I found this very helpful. If any of you have found other helpful information from speaking with your accountant, tax attorney or searching online, please post it in the comments. Let's reserve the comment section under this post for helpful tax related comments only. Other comments should continue under one of the other most recent posts.
If any of you have written this off as "theft", please let us know what definitions of theft you had to meet and what you used as evidence to show that it fits the definition. With this kind of a tax write off my chances of an audit will be much higher.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
Very interesting, thanks blog man!
NIce to still have one independent voice for us.
This theft write-off for income taxes is very interesting. I encourage it. I don't to pay the $250 myself because my taxable income is already zero. Maybe in some future year I could take advantage of it.
If anyone wants to get the ball rolling with the $250, please let us all know. Then others can sign up for the discounted fee.
Why is Jeff allowed to keep his fruad going through his public website?
What happened to Ed Snook? It sounds like the guy took our money and ran. Maybe we should go after him too.
did this whole effort to catch or go after Jeff just die? no one posts anything anymore, or am I at the wrong site?
Where is Everybody? Why have we not heard from those who are supposedly helping us recover funds? What happened to Ed Snook? Where is the update from Jeff? Is everyone in hiding now?
yeah like Ed ever did anything except take our money also.
Not sure about Jeff and the update. He needs to send it out soon.
3:52, there is a private site, email FCSLInvestmentRecoveryGroup@gmail.com.
to get onboard.
The IRS web site recently posted a special ruling for Ponzi scheme victims. You can read about it on http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=205374,00.html. There are also two IRS articles with details about who qualifies and how to file. http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=205505,00.html?portlet=7 The IRS has simplied the process for claiming a Ponzi loss since the Madoff case.
Sorry, here's the complete URL for the IRS statement on Ponzi schemes:
For some reason, the "html" keeps getting cut off the URL address.
Try this.
Hope this works.
Ed Snook? Where are you? I thought you were my savior. Everybody said you were God's gift to man. What happened to your biggest supporter Eliza? I guess you just took our money and ran off to your own private island. Did you invite Jeff L. along? I hope that you have settled your little love spat so tht you can both enjoy the spoils.
I guess jeff's startegy worked. he got Ed and jay to fight with each other and got the whole weblog Inactive without shutting it down. I am sure jeff is now getting new investors by the dozen to keep his Ponzi Scheme back at full throttle.
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