just let it roll over, that was YOUR CHOICE of what to do with your earnings. You ELECTED to put it back into the high risk investment in exchange for the possibility of a high yield. How is specifying to let it roll over any different than having received it and then sent it right back? It's just more convenient and avoids the wire transfer fees. But that's what you chose to do with it, and yes, you were given a choice. (Since June, none of us have had a choice.)
If you don't like how your re-investment CHOICE worked out compared to whatever those who did something different with their earnings did, that's a shame. But you CHOSE to risk, by re-investing it, in exchange for the big payoff. If others did something different and more fruitful with their earnings than you did, well, they made a more fruitful choice of what to do with their earnings. They don't deserve to be punished for not making the same poor choice you did, and they still haven't recovered their principle investment.
If you buy stocks and receive dividends, when you go to sell those stocks is the value of them reduced by the amount of dividends you've received over time?
1/22/09 8:48 AM:
Thank you for your opinion. I feel the same way.
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