Saturday, January 17, 2009


I want to thank all of you who have posted helpful comments like those bringing people together who are in support of hiring an attorney, those providing us with factual information, and those suggesting real solutions. Many of you have noticed an increased number of comments on the blog and are finding more and more difficult to weed through the trash in order to find comments that add value. Open discussions are helpful to a certain point, but I think it is getting bogged down pushing it passed the point of helpful. Please use restraint when venting frustrations, complaining, cussing, accusing, and criminalizing people. Unfounded slanderous accusations will no longer be tolerated. I really don't want to go back to moderating comments.

Thank you for your continued participation.


BUCKY said...
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Anonymous said...

For those of us who are still about to lose it all... can you answer a few questions?

1. How much money did you get? You can answer in generalizations if you want.
2. How recently did you receive this money from Jeff?

BUCKY said...
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BUCKY said...
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Unknown said...

This is John in Houston. The indications are that in all of our gambling the best outcome is probably another gamble on Ed Snook.

Anonymous said...

Not that we can do anything about it right now, but I'm more convinced every day that Ed is part of a big scam. The newspapers, Jeff's debt to Ed, all of it is designed to give Ed a believable role in turning on Jeff, assuming the role of "good cop" and getting us all to feel thrilled to walk away with our principle, less a big fat "fee".

That would make all this organized crime, but without the credibility of the mob. Even the mob would lay out the terms of protection money and deliver on what they said, whether it was protection or a broken leg. In our case, the mobsters have none of that mob code. They're not entirely sane and are thoroughly infused with that "black helicopter" cocoon of their own paranoid and untethered sense of purpose. And we're all the idiots they're laughing at when they look at their bank accounts.

If Ed really was interested in doing right and exposing wrong and really knew where Jeff's accounts were and the executives at those banks who we claims to have influence over, he'd already have gone to the FBI or the SEC or some other empowered investigative and enforcement wing of the government and given them the information he has.

That's not what he's done. He's worked hard to get us all to believe that Jeff is unfindable and untouchable and that he and only he can save us from complete ruin. They set all this up from the beginning, paying out monthly payments as a cost of credibility, staging all this newspaper crap to provide a credible case for Ed turning against Jeff (and being our savior) and setting it all up so that they keep everything they made and just give us back our principle.

That's what I believe. And over the years I hope to have whatever influence I can in exposing them and bringing it all to light. Not much of a chance, sure, but something I'll always be thinking of a way to do.

Anonymous said...

If ed is interested in doing the right thing, why is he charging for it and at such high rates?

Also we shouldn't have to hire anyone to get what has been contracted for and to give a preference to one client over another may be illegal as well.

Anonymous said...

To the poster who feels Ed is part of the scam...

Have you read up on the US Observer website? This isn't a new thing that just started yesterday like USA Tomorrow. This is something that documented proof show has existed for a long time now. And the main thing Ed has been doing is busting scams and fighting for the falsely accused.

I believe his story of how he became involved with Jeff Lowrance.

So you ask why he doesn't just blow the thing wide open by going to the authorities? Perhaps because he cares about us? Going to the authorities, while it would bust Jeff, would likely tie up our funds for a long time and we would be lucky to recover half our principle after the lawyers and governments were done.

So, while one could argue that Ed is a part of this on a sinister level, I feel that the facts support the fact that he is our best hope for immediate reparations. If he does end up asking any of us to forfeit our interest in order to get our principle (like in a settlement) then I will be concerned about his motives. But from what he has said, and what I believe, he will have nothing to do with the interest and that includes he won't agree to Jeff weasling his way out of that obligation.

Anonymous said...

well i don't know about that other poster but I have read the US Observer and it seems to be conspiracy based also.

The authorities do not take our money they would seek to freeze it and return it. They don't get a cut or percentage. I know some friends wired money to Texas to USAA , so they would have some authority to go after the players here. I don't see why if Ed is a friend of Jeffs and seeking money himself why he just doesn't talk to him to do the right thing. Why does Ed need to profit off this? and at such exorbinant rates?

I think he would be more credible if he took his fee out of money he recovers. Until then it looks like a set up and play for more money. Wasn't anyone else suspicious of the lady who came on right after Ed all of a sudden to proclaim his good graces...seemed mighty convenient.

Jeff needs to do the right thing and be a christian and fulfill his obligations. Otherwise if ed only helps the ones that pays him more what good does that do Jeff-he would still be criminally and civilly liable to the rest. If you want to be one or two to only look out for yourselves and pay MORE money into this shady character go ahead but we are stronger united and than individuals.

Plus didn't ed only talk of getting the principal back before?

Anonymous said...

If ed REALLY did talk to Jeff ad we have conflicting postings if he did, why can't he simply set up a brief conference call with Jeff and a few of the investors?

oh that's right Ed wants thousands first.

Anonymous said...

Did any of you read the post under Ed Snook's letter posted Jan 16 at 8:51 from the attorney who offered assistance free of charge. He has a VESTED interest as much as we do. I will opt in favor of him:


Jo Ann

P.S I, too, thought the lady's comments after Ed got off the phone was pretty conspicuous, plus the later phone call between Ed and Jeff which was posted.

Anonymous said...

I think the real pressure should come from the big time investors, like that were on the 2d conference call, 1.2 mill invested and the guy that knew Jeff for 7 years and the Chinese gentleman in I think San fran.

These are the people that have the ability to make or break this thing.

Are any of them on here?

J from the midwest

Unknown said...

Tentatively we will have a call with an Attorney, Joe Pia, on Wed. night at 7 MST. I need to confirm this, but it will be the same number as the other calls. Again, I would like the info of all those who have interest in the attorney route. It doesn't matter if you want to throw in with Ed or not.

Steve from Utah

Anonymous said...

Jeff if you are reading this maybe we should just go back to the BASICS:

"You shall not steal" (Ex 20:15; Deut 5:19). "Neither thieves, nor the greedy . . ., nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor 6:10). Every manner of taking and using another's property unjustly is contrary to the seventh commandment. The injustice committed requires reparation. Commutative justice requires the restitution of stolen goods.

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (Ex 20:16). Truth or truthfulness is the virtue which consists in showing oneself true in deeds and truthful in words, and guarding against duplicity, dissimulation, and hypocrisy. Lying consists in saying what is false with the intention of deceiving one's neighbor.

I am not casting judgement on you Jeff, but in my opinion, it is my belief that as an FCSL investor I have been both deceived and stolen from. Where are those Christian values you used to preach?

Anonymous said...

For all those appealing to Jeff Lowrance's supposed Christian principles - get real.

Clearly these principles are only trotted out for an impression. If millions of dollars are to be had by lying and stealing, well, God will surely understand that. I'm sure God enjoys the benefits of millions of dollars of other people's money.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Open note to Jeff ----- No one can enjoy life with the kind of burden you bear. I think your investors might be willing to share this burden if you gave them the chance. Maybe cut the promised returns to the 3% level from the beginning. Would that help? What I am suggesting is a negotiation but nothing is possible unless we can communicate.