Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
Thank you. I think that at the very least the blog owner/administrator has been reasonable in his efforts to help me (an investor), all other investors, and Jeff come to a better understanding of what may be going on and why.
Of course, this is not an ideal situation, but it seems that positive efforts from all are taking place. Thank you again for taking the time to create, manage, evaluate, and edit this blog's properties in order to help protect our and your investments.
This may read as pure cheese, but until last week I had written off my investment, which constituted about a fourth of my net worth. So, I believe that some thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the bloggers and hopefully Jeff's integrity are in order.
Again, thank you and here's hoping that all will continue to go well.
How do you write off a quarter of your net worth and remain calm about it? This would all be different if I had lost my money because the market crashed, as that's something that's out of my control, it's just bad luck. Or maybe I'd blame myself for not selling stocks earlier and getting out on top.
To lose it all to a lying scam artist... that's not quite so easy for me to stomach.
How can we have access to the other blog, it seems as though nothing is being written here and there was so much discussion before it went private.
No one is making comments on the private blog either.. I think everyone is settling into a wait and see mode!
I might have misunderstood the need for a PRIVATE blog but wasn't it created to have a place for us investors to create a battle plan for the possibility that Jan. 5 will come and go without any resolve. Wait and see could have been done without going private.
It also appears that there are a few of us who cannot get onto the private blog. I contacted the administrator and asked to be included and have not been contacted. Any insight would be appreciated.
Hi all,
I have been receiving regular trade updates from Mentor Investing until this week. Has anybody been receiving the trade updates this week? If not, any insight as to why trades are not being done right now or why Mentor Investing is not posting them?
i'm still getting daily trades emailed to me. I got them today
I got daily, too.
I have received trade notifications as well
I have not seen anything new lately. I am assuming that everyone is just in a wait and see mode. Am I correct in that? Has anyone heard anything from Jeff? When are we expecting the next update?
How can we get an invite to the other blog. We have no idea what is going on and see no activity here.
There isn't any activity on the other blog either.
Is this the only blog for FCSL? I don't see much activity on this one. Please let me know if I am missing something here...
There is another private blog that is password protected and by invite only to ensure protection of those involved. But honestly, there have been no comments on that blog for a long time either.
I think everyone is just waiting now for the big day to arrive. An update was promised every 4 weeks. Jeff sent out the first one about 5 weeks after his initial committment and the next should be forthcoming shortly assuming he keeps his word.
Other than that, everyone is basically holding their breath to see what happens on January 5th.
Has anyone heard anything from Jeff or anyone who knows Jeff? Any idea when the petition Jeff promised to send is coming?
I am very hopeful that all will be resolved in January and that Jeff will make things right for us all!
Isn't his "next update" over due again. I think I would believe that he could keep his January 5th promise IF he could keep his update promises.
I requested to be invited to the other blog and as of today, I have not received any email or invite. Who do I need to contact?
Looks like a bunch of us have been blocked out of the new Blog site. How do we get invited to the new Blog? Jan 5th is fast approaching and we will need all the support and help of the group to get this thing resolved if Jeff doesnt come thorugh.
I like to view the new blog. I've been following this blog from the get go & have money invested. How do I become a part of the new blog.
Well, no poll, no update, no nothing,
I hate to say this but the same may just happen on Jan 5. I do not believe Jeff scammed us, he did use the money for the paper. The normal scam artist would live the good life in this case at least he put the money to a good use in his mind.
Pretty quiet, my question is was thre really 500 plus investors.
I'm David
Yes, there are plenty of investers. Time is what Jeff asked for, and we are willing to give time. He set the date and we can only wait to see. He will produce.
David, I admire your optimism. I hope your right, but Jeff has a pretty horrible track record with me. Actions speak much louder than words!
John, Optimism is all we have. We do not hold the cards at this time. A friend of mine flew down to Panama before we invested. It is his understanding Jeff is still making trades. I will continue to be optimistic. Jeff has had a few bumps in the road, but has always made it right. I've been an invester for two years and Jeff has always come through. Give him time.
Is there any traffic on the private blog? I am an investor and have been part of this blog since early on but seem not to be able to access the private blog. Can anyone help?
I find it so funny that people believe, just because Jeff was solid for two years, somehow that means he's a reputable guy... I mean, come on people - wake up! GM was solid for decades, and now?? You think ANY of us are going to see a PENNY without a huge fight on our hands?? I highly doubt it.
I stopped receiving the daily trade report emails from FCSL two days ago. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem with the daily emails?
Mine stopped about one week ago. I have no idea what is going on.
It is fun to look at your account balance and imagine you'll actually get it. It's updated as of today, so at a minimum, Jeff is giving the appearance of making good. Ha-ha!
Just because we haven't seen any trade updates over the past 2 days doesn't mean anything. They are probably just waiting out the storm that followed the latest wall street scandal. I prefer that approach as it is more safe.
I still believe we are going to be just fine in the end despite how horrible this experience has been. I was finally able to communicate with Jeff directly and he indicated that everything is still moving forward as planned. He did not give me any specifics and I did not push for them.
Let's not lose hope when we have waited so long and are only 19 days away from January 5th. Keep believing that Jeff will come through for us all!
I started getting the trades again today
How are some people actually getting in touch with him? The rest of us are completely in the dark. Did you ask him to send an update or that people are beyond upset at how he is acting?
Do you have Jeff's email address and phone number? I am not sure why there is a delay in the update he promised to send out. I personally believe that he is very aware of the high level of anxiety and frustration that we are all feeling as he is feeling it as well. His life's work is at stake here. Granted we can say it is his fault to begin with so tough luck but we do not have all the facts as to what happened so we cannot say for sure.
From the information I have been able to gather, he has been on-site in Panama working constantly in an effort to make this right. He has not tucked tail and run as you would expect someone running a scam to do which to me says this was never a scam. I still believe things will work out in the end. But I also share the sentiment that this has been one of the worst experiences of my life!
We are so close to the January 5th date. Let's not lose hope before then but focus all our energy on believing that things will work out. After January 5th, if nothing happens then things will change quickly but I think we must at least wait for that date to pass before taking any negative action.
Just got the survey in email. Looks like the choices are:
1) get all your money back
2) keep your money in and go to a 2% monthly return
3) continue compounding your money at a 2% monthly return
theres so much bull sh will we ever see a dime
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