Please click on the link below to view the letter from Ed Snook dated January 14, 2009.
Please click on the link below to view the contract to use Ed Snook's services.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
Way too skeptical to give this guy any money. I trust Jeff more than this guy. At least Jeff has the money. Mr. Snooks somehow thinks Jeff respects him so much that he will give money to ONLY the people that contract with him.
Last I checked, lawyers didn't succeed through blackmail. Even so, it won't satisfy EVERYBODY, so Jeff will still have a big ole X on his back from lots of angry past friends/investors.
If Jeff doesn't come forward and make a good arrangement with everyone WITHOUT Mr. Snooks, he will be no further ahead or farther away from jail.
Screw it go get his ass. Ill come with you.
What isn't a ploy to freak people out? Jeff can't be found and his wife is trying to fine a way out of he country. This is ALL very inside info. How do you know all this? Have you been working for Jeff? Are you in Panama? If it will take years to see 1/10th of our investments, what is our best move?
Can you tell us who you are and how you know all this please.
Ron Paul has written articles for USA Tomorrow and even invited Jeff to his convention with his newspaper. Why not contact Mr. Paul and see if he understands what it could do to him to be tied to all of this. I bet he has no idea what is happening to us or the people at the paper. Perhaps a good honest man like Ron Paul would do the right thing and use his name and influence to get the "Rat" to do the right thing before it is too late. Maybe that nice lady on the conference call last night that works (or worked) for the paper would have a way to reach him?
I am just racking my brain trying to come up with any ideas that would wake up Jeff to the fact that he still has a chance to make this right, but he is running out of time.
And by the way, I don't trust Ed either. Black mail is just as serious as extortion and they can both end up in jail.
We really need to know how people know things and what their source is-without it you are saying NOTHING. Please provide sources for information.
blog admin-who did you hear from we might get an update on wednesday?
I agree how do you know he is trying to run and how come ed dont say so? If hes willing to screw his entire family, how do you know, cause right now you have me so pissed off im ready to head down there on the next flight.
If he won't (can't) give us the money he owes us, maybe Jeff could give us something of value - his ForEx trading software.
I'd be willing to negotiate the terms of waiving some money in exchange for the software he uses to successfully trade.
Has anyone verified or attempted to verify that indeed Jeff is being sued and cannot enter Panama, or is that just another yarn spun to get the herd headed in a different direction?
I want him to quit being a coward and face us, i dont care about software or anything else. I want my money and i want it now. I am not willing to wait 2 weeks or even an hour, he said the 5th today is the 16th, time for action was the 6th.
Folks I am an attorney and an investor. Typically when I try to settle debt disputes/civil litigation I will send a letter to the other party asking them to make good on their promises or obligations.
Therefore I propose we send him a letter as a group to all known emails for him, send by regular mail, post it here, etc, call all numbers that we have for him or his contacts etc, systematically cover all bases.
I am not seeking any compensation for doing this I simply , like you, want what is coming to me.
If this does not work, we can then seek representation from attorneys or others that specialize in this type of action.
Plus it is obvious that our best avenue of success is to organize as a class of investors in case we need to for the future.
I therefore created an email only for this purpose-
In a class action suit I would need to know your name, address, phone number and amount invested ( probably best to put principal and interest amounts separately)
I have been on the conference calls and can discuss this at the next one if need be, but united we stand and divided we will fall.
FCSL Concerned Client
Here is the sick part i checked my account and it had the 2% bonus added. Wow that made me feel I have no problem going with Ed on one condition. Just as with attorney's they get paid when we get paid. I would sign an agreement to pay him 20% on the Bonus money and 2% on the original investment money. For some of you that would be paying him 100k or more but at least it would be worth it. Heck i would give me my account if he paid me 75 cents on the dollar.
Does anyone know the contact information for that Joe Pia attorney in Salt Lake City. I was told that he is an expert in these types of schemes and would only charge the investors like $250 a piece if he got a big number on board. Maybe we can arrange for him to make a proposal on the next call.
Yes, I can tell you---I just spoke with him. Joe Pia works for Stucki Steele Pia Anderson in Salt Lake City. He is already handling cases like this and is an expert in the area (apparently Utah is a hotbed for these kinds of schemes). I am probably going to retain him and I know there are already a number of other people who have. His telephone number is 801-961-1300 and his email address is If we can rally a big group of investors, it will be very inexpensive per investor to use him. Let's get him on a call to the group. Anyone?
I think I'm in for that one and I think I know a couple of other people who will be also.
Yes, when can we set up a call with Joe Pia?
I'm also interested in speaking with Joe.
is this the same Jo Pia?
I would like to be included on the call with Joe also. I am interested in his take on all that has gone on. Please post the info, or let me know how to participate
A little bio info I found on Joe Pia
Sports and entertainment law it seems.
-what experience does he have in financial transactions? I am not interested in hiring an attorney that is just in the friend of the guy that took over the account of his law partner, only for that reason
i like the idea of being united--if we piece meal this thing and some are represented by snook and some by pia we will never succeed.
I think we should consolidate our info together as the FCSL concerned client suggested and present a united front.
Well it's too late for that as some investors are already with Snook.
so says snook, do we KNOW that people are already with snook? or is it just him saying that?
yeah is it 6 or 80 with snook or is it 0 and he is fishing? I agree he seems awfully shady himself
Could people post if they ever get any money back?
I believe the more fire power avialable the better chance we have a succeeding in getting back some of your money. If some have Snook and some Pia, there are two different angles at handing this situation. Basically it going to come down to preference. but the more pressure put on Jeff the more likely something is going to get done about it.
followed by the FBI , SEC , IRS, Panama's authorities and whoever else we can think of if need be...
come on Jeff one little email would sure help
I guess I'll just write it all off at this point. I don't think ANY of us are going to see a dime, regardless of what attorney or law enforcement agency gets involved.
The money is gone folks - accept it and move on. I'm all for trying to make Jeff L. pay in a criminal sense, but if you think that's tied to getting any money back, I doubt it.
Please be aware that unfortunately some investors lives are dependent on getting this money back. So when you make comments like "the money is gone" "time to move on" etc. It can be very disheartening for some. It's like saying "your life is gone"
if the money is gone, then the money is gone. I know I am waiting every second to see something happen to get it back. People need to start to accept the fact that it may not be coming. They need to plan for the worst case scenario. Keep hope, but start planning. If the money does come then look at it as a bonus, but start to move forward as if it were gone.
I guess I believe some of the money is there--hard to run through 30 million no matter who you are.
Were either of the 2 big investors on the latest conference call?
also were they able to get ahold of the Chinese gentleman that seemed influential?
That might work for you but don't tell other people to think the same way. st
"That might work for you but don't tell other people to think the same way."
Ok, they can continue to believe it will all end well with $$ being returned... I guess if your child was in a coma for 30 years, at some point you'd give up hope of them living a happy productive life.
apparently snook's contract is for investigative services only-very vague.
12:18 why dont you pull your head out of your ass- youre an idiot if you cant post something useful or helpful why come here?
I think what 12:18 is saying is dont put all of your hope in one basket. Work as if it isnt there and hope that it is all there.
I have been reffered to 2 good Panama Attorney Firms as well as a Recovery and Intelligence firm that can help track down the funds. I have also been talking with an attorney out of California whos focus is on investment malpractice. I will post my findings.
I am completely certain that Jeff is totally aware of everything that is being said on the blog. That is what scares me. How can he sit there and do nothing when the tenor of our conversation has turned so drastically.
I know he realizes we would happily negotiate with him for a payment plan and still nothing.
Jeff, your entire world is crumbling around you but you can still save it. Just send an email... TODAY... and setup a pay back plan. Pay some to start and then a monthly amount that will get us all paid of in a reasonable amount of time.
For all you FCSL employees that are watching this blog all day long and are still in contact with Jeff (and we know that some of you are), please pitch this to him. The end is here. With what Ed Snook is doing, everyone else who doesn't sign up with him will start taking action as it is not in their best interest to just hold out any longer.
They will start making the calls necessary to destroy your reputation and life.
To anyone wondering whether or not anyone is actually signed up with Ed Snook, the answer is yes. An investor I know has already signed up with him. So I know for a fact that there's at least one and I'd be pretty sure that out of the hundreds of desperate investors there will be more. Maybe not many, but more.
1:10 PM--that sounds good-please keep us posted and can you develop a handle. ty
Anyone seeing any trades today or yesterday? Looks like that may have stopped...
Also, I cannot get into my FCSL account online. Can anyone else?
Does not look good. I can not access my account either. I think Jeff is closing doors and running.
We need to find Jeff!! No access to my account.
We might be to late in getting at Jeff. My browser just hangs when trying to access my account. What does everyone think?
Just tried to access my account. Message:
Online banking system temporarily down for server maintenance.
Please retry later.
Does anyone know the total amount invested wih FCSL and the total amount now due to its total investors?
There were trades yesterday and Today.
Exit GBP/USD at 1.4886 at 1:28 AM Eastern Time, Jan. 16, 2009
+58 Pips Profit On This Trade.
Exit GBP/USD at 1.4512 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time, Jan. 15, 2009
+32 Pips Profit On This Trade.
If he did shut down the online system he is a bigger fool than we gave him credit for.
But the Flip side is we have had Temporary shutdowns of the server before.
I dont know what to make of it.
may be this is his way of encouraging us to go with Mr. Snooks.
After listening to mr. Snooks himself last night I am convinced that he and Jeff are a Tag team. he has been mentoring Jeff for almost a year now and I would not be surprised if Jeff and He hatched up this whole scheme together.
I say forget the Money. Go after the Man. Make his life miserable and don't give him any place to hide.
I will personally Talk to the Ron Paul bunch and give them the dossier on this guy.
Don't get caught up on the trades. I see too many people panic because a day goes by without a trade email. Jeff's traders do not HAVE to trade EVERY day. There are many factors/market conditions, etc that affect when and how much is traded.
Has anyone heard anything at all?
Can't log onto my account either! Bet you Snook played a part in this.
Lots of speculation here. I do not know exactly what to make of Jeff, but I do not think he is a crook. He has too much on the line to pull a small time stunt like this. 20 years of reputation are not parted with easily. Assuming that he is in cahoots with Jeff is just useless fear mongering. Put the pitchforks away, and keep your heads about you!
I plan to work with ed if I can, but that does not preclude legal action. I will call Joe and set up a conference call if he is wiling. Myself and a few other investors met with him at his office the other day, and I want to get a vote of all the people that want to go that rout. I think he knows what he is doing, even though the legal rout may be time consuming and limited if the assets, or Jeff, are hidden well enough.
So, give me an email if you are interested in retaining Pia and his firm. I would like to get a list of names, emails, and phone numbers.
Send to Just because you retain Joe, in my mind, doesn't mean you can't use Ed. Unless Ed has a problem with that.
I spoke with Joe and wasnt impressed that he had the experience necessary to take this on.
I was able to log on to the website before noon, but now I am not.
J from the Midwest
January 16, 2009 6:54 PM - What gave you that impression about Joe?
I am also not able to log into the FCSL account. Had a friend call me 2 days ago saying that FCSL approved his new account. Thankfully he contacted me before sending any money to FCSL...
I am interested in moving forward as a group in whatever action we all deem necessary. Personally I am staying far away from Mr. Snook. It all seems very shady to me.
I seriously do not think I can handle the pressure anymore! The stress this has caused in my life has been so overwhelming and now it is to the point where I cannot eat or sleep. I feel like I am going to die from this!
Hang in there! It sounds like the group is coming together.
i meant to say that I do not know what to think of ED, not Jeff. I now know that Jeff is a crook of some sort. Either that or just off kilter.
Mr 8:15 Pm-who had a friend set up a new account--do you know if he talked with anyone with FCSL to set up his account?
I was just able to log back into my account
J from the midwest
I will check with my friend that just opened the account and see if he talked to anyone and post to the group if there is a name or phone number.
I can now access my account as well.
Why not set up survey to fight on both fronts. If you can give thousands to Ed with no guarantee, why not give also to Stevens attorney the 250.00 (conduct a participant survey) to a forex recovery specialist without any guarantee also. It just may prove necessary pressure from inside (Ed's reasoning) and outside (Stevens forex attorney) to get results. Then we know we have three chances to win, we hope that Jeff is now trading with a large amount to pay us back which he knows without a doubt is the only way he can regain his reputation. He should also know that one loose cannon will sink his character, but all that goes away with repayment. We know from previous statements that Jeff does not want to”just walk with nothing after four years” he wants to walk with his character too. The only question is how long does he feel he needs to use our money? What is adequate for him 6 months/20 million? It’s anybody’s guess. Howard Hughes was once asked how much money does it take to satisfy a man. His answer; “the next million.” It will be Jeff’s insecurity that will either push the payout date into oblivion or lose it all in the process.
I believe Ed’s old fashioned reasoning will convince Jeff that values of transcendent significance – the ones Jeff were raised with- are in the end a man’s most precious possession. I believe Jeff knows his offspring will one day bring to account now how the money was mishandled, but once it was in the hole, he turned it around by doing the honorable task of communicating and fixing a grievous error. Or not. Jeff should be thinking about the day when his kids grow up and learn about their father during this time, what will they see? Will they see a father that acted with character or a father that acted with fear?
Pressure from the outside. I believe everyone can scrape up $250.00 for a specialist. He will have a different approach than Ed and may end up complimenting his efforts. Misplaces trust and not diversifying got me into this mess. I’m certainly not going to put all my eggs of remedy in the same basket again.
Blog admin: Thanks for all the hard work on the blog, can we have a survey of who’s paying up $250.00 for a forex specialist attorney?
apparently some one is awake at FCSL to have the accounts go off line and then come back on
Does anyone have any information about the supposed meeting between Ed Snook and Jeff Lowrance this afternoon? He mentioned on our conference call that he would be talking to him at 1:00.
Did that happen?
What was discussed?
How did Jeff take it?
What are Jeff's intentions based on the call?
Even if Ed could share this information it would go a long way in bringing peace to many troubled minds!
Any info would be helpful!
On August 6, 2008, USA TODAY, represented by Benjamin Karph of Dow Lohnes PLLC Attorneys at Law, located in Atlanta, Georgia and Washington, DC sent a cease and desist email to Editor and Publisher of USA TOMORROW, Jeff Lowrance. USA TODAY is owned by Gannett Co., Inc., which publishes the USA TODAY and owns the website
--this was in Ed snook's article in US Tomorrow-lead story by the way--
one thought would be to contact that firm, they could confirm if this actually happened and can tell us how they got a hold of Jeff then
I have a personal referral to some attorneys in Panama, a recovery investigator (for the funds), and an attorney with experience in Mexico, Latin America, Brazil, Taiwan, and the Inland Empire. (as posted today at 1:10pm) All of these referrals look to be just what we need. I have put calls into all and will be talking again with them the first of next week. As soon as I have more info I will post it. In addition to setting up a conference call.
I talked with snook this afternoon after he was to talk to Jeff..... Jeff did not call. As far as I know no contact from Jeff.
The contact with Jeff was to take place much earlier than it actually did. Apparently the time for the call was 1:00 JST (Jeff Standard Time). The call did take place three hours late.
I'm not aware that the contract format/context has been posted for Snook's contract. This posting makes it available for those who have not solicited a copy from Snook for reviewing.
Posting the contract is not a promotion for either utilization or non-utilization.
OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS in part notes: 1) Only the principal funds deposited in First Capital S&L are under contract for Lowrance acting as FCSL; principal deposited in Mentor Investing Group is not addressed.
(2) The contract coverage provides for unknown investigators using unknown gathering techniques by any designatee of the US-Observer and their unknown assigns over any unknown interval of time or lack thereof.
(3) The physical procedures and associated time therefore, and by whom, are not addressed for how any available principal might be returned to the contractee.
(4) The contract, on a format heading by US-Observer, places each contractee at a one-on-one basis as a sole entity with Edward Snook "or" an unknown investigative reporter; which structures multiple unknown contract liability for the contractee to determine responsibility; and isolates the contractee from all other investors for any prorata distribution of return of principal at the discretion of unknown multiple contractors.
Forthright (anonymity stifles collaboration, organization, and especially trust!),
Louis Martin 239-731-8095
Investigative Contract
233 Rogue River Hwy. PMB 387
Grants Pass, Oregon 97527
Phone: (541) 474-7885 Fax: (541) 472-0111
Investigative Fees and Expenses Agreement
This agreement is entered into as of this _____ day of _____________, 2009 in Josephine County, Oregon by and between _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) and Edward Snook or an Investigative Reporter from the US~Observer (hereinafter referred to as “Investigator”). Regarding: Obtaining Client’s Principle funds deposited with First Capital Savings and Loan.
General Provisions
Client understands that representations made to, or conversation held with employees or contract employees of Edward Snook or the US~Observer do not provide actual or constructive notice to Edward Snook or the US~Observer of the contents thereof. There will be no verbal agreements in this case.
Client authorizes Edward Snook, any employees or subcontractors of the US~Observer to use any materials or information of any nature that they gather or are provided with in any manner which they choose, including, but not limited to news articles. Client fully understands that he/she is hiring an Investigative News Reporter and that the Investigative Reporter’s sole purpose in accepting any investigation is for the sole purpose of reporting news.
Do not send any original documents to the US~Observer. We only accept copies and will not be responsible for any original documentation.
Client agrees that the US~Observer/Edward Snook are not offering any guarantees whatsoever concerning this contract to retrieve the Client’s Principle funds from Jeff Lowrance acting as First Capital Savings and Loan. Having said this, you can rest assured if anyone can retrieve money from Mr. Lowrance, it will be the US~Observer.
Client must include the amount of principle they have invested with First Capital when they return their signed and dated contract to the US~Observer. The US~Observer will not be dealing with any interest owed by First Capital to First Capital clients. Client must also include their contact information (phone numbers).
The fees for hiring the US~Observer/Edward Snook are as follow – Note: any fees sent to the US~Observer/Edward Snook must be in the form of a cashiers check or money order.
Investors with $20,000 or less invested - $1,000.00 fee
Investors with $20,000 - $40,000 invested - $2,000.00 fee
Investors with $40,000 - $60,000 invested - $4,000.00 fee
Investors with $60,000 - $150,000 invested - $5,000.00 fee
Investors with over $150,000 invested - $10,000.00 fee
Contact phone numbers: 541-474-7885 – 928-777-8851
US~Observer Office Fax: 541-472-0111
Dispute Resolution
Any controversy or dispute arising out of this contract shall be resolved in the Josephine County District/Circuit Court, located in Grants Pass, Oregon. Client agrees that any and all legal fees and costs associated with any controversy or
dispute whatsoever, arising from this contract/investigation in any manner shall be paid by Client. This includes any and all appeals filed.
Client(s): _____________________________________ Date ________________
_____________________________________ Date ________________
Investigator: __________________________________ Date ________________
Send Cashiers Check or Money Order to:
2051 West Jones Creek Road
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Either include your signed contract with payment, or fax a copy to the fax number below.
Office Fax: 541-472-0111
Martin again:
Followup to my last posting on the Snook contract.
PERSONAL OPINION: I may or may not use the contract - have not decided.
KUDOS to the blog administrator for the many efforts and hours of service!!!
I agree that people can make their own choice about who and what action to take. Personally, the reason I am in this mess is because I put my trust in a control freak who has no accountability that he answers to. Now along comes Mr. Snook who, as far as I know, likewise has no one to whom he is accountable. I think of Jimmy Swaggert and Jim Bakker and many others who got into trouble because they became their own authority without accountability. Frankly, I will never again entrust my monies into the hands of someone who does not represent an accountable group or organization. As for me, I am going for getting a lawyer or scam expert who represents an authority and not someone acting on his own. I am concerned that Mr. Snook in his "close" relationship with Jeff will assume the role of representing all of us clients, in his dealings with Jeff. I for one, go for a class action suit by a scam specialist who represents an accountable organization. The best option I see and the one I have chosen is to go with a united effort sponsored by Jay from the Midwest.
This Joe Pia the same attorney from Utah who is a Defendant in a big lawsuit for fraud and conversion for the film Shannon's Rainbow?
This guy Joe Pia is this Joseph G. Pia a defendant in a lawsuit for fraud and conversion for the film Shannon's Rainbow? Joe Pia referred to is a Salt Lake City attorney.
This guy Joe Pia, is this Joseph G. Pia a defendant in a lawsuit for fraud and conversion for the film Shannon's Rainbow? Joe Pia referred to is a Salt Lake City attorney.
Yes I heard about the huge lawsuit involving Joseph G. Pia of Salt Lake City, Utah...regarding the film Shannon's Rainbow. He allegedly committed fraud- stole millions of dollars along with Frank E. Johnson the director of the film...and they both essentially tried to take over the film and sell it overseas..The film was supposed to come out this Summer but it's in litigation so who knows when we will actually see it in theaters.
Joe pia is the LAST person you would want to retain. He is a FRAUD and a THEIF.
We really need to know how people know things and what their source is-without it you are saying NOTHING.
salt lake city lawyers
Provide date of agreement, client signature, printed name, contact information for client and the investigators signature.
Utah Family Law, LC
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