Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
His handling of this is just cruel.
and lame
has anyone else noticed that there have been no trades the last few days?? the stopping of the 'trades' just happens to coincide with Jan 5th deadline???
and the call center people, as of TODAY, are not allowed to talk to any of the premier clients. and they have been very verbal up to this point.
what kind of shit is this guy pulling??? I think we know.
it looks like he is trying to just cut us off and keep the party going somehow.
Actually First Capital made trades on Jan 2nd, Jan 5th and Jan 6th. The market was closed on Jan 3rd and 4th.
I will never defend the way Jeff has handled this as far as his communication goes. I will say this however... he is still there. In a world full of scammers who "disappear" when the walls come crumbling down... Jeff is still there putting in 16 hour days. If this were a scam, he would have also disappeared but he is still there... Yes he has been terribly inconsiderate in his handling of the situation by keeping us in the dark and by missing virtually every deadline he has ever set for himself but he is still there...
I still believe we are dealing with a man who will pay us back every cent he owes us. I do not think this has been an easy thing for him to do. Perhaps you could argue that he had no choice... it is this or jail time. But I think he had a choice. There was enough money floating around for him to disappear and live out his days in great comfort but he is still there...
I think he is still there for more reasons than just threats to his freedom. I still think he has entegrity. He may not be very organized but his life is still governed by a set of Christian principles.
Anyway... my two cents. I too am angry and frustrated. This has cost me more dearly than most but less than some. But I have not lost hope because I know he is still there!
Jeff is acting like so many people in todays world, he picks a date and he may or may not make good on that date, but probably will come through sooner or later. Poor way of doing business, but I still have hope and some patience left.
I am trying to stay positive with all of this but it is becoming increasingly difficult! On another note--I was never invited to this blog and I am an investor with Jeff. Maybe not what you call "premier", but to each of us the money we have invested is "premier."
I just pray that the rest of us are not prevented from this blog again.
My only contact was with Mack and when he left FCSL there went my contact.
Jo Ann Coelho
Has anyone heard anything? What about the famous "smart guy" who is totally out for himself and is unwilling to pass on any information to the rest of us while he is the only one in contact with Jeff.
I better hear something by tomorrow morning or I am taking action! This is ridiculous!!!!!
I agree, if there is no communication tomorrow we should take immediate action, probably a conference call Thursday morning to get everyone on the same page.
On another note, I did see my account was updated with the dividend for January compounded at 2%. I was expecting 7% for the month of December, although that matters very little at this point.
is anyone receiving notification on the trades?? I have not gotten one for a few weeks, I noticed another person saw trades on the 5th and the 6th.
please post.
Seth here,
Today around 4pm I am suppose to get some word from my friend who is in touch with the smart guy to see if he has spoken with Jeff or what is going on.
This no contact from Jeff is ridiculous.
I got email updates for trades on the 5th and 6th and I saw 4 different trades last night, 2 winners, 2 losers for a total of +51 pips. I verified that the trades were possible with my NinjaTrader / ZenFire connection, but since we don't receive the emails in real time there is no way to know for sure.
OK, so I guess we are all on the #3 plan whether we like it or not?
This is not OK.
I will wait for the news at four or whatever (is that PST?) but the way I see it, and what would be minimally acceptable here is for payout to begin with at least 10% of the full amount owed being paid out to each investor. If he has to pay that out every month for ten months, that is OK--just begin paying out RIGHT NOW. And communicate with us RIGHT NOW.
If there is another blog that has information this does not, admin please add me
What news at 4? Where did you hear this?
look up a few entries at Seths comment. He has been talking to somebody "in the know". As we are all "in the dark", its something.
I have a conference call number we can use for up to 96 people. I say we organize a conference call for tonight in order to discuss collective action. We need to find a lawyer who specializes in this kind of case and all file together if we continue to get no money or information. We need to get serious fast and see if this pressure will make something happen. If we all act together it will be more coherent and effective. If there is a master list of emails for this blog, we should email about a conference call. When would be good for everyone?
RELAX people - do not get jerky.
Just wait for JL's next move; and I suspect there will be more waiting after that.
I'm heavier invested than most.
Lawyers breed lawyers, and then across international boundaries!!!!; if you think it has been a long wait now - take a deep breath with lawyers!
I'm not the anonymous type,
I don't like lawyers ether, but I am about done waiting. There is no reason that something shouldn't be paid. I would prefer no legal action, but what are our choices? Waiting becomes more and more risky as time goes on, especially with no communication.
Anyway, I am sure that someone will take legal action soon now, and we might as well be part of it, I figure. I could be wrong.
He obviously doesn't take his promises seriously, and won't work with us in good faith.
Martins right!
Hi all,
I agree we dont want to get into a legal battle, if at all possible. BUT, we need to get to know one another and develop a plan of action. Obviously, action of this magnitude will take some time. We can develope a plan without implementing until we feel other options have been exhausted. We need to get started though!!!!!!!!!!
A conference call is a good start. Lets do it!
Has anyone heard from the "smart guy"? It is very frustrating that a fellow investor has a communication channel open with Jeff but refuses to share that information with anyone else.
Please share any information with the group so someone doesn't take the matter into their own hands and ruin it for the rest of us!!!
Another day past the deadline with absolutely no update. This is absurd
I would propose to have all investors pitch in $ to have 3-4 people fly down there and demand some sort of update or whatever.
I have also filed a complaint with anti scamming site that helps put pressure on brokers and forex funds that go bad. I suggest others go there and also file claims so that they work on it. Can't hurt, might help.
Sometimes we forget that we have a lot of power as well. If Jeff will not honor his word, let's go after what he cares the most, his newspaper!!!!! There is plenty of things we can do to hurt his newspaper, his sponsor, and we can get the TV investigators involve... if for nothing else to bring down his project!!! We can really hurt him if we want!
Going after Jeff's paper is essentially destroying all hope of monetary compensation we might ever have. Jeff's actions to present are inexcusible without a doubt but this is no longer about him... it is about us getting money back. Vengeance cannot part of equation.
There may come a time when destroying Jeff is all we have left but while there is still hope that cannot be what we do!!!
Destroying anyone is foolish, and I wouldn't do it even if that is all that is left. However, we need to find some kind of leverage. We need to do something. I think we should have a call at least--tomorrow night at 7:00 MST/6:00 PST. Those who want to can talk over the possibilities.
Whoever said they have a conference call line.. can you post the call-in number and set a specific time. Then whoever wants to call can do so and we can make a plan together.
I have very limited info from my friend who knows the smart guy.
Apparently Jeff did not return to Panama like he indicated he was going to do. Jeff is still in Houston messing with the paper. There is really no info. i will try again in the morning. Jeff has been informed by the smart guy that at this point there are serious consequences to what he is doing, or not doing. SG is almost ready to throw in the towel. He will give Jeff one more day.
That's all I know. Personally, I was disappointed to hear that at this critical juncture, jeff is 'off on his mission' instead of taking care of what I certainly feel should be priority. Perhaps he can, and is, doing both things: the paper and FCSL, but last time he went on this kind of mission, we got an off-balance email, got shafted, and its been bad ever since. His ignoring his investors during this time is appalling in my view. Perhaps he is 'still there' because he has just strung everyone along for six months so he could raise more money and squeeze out one more edition of his paper. Maybe one day we will know the whole story, but for now, we are just out in the dark waiting. It is cruel, as someone else said.
pss. is anyone in Houston? can they find out where Jeff is and go there??
please post the conference call # and lets do a call tomorrow evening. 6pm PST. are all members here private?
6:00 tomorrow night sounds good to me. What number do I call?
If you post the conference call information here, everyone including Jeff and/or his employees can join. I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing.
I tried to email Jeff last weekend using two addresses ( and the survey one from a few weeks ago and in both cases the mail did not go through. In December they both worked fine. Add to that the info. that his staff is not allowed to talk to us is a bad sign.
To hear he is in Houston zoning out on his paper is disheartening. When he said "I can't do anything until Jan. 5 did he mean "I can't put out another paper till then cause I need to raise the money, using ours? I fear that is it.
If the "smart guy" is giving him one more day, then what is his plan?
Would be great if he could join the conference call. I await instructions. What a slimeball we are dealing with.
i am confused, i thought the whole idea of this blog being private was that, to keep it private. has Jeff been invited to this blog or not?
I have sent emails to the jefflow as well as this week and they have gone through. Which implies that someone is monitoring the accounts still. I have, in the past, recieved rejection errors that the mailbox is full (when major news came out) but then they would go through again later.
Jeff actually responded to one of my emails just a couple of weeks ago so I do not think he is bailing out on us.
I don't know what to think at this point. I have continued to believe in him.. that he would find a way to resolve this mess. So many signs point to that happening but the fact that he won't send out any communication is very discouraging! I imagine that just when we are about to blow up (not that we are not there already...) he will send an update out as if all is normal.
But if it is true that he is not actively involved in the investment upon us reaching the January 5th milestone then that spells major disaster to me!
I continue to hope that things will work out...
Does anyone have any contact information for someone currently working at the Panama office? A phone number and name? Has anyone attempted to contact anyone there and, if so, do we know where Jeff is?
One person indicated he is in Texas working on the paper but I have a hard time believing he is working on the paper given the fact the paper's website has never been updated.
Please provide a conference call number and time so we can all get on the same page!
Perhaps Jeff is actively working on the paper. Go to the website and see that it has been updated for the first time since August of 08. There are 2 cover stories dated today! I take this as good news personally. I was more worried when it wasn't being updated. 2 different contributing authors wrote the articles.
I use to be in contact with a friend in Panama who works with jeff, but yesterday when I called, he said he is prohibited from speaking with any previous clients... and then he hung up on me. its messed up.
OK, here is the conference call information.
Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 339-4600
Participant Access Code: 377947#
We will meet at 7:00. It would be great if we had "smart guy", or any of the former account reps, or someone who knows what is going on. Heck, it would be great if Jeff would join us and explain himself--in fact I will invite him
personally in an email.
We can spend an hour discussing ideas. If anyone has investigated legal council on this or has retained legal services for this, that would be helpful. I don't know if we want to go that route, but we should know the options.
That is 7 PM MST/ 6 PM PST.
Where are the people that helped Jeff get us into this mess? where is TUcker Maile??? He supposedly knew where the bodies were buried, so to speak. He SAW the accounts where the money was. he was the banking administrator and his word was used to validate jeff's whole operation. and where is BEN?? and MACK? I agree that any and all old FCSL people need to come out, and come clean at this point.
I was unable to participate in the conference call because I did not know about it until this morning. Can a summary be posted?
Conference call is today, January 8th.
the call is tonight. Sorry I did not make that clear.
For those of you looking for actual contact person in Panama, here is one rep that works there.
As noted, you can't really let him know you are a client or he won't talk to you.
Anthony Smith
Account Representative
When I spoke to him a couple weeks ago, it was regarding distribution of the paper and he continually pushed me into investing in the 4x program as a better money maker than distributing the paper. He went on as though the 4x program is great and working just fine (as expected) and sent me info about it via follow-up email.
I also received an email from someone else in the office regarding Jeff's new debit card program and the bank's website that offers it (however, I misplaced that email at the moment)
Jeff has never been organized enough or staffed well enough to meet any deadlines yet, so while this is a crushing blow that he completely ignores us when he promised the world, it really shouldn't be a surprise. Next time he emails, it will be a simple "I got busy, oops".
I just had a lengthy conversation with an employee of First Capital and they indicated that the money is there and it has been released to Jeff. They told me that he is intently working on sending out an email detailing how dispursement of funds will occur. He asked that we please give Jeff some space so that he can finish this up. The more we harrass him, the longer this will take.
I suggest we all take a deep breath and be willing to wait a bit longer for the information to come out. I am personally confident that we will receive our funds. But I am also confident that if we act rashly or in a vengeful way, we risk losing everything! I recognize how difficult it is to be patient at this time but it is the right thing to do!
I agree that we shouldn't act rashly at this point, and that Jeff has a history of being late and acting as if it is no big deal that he misappropriated our money--as if he stepped on our toes or something. I hope the last poster is right.
However, I would still like to talk and see what we can do--have the groundwork in place in case he doesn't come through this time. I have never seen someone for whom writing an email is so much work. He could write and say, "hey, I am working on it and acknowledge that the deadline has past. Give me a few more days". No communication leaves us to fear the worst.
So while we shouldn't do anything that is mean spirited, we have to apply some sort of pressure to let him know that he has more responsibility to us than he thinks he has.
Dear Anonymous from 12:10,
You sound a LOT like Jeff, or one of his buddies. Can you post anything corroborating you claims? What is your connection on the inside, as most of us can't even get the time of day. If I'm asked for more time, or to be patient, my head is going to explode. I'm getting out the duct tape now!
I recommend that regardless of whether Jeff is on the call tonight or not, or if he sends an "update", we need to discuss the situation completely disregarding anything he says at this point. We deserve PROOF (none of which he's provided thus far). Until there's something tangible, such as truly returning at least a portion of funds, then his talk and promises are nothing but hot air. Maybe not even that valuable.
I am the one who posted the 12:10 comment. I am an investor like you. If you want to post your phone number, I will call you now.
I totally understand why you would think otherwise...
We still need to clairfy the time zone issue for the conference call tonight. Dialing in at 7:00 pm Mountain time will do me no good if it started at 7:00 pm Eastern. So when do we call?
Thanks again for this blog and the information we get here because Jeff isn't giving us squat!
Conference at 7 MST/ 6 PST--which is 9 eastern/8 central
Anonymous 12:10
I would like to talk to you. Please e-mail me a with your phone number and your time zone. I'm in Florida.
I agree with your statements and would like to talk
Thank You in Advance
David H Stout
I believe that Jeff is working toward helping us, but is overwhelmed with emails and demands. Is it acceptable that this is occurring? No. Why Jeff cannot update us is beyond me; but that is how it is happening.
I cannot join the conference call tonight, but have some comments I think should be posted prior to anyone moving forward with any sort of outward attack.
Jeff Lowrance has intimated that he is working toward our best interest in recompensing what he owes us. Regardless whether or not he breaks commitment dates, he has not publicly maintained that he will not continue to work on our behalf. What that means is that, if anyone were to attack or attempt to defame his current and future businesses while these problems are ongoing, then he will have a legal claim against us for hampering his legitimate business practices that are meant to repay his creditors.
If the group decides to move forward with something of that nature, I would strongly urge them/us to obtain competent counsel who can guide us into the next steps to legally pursue what is ours.
Let us note that he has essentially admitted to embezzelment when he emailed all us investors telling us he 'overspent' funds from the investment on this paper. He doesn't really have a leg to stand on. Hampering his business operations, if done in a legal manner, gives him no claim against anyone whatsoever. It would just be his childish pride/temper flaring up.
2:17 is absolutely right. Anything to disrupt his business would give him grounds to withold funds, so everyone needs to be legally advised as to what to what actions to take, no matter how emotional this all is.
the 12:10 poster, who is in touch with an employee at First Capital. I find your story difficult to believe. Please be on the call this evening and identify yourself as the 12:10 poster. The current call center people know nothing of the Premier clients, and have been specifically restricted from talking to any premier clients. and the way Jeff runs things, NO ONE would have that information except perhaps Dido, if he even still works there.
Is this someone in Panama? in this lengthy conversation did this employee say that jeff was in Panama as he is working to get the funds out? does he SEE jeff working to get the funds out?
yes, please be on the call and verify your information with details.
This is Mr. 12:10... :) I will certainly be on the call and share all I have learned. I completely understand any and all skepticism at what I wrote. I will share with you all I learned on the call. Talk to you tonight.
David Says,
Good Luck tonight. It will be a rough ride on the conference call tonight. Too many people, with too many emotions.
I know this is tough for many, including myself. But, TIME is all we have. Lawyers are not the way.
I wish you well tonight but will go on record to say, It is Not the right path.
Can someone take notes and post a brief summary of the call for those who can't make it?
I am unable to join the call.....invalid passcode.
Please post a synopsis.
Could not join the call.
Can some one summarize it for us please. It is about time that we did take some action.
main synopsis, we will have another call, same time, same digits, on Monday.
Some options were spoken about should the worst happen, some hope was spread because the 12:10 poster above shared his story that is above. There was rumor and speculation that Jeff has in fact cashed in CD's and would send an email out telling how some sort of payout will go.
main thing, another call Monday, same time and digits.
I mean no disrespect to any of you when i say this but when you say what seems to me AS IGNORANT, DONT MAKE THIS PERSONAL? What he has put some of us through, not everyone can acess the blog, PEOPLE HAVE LOST HOMES, LOST MARRIAGES, have had their credit destroyed, i dont know what Christmas looked like for you, but for many of us we couldnt provide anything!!! How can you tell me he hasnt done anything illegal? I kept the e-mail where he admitted he stole from all of us. I RESPECT ALL OF YOUR OPINIONS, but im not the one screwing him his wife or his son over. I WILL PRAY FOR ALL OF US.
To the poster that said you lost houses, marriages and had a poor christmas over this, I shake my head and agree with Jeff L. What are you doing risking money you NEED for your family and the basic necessities of life. This was/is an investment and if you were gambling on it for your livelihood I believe that is foolish with ANY investments, stocks, real estate etc.
I guess i keep up hope as why did Jeff L even write and give us the option of cashing out if he is just running off with the money. He may be erratic and yes I would love more communication but he has always come through and done what he has said he will do in the end.
Keeping upbeat
The Optimist
I agree with 10:10 poster, this is a high risk investment with great return if you get it. Investing money you can't afford to lose is at the very least foolish. (we all do foolish things at times)I hope and expect to get my money as much as anyone. Waiting seems to be part of investing these days. But I for the life of me can't under stand why Jeff doesn't just send us all a few lines of communication. I thought the conference call went great and with some information from people who have contacted insiders or met with Jeff in the past.Thanks to Steve for putting that call together. Lets hope the Monday call isn't needed! ya right
DID I SAY I LOST MY STUFF, OR DID I SAY PEOPLE HAVE LOST? You remain optimistic as well as i, but youre QUITE AN A-HOLE for having no compassion for people who were searching for something better!
Good morning: Just checked my interest account; has been posted but wired to bank.
Thank you for last evening's conference call. It was enlightening and handled very well.
Jo Ann
Sorry, this is Jo Ann again. money has not been wired to bank.
Jo Ann
I must have gotten your email wrong as it bounced back.
--to all I did get another trade activity set of emails this morning, did anyone else?
I have not received any trade reports since January 2th. I used to get them on daily baisis. Anyone getting trade reports?
I’ve continued to get consistent trades throughout; the most recent was 11:35pm PST for a gain of 65 pips. As always the trade checks out, but again, as the emails are not sent in real time there is no way to really check validity.
-Collin Dvorak
I have been getting daily emails for opening and closing trades on all the days the market has been open. The trading doesnt really matter to me. I believe they have a good trading plan and the trading works. The problem is they took they trading money and invested/used it for other things (newspaper, possibly condo buildings, etc), got over extended, and couldn't continue making us our payments.
J: this is my e-mail address:
Thanks for trying.
Jo Ann Coelho
There was a lot of various information shared on the call that was helpful and helped me, for one, understand the situation better. However, we still know nothing for sure, and still have no money.
We probably didn't talk enough about solutions on the call, but I think we understand that some kind of legal path is undesirable but also possible and possibly necessary. If nothing by monday we will take this up again and at least discuss the possibilities.
Again, I have filed a complaint with If you want to go and add your two bits on the post about FCLS on that site, that will be further pressure, like this blog, on Jeff if he wants new clients at all that do any kind of research. At this point, I believe that kind of "market" pressure is healthy, and will move things along. Reps from that site will also contact Jeff or FCLS, and they are experienced with dealing with forex funds and brokers that refuse to pay in a non-legal way.
There were almost sixty people on the call last night. People have different views on this, but I think it will be clear when the time comes to get aggressive in our efforts.
Also, life does go on. It is only money.
I meant to say when and if the time comes to get aggressive. I still have hope.
Is there anyway that someone can get a hold of Joseph or Ed or any other people that information about what was going on and have them join us on the phone conference on Monday.
This is 12:10 guy... I will be happy to try and call Joseph on Monday to see if he can share anything useful. He has always been very polite and helpful (as much as is possible in his position). I would recommend that we all do not try to call him as this is counter productive.
12:10: Would you relay this to your contact when you make the phone call Monday? I think Jeff might also be feeling some of these same anxieties himself. We are all in an emotional state right now.
"The reason I bring this up is because of the simple fact that many of us have experienced this the last 7 months. I have recently heard the following words from some of you, “foreclosure, world turned upside down, bankruptcy, divorce, lose everything”, and worst of all, the word, “suicide”.
Whether it’s all gone or not this is what many of us have gone through already. I just don’t want to see anyone do something irrational. We need to keep the anger and energy from taking on a life of its own."
It is sometimes hard to walk in forgiveness, but that and prayer, which gives us HOPE, is really all we have.
I have been praying that all FCSL clients would get all their money back, as well as myself, ever since this happened in June. I am also praying that Jeff's heart breaks for the things of God.
This was on my heart and mind last evening after I read that letter of concern for all of us. You are to be commended in reaching out your heart of love to all of us.
Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.
I know that can be hard when it hurts so much.
God bless each of you.
Jo Ann
GOOD FOR YOU JO ANN- Unfortunately I do not for the life of me understand how there are a FEW of you who side with what he has done and there are those of you who are truly decent people. I have a strong feeling GOD will make sure everything will be good in our lives once again! NOT JEFF, jeff has had plenty of chances to communicate and make things right.
I for one am not siding with anyone, I will look at this realistic fashion. I cashed out some Washington mutuel stock that is now worth nothing, i sold some realestate that would now be worth 40% less...see where i am going with this. We have time on our side and on the payback if we got beck our original investment that would be a start. If we do not then i am not a whole lot worse off than if i would have just left the money where it was at. I truly believe my statement is true for most if not all of you. You are all risk takers so you money would not have been in a CD earning 2%.
In short if Jeff took a couple of years in payments that would be just fine with me.
If you started way back with mentor and 50k you would have 1.6 million in your account(50 months)In a cd you would have 56k and if you put in the market or realestate you would have 35k or less. Everyone stop and tink about this and then say lets wait and see.
it is easy to talk about people in for the long haul here. i am in FCSL for exactly 7 months. Jeff has taken my money, has not paid me anything, and refused to give back anything. Excuse me if my point of view is different from others. I don't care if I do not get my 5% per month...just give me my principal back so I can move on.
I was poking around the net and found A talk radio program called the xzone with Rob McConnell interviewing Jeff Lowrance about the USA Tomorrow news paper, back in July of 2008. It is very difficult to believe he is not communicating with his investors, when the whole idea of the USA Tomorrow is to communicate the news the main stream media won't report. Come on Jeff throw us a bone!!
To hear Jeff go to I found this by googing Jeff Lowrance but this puts you right to the site.
I thought it was interesting.
He calls himself a Christian?
Jeff: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!"
Did everyone else receive this email? I will post the message.
January 14, 2009
First Capital Savings & Loan Client:
I am writing you regarding your account with Jeff Lowrance at First Capital that is inaccessible and my proven ability to go after Jeff and your money. My name is Edward Snook and I own the US~Observer newspaper. The Observer has a solid 17-year track record of successfully going after bad and dishonest people in either the public or private sector.
On September 8, 2008, Jeff hired me to deal with a small number of his clients who were threatening him because of his failure to meet his contractual agreements. I was successful in stopping the threats. Caveats in our agreement required Mr. Lowrance to provide me with his client list and all of the facts germane as to the principal he received from over 500 investors. In addition I demanded he sign an agreement stating that monies covering my fees would not come from any investor’s principal – which he provided me.
Jeff assured you that he had your principle in an account that he couldn’t access until January 5, 2009, without suffering substantial pre-withdrawal penalties. Jeff also assured me in writing that he had all investor’s principal intact, while he waited for this date. Since this date has come and gone without the return of principal I have no other choice but to judge Mr. Lowrance as devoid of honesty and integrity. I assure all of you that while I have given Jeff Lowrance every benefit of doubt - I can’t now overlook the fact that he has lied to all of us while he has been “living high on the hog.”
I have knowledge that Lowrance has ample money in various locations due to my business dealings with him over this past year. He contracted with me for assistance in starting up a new venture in the newspaper business. Although his contractual agreement was financially rewarding to me he is still substantially in arrears at this time. Further, I have new information that Jeff does have his investor’s principle intact.
Due to Lowrance’s reluctance to fulfill our contract my only option is to initiate efforts to go after Lowrance’s assets, including bank accounts that he has control of. Throughout my professional career I have pursued cases, not unlike this one, with unparalleled success, and I see the outcome of this endeavor to follow suit. As a matter of fact, my efforts have assisted some of your fellow investors in receiving small, partial payments over the past few months; where there was no hope for them to be paid any amount without my involvement.
If you wish to partake in this principle investment recovery plan there will be an investor’s fee to reimburse me for my time and expenses. This job will most likely require that I travel outside the United States, incurring related travel expenses. My fees are listed below, along with phone numbers to call if you need additional information. I will also require all willing investors to sign a contract for my services. The contract will be sent to all interested parties upon request.
Although, I have started my investigation, the actual implementation of the plan will be delayed for approximately 2 weeks in order to give all interested parties a chance to retain my services. It is suggested that you access us via this email ( With over 500 investors involved we would strongly suggest that you send us an email stating that you want to hire us and we will call you back as soon as possible. Be sure to include your contact information.
This recovery effort will be conducted on a first come first served basis. I have had 4 First Capital clients hire me ahead of time, so I would prompt all investors to not delay in retaining my services.
On January 28, 2009, we will stop taking any correspondence from investors who have failed to contract with us.
I should add that I have a number of First Capital investors assisting me in this recovery process. One of the phone numbers below is that of the person who started the now infamous Blog regarding Jeff Lowrance and First Capital. Obviously a number of FCSL investors, including the Blog Administrator investigated myself and the US~Observer to the point that they are satisfied I will be able to secure their principle for them.
In closing, I have added all 500-plus investor’s of First Capital to the US~Observer “email alert list.” If you don’t want to receive US~Observer “email alerts” simply unsubscribe automatically when one arrives. I have deleted the First Capital S&L list which is where your email address was obtained, along with all business name information about you, your phone numbers, etc. If you unsubscribe when you receive an email alert the US~Observer will no longer have any information that you even exist. Protecting your confidentiality is a major concern of mine – I have had to do so with many people over my 17 years with the US~Observer.
Best Regards,
Edward Snook
Chief of Investigations
Investors with $20,000 or less invested - $1,000.00 fee
Investors with $20,000 - $40,000 invested - $2,000.00 fee
Investors with $40,000 - $60,000 invested - $4,000.00 fee
Investors with $60,000 - $150,000 invested - $5,000.00 fee
Investors with over $150,000 invested - $10,000.00 fee
The following numbers can assist you in obtaining a contract:
US~Observer contact phone numbers: 541-474-7885 or 928-777-8851
Blog Administrator: 307-277-6577
FCSL Investor: 801 355 9561
FCSL Investor: 575 541 5610
US~Observer Office Fax: 541-472-0111
Why are we not talking about this? Has anyone looked into it? Opinions?
I think this solicitation is highly fishy. Ed looks to make a huge amount of money playing "good cop", collecting a boatload of money and then doing something (what, exactly?) to recover our principle.
If he's "in" on it, we'll all just get back our principle, less this exorbitant "fee", and Jeff (and his accomplices?) will keep all the profits.
I posted the email I received yesterday, did anyone else receive one? Also he states in the email that the blog admin has checked him out. Is there any truth to this? It seems very fishy to me as well. I think for the fees he is asking for we could get counsel for less and still retain the interest.
I only checked him out for me. I hope people don't think that is enough for them. I have never and will never suggest that others hire him. For me, I feel he is my best hope for getting my money back.
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