The comments on the blog are no longer moderated. This will allow you to see your comments immediately for quicker response time. It is also a way to relinquish more control to all of you. We can check it once daily instead of feeling like we need to constantly moderate comments throughout the day to get them posted quickly. Please continue to e-mail us with information you may not want to have posted as a comment.
On a side note: For those of you who have contacted authorities, there have been requests for further details.
First Capital Savings & Loan Blog Admin
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
Does anyone know who this "trusted friend" is?
Is anyone in communication with Jeff at all?
What is the status of those who went to the authorities?
The status is complete stupidity! If the authorities get involved, we can kiss our money good bye for a year or two, and probably get pennies on the dollar. I believe we need to give Jeff some time to get back on track. He knows how to make money in the FOREX,give him the time he asked for. January isn't that far away. Hopefully the updates come every four weeks.
I don't condone going to the authorities!!!! I was simply asking what was happening with that. My hope is that it is not true and that no one does anything so rash!
Has anyone been able to verify if the trades are valid or not? I know some were investigating where or not it was possible for the trades our emails reference could be real.
here is what i know
one i have spoke to Jeff and he sounded fine. I was told that an update would be coming and it did.
I think that we are ok, i know he overspent and did not run the business as he should have.
I am curious as to why Jan unless as another poster mentioned that our investment is safe in that fund and he only used the profits/bonuses to fund his investments.
I do believe that it would be ok to take some action at this time.
Not with the authorities but with him. Mack has our names and in fact i think the only ones are this blog are Mack's and Ben's clients. They can contact each one of us and ask if it is ok to contact. In fact who ever started this blog can get ahold of Mack and ask Mack to help along with Ben.
Only Jeff knows what Jeffs intentions are. I still maintain this whole blog is worthless without first knowing if the trades are real. Legal resource is a time/money toilet. However, a better stragety still is the pressure of damaging his political interests come January 6th.
Exactly my point, the only way we can find that out is by asking mack or ben because jeff will say yes.
I believe that the trades are real, the main reason is that Mack is pushing the same type of investment. The difference is that you share in the upside and there is not guarenteed return and you have risk.
So again if you want to sort things out, start with Mack and Ben. Otherwise sit tight and wait for the next update by Jeff.
Is there any reason why we are not getting the daily transactions email anymore?
Probably because they didn't do any trades today which is likely a safe move given the major instability. Or there are open trades that are still open.
who is mack?
So Mack and Ben... what can you add to all this? I know you are both participating based on what I have read on the other posts.
Can you shed any light that may assist us all? Please answer to your best ability the following:
1. Do you have proof that money was in the main account? Even if you only saw that total months ago it will at least give us something.
2. Are the trades legitimate. You have to know this for sure! I cannot believe you would involve yourselves in this if the trades were fake as that would be an obious scam. What can you tell us that might legitimize the trades?
3. Do you have any idea why the money is "tied up" until Jan. 5th? I do not think Ben knows this but I think Mack does.
Please provide what you can.
Also, where is this mystery person who gave Jeff the advice to drop the paper and make things right for us all? I know it was an investor. Are you just looking out for yourself in all this or ar you working for us all as a group of investors? What can you tell us as you obviously have a communcation channel with Jeff.
Finally, those of you who have hired an attorney or contacted the authorities... please post what is happening with all that. You can post anonymously so no one will know who you are but at least let the rest of us know.
How about Jay Olmos? He was selling this thing for a long time. He has to have a lot of valuable information. He knows Jeff personally or knew him as they had a major falling out in the end.
What can you tell us Jay?
Do you have any proof that the trading is real? Do you know for a fact that he was really trading the investment in only forex as advertised? Do you know of any other investments?
this is what i know. this past weekend Jeff did call the 'smart guy' and exchanged a few emails with him. This is a good sign. cooperation and communication is happening. However, Jeff has still not revealed the details that the smart guy is looking for.
Jeff met with the whole staff in the Panama call center on Friday. He explained that he had made some mistakes, and that he had used some of the fund for his newspaper and some other endeavors. (One of which was to generate more income by buying shelf corporations and borrowing against them once Paydex and D&B ratings were established, and using that money to trade with. This did not work out, and money was lost). He then explained that he was putting the paper aside and was going to concentrate on FCSL and bring it back up, that everyone had a lot of work to do.
this corresponds with what he is communicating to the smart guy.
Let's hope that he can pull it off and generate some earnings.
yes...... mack, jay, or ben, anonymous, whoever, how do we know if the trades are real? and what they even represent? it could just be a feed transferred to FCSL email from a forex robot system that I have seen.
At one time Tucker supposedly was viewing the two accounts regularly, or at least said that he was. now he has vanished. what the hell is that all about? is it so bad that he is just running for cover? He spoke with me and sold me on the fund, so his rear is in a sling, too, if things start getting ugly. he needs to show up and help out.
To the person that authored the IMPORTANT UPDATE
So how much money did Jeff lose? How much is left? Did he touch any of our initial investment?
If so what makes anyone think in 4 months he can double or triple the money he has left to pay what he owes us and break even.
I would rather not chance it. Give us what you got, when people try to go outside what they do best and choose not to follow their own strategy it is a formaula for failure.
When they get desperate and i beleive Jeff did, he looked for what he thought was easy money and a quick hit and lost.
My question would be this. Can or will Jeff make good decisions from here on out or is he behind the eight ball and continue to make bad ones and lose more. This is why all of us have to consider all of the points i have brought up and make an intelligent decision.
It is very obvious that Jeff lost some of the initial investment based on his own admissions. The important thing to note is that money was lost in investment efforts and not because this ever was or is a scam. I am completely confident that this has never been a scam. I am confident that there is a significant amount of money left in the main account and that Jeff will be able to fall back to his proven method of earning solid returns to catch things back up.
If this was a scam Jeff would be long gone. If he had lost too much of the money, he would be long gone.
We all need to settle down and let Jeff have the time he needs. We will be getting our money back!
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