We have received word that from one of our members that accounting@firstcapitalsl.com is still responding to e-mails, and as usual they don't say much. The "Return Bonus Form" referenced in the FAQ section of their website is not necessary according to FCSL. There are members who requested their principle back greater than 60 days ago and have not yet received it. Wire transfers are still not going out. "hopefully soon" is what our members are hearing. We must thank several First Capital Savings & Loan clients for this information, and as always we will try to keep you updated.
First Capital Savings and Loan Client
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
I appreciate this blog as it is important to keep up to date.
I want to just let everyone know that I've been a client from early on and I've had extensive communication with Jeff, including visiting with him and his family for a week in Panama. I got a good look at this operation and certainly into the man himself.
There are good salespeople in this world and then there are really good salespeople. Not only is Jeff really good, his ideas and commitment to his dreams are unmatched by anyone else who might read this.
He dreams bigger than most could be capable of and has the drive, energy and integrity to follow through on those dreams. Jeff's main problem is his lack of ability to delegate. Of course, he tends to get burned by others when entrusting them with important tasks and data, which makes his protectionist stand very understandable. On top of that, the Fed doesn't take too kindly to his rights to free speech.
This guy runs the bank, manages the traders, owns a legal firm, puts together pro bowling events, maintains full control of publishing, printing, editing and distributing USA tomorrow, runs a forex educational trading company with his brother selling the trading program that he created and god knows what else this guy has his hands into. And still manages to find time to spend with his young child, family and do the intense research and personal forex trading that he does for himself.
I don't know about you, but that is not easy. As the matter of fact, considering how much of these burdens he takes on personally, I would be more worried about him falling over dead from exhaustion than from him keeping your money.
I own a company, Integrity Matters, that is principly centered around developing integrity and character among individuals and politicians and while I may be wrong, I think Jeff posseses a rare level of high integrity.
You know he is making the money for you as proved by his real time trading notification system. Let's let him get through this growth period and smoothen things out yet again before trying to jump ship and cry foul when you have no idea.
Prior to the last 60 days, I have received reasonable response times, all payments in an expedited manner and dedication to resolve any and all problems as they arise. We should all pray for his success, which will lead to ours.
I know that my uncle received his dividend for june a few weeks back, but we have not received ours yet.
Great idea on this blog, though I have come up with much of the same information. How Jeff expects to do business anywhere with any degree of trust from anyone is beyond me.
Accounting has not responded to my recent email requesting a specific date that my funds will be returned as of three days ago.
In answer to someones question as to why only a few trades a day--the real work of forex trading in in the analysis of trends, economies, financial news etc. Individual traders might only make a few trades a week or fewer depending on how long they wish to hold what they buy.
FCSL seems good at what they do. I only hope they are good enough to make enough on these trades to catch up for all these months. I can only assume that they are holding the funds and reinvesting them in order to build momentum. Who knows, though SINCE JEFF WILL NOT COMMUNICATE ON A REASONABLY TIMELY BASIS.
Really, a few lines of an email is all you really need now and then, and it needs to answer just one question. "What the hell is happening with my money!"
I have an unsophisticated client that believed the line of crap that this "bank" could pay out a far above market rates of interest. Unfortunately, I only learned of it after those payments stopped. It only took about a minute to see that this was nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. Believe what you want, but if my duped client ever sees a dime, I'll attempt sky diving without a chute.
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