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Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
What a surprise... No money left and it is our fault for giving him our money.
I feel like throwing up after reading that dribble. if anybody thinks this nut job is going to give anyone their money back they need to give that up. i say its time to throw this jackass in prison
cliff's notes:
Jeff is a good Christian man, who has done nothing wrong here, and his wife loves him still. He's being honest, please believe him and... oh, and he still isn't going to give any of us our money back.
WoW. In the middle of this lovers spat We are screwed. Don't know Who to belive and who not to any more. I am begenning to hate all these bums. Some got us in this mess and others who now are trying to capitalize on our misfortune. Having a good laugh to boot.
so Jeff admits openly admits to lying since August, but by admitting the trades aren't real and were never real, he admits that he was lying all along as the trade emails that got us all to invest were/are not real, so he has only been lying since the beginning.... since he or his representatives convinces us to send our money....
So Jeff, you're admitting to lying now, but not admitting to lying then, but basically you're admitting you lied years ago, but now you're not lying anymore and the money is gone, but you'll make it all back in 9 months, but you are credible because you only lied for 3 1/2 years and are willing to admit to lying for 6 months, but everyone is an moron for believing in you and sending you are money and Ed is a con artist for taking advantage of us (which I believe he is) and you are not?
Jeff you are the epitome of hypocrisy, you have lied to all of us for years, you have enticed us to invest with you based on falsifications of your trading history (of which you admit has not even happened with our funds), and you criticize us for trusting you with our money while you admit that you have lied to us all along.
You talk of the desperate times in America and yet you have only contributed to them by losing our money by getting us to invest in your profitable trading which has yet to start.
No, not all of us invested our life savings, but even then, we invested in a lie sold by you Mack, Ben, Tucker, etc.
You cried because you were so happy to be passing out newspapers in Texas, and promised to be back on track in 60 days, and many of us hoped we would, and then weeks, months passed and many people probably cried too....
but not tears of joy, but tears of sorrow, as jobs were lost, businesses crumbled, hopes and dreams faded, and the PROMISE of FCSL quickly was becoming another in a series of let down and heart aches for us investors.
So Jeff, while you were "trying" to live your Newspaper Dream on our dime, many of our hopes and dreams (based on FCSL false promises), many of our dreams were quickly becoming nightmares.
Jeff, as much as you try to bash investors for investing their lives with you, your investment is not whay FCSL told them it was. They/We invested on on what they were told, and what they were told was not the truth...
Bash Ed for being who is he is, yet are you truly any different than he? Bash me for investing with you? Bash me for having faith in a man who says he has Christian values.
I know you see things very differently than many of us do, but take a step back, and listen to yourself for a moment--- you are basically "dogging" people who put their faith in you, and yet you openly admit that you have lied to us!!!
Jeff, I know you typed and read, and re-read your email over many hours, or days.... Something tells you you need to stop and spend a little time looking in the mirror, and look at the person you see there reflecting back at you, and maybe think about the people, yes we are people just like you, who have put their faith in you.
For you it is not the time to bash anyone, as you are the only one who has control over you and the wrongs you have committed. Ed, the investors, your employees, they are not yours to control, only you and the things you do and the things you have dome. You are your own keeper, and you have done yourself and all of us wrongly.
Take a step back, and think about all of us, your investors, what we "invested" in, what we believed, what you preach, what you say, and what has truly happened in this FCSL/Mentor investment, you will see that there is no one to hold accountable for this other than the man staring back at you in your mirror.
Jeff I truly wish that you can and will make things right for everyone as many people have suffered through this, as have I. But you can not succeed here by bashing those who you are trying to earn back the trust of, let alone anyone else.
I have personally spoken with Ed for hours in the last few weeks and I can tell you that I completely believe in him and what he is doing. What Jeff has done with this pathetic update is attempt to divert blame and focus onto Ed.
The real truth is that he is focusing his wrath on the one person how can and is destroying Jeff from the ground up. Ed is not telling us everything he is doing so that it does not leak out to Jeff giving him a chance to react. Ed is going to be the single greatest factor in getting money back (which I still firmly believe is there) or destroying Jeff for good!
Thank you Ed!!!
Ed and Jeff are both crooked! jeff you took millions and Ed fleeced us also and sounds like he got paid from jeff to do it. Oh brother--how did we find these 2???
Jeff is a complete sociopath, he admits to never generating a profit from which our interest payments were supposed to have been made from and admits to lying about every fundamental part and idea of what he claimed and led all investors to believe FCSL was, including over three years of daily trading emails.
He has continued to steal money from new investors. I now know that my money is gone and never to be seen again, but not due to honest capitalistic mistakes but to pure greed, deceit, fraud, manipulation, and almost every other tool accessible and acceptable to the Devil himself.
And by admitting this himself he expects to be let off the hook. You talk about someone who believes their own lies, well Jeff Lowrance should be the case study for that person.
May you wrought in prison the rest of your mortal life and then Hell in the life after.
P.S. I may not be your judge but I will be your witness both here and the here after.
thank you ed?? are you nuts-he seems as bad as jeff.
What has ed done that is so wonderful? Nothing that I can see. He seems to have helped Jeff when times were good with jeff then when Jeff ran out of money he fleeced the rest of us!! taking advantage of the entire situation , what BS.
ty ed? I agree-what did ed right that, who else would be that delusional? I am not thanking either one of these 2 scoundrels until I see some of my money back!
looks to me like Jeff took my money and then Ed took my money from Jeff, geeeez!
You will not get any of your money back, what in the world would make you think that a con-artist who has been running a ponzi-scam by his own admittance for the last four years has the ability, knowledge or character to generate 26 million in principle in the next 9 to 12 months with, by his own statements, nothing to start from. Are you going to give him more money to help him make the stolen principle back with, when he's never been able to make money in the first place?
Pull your heads out of the sand and face reality, the only end here is PRISON for Jeff Lowrance.
"Funds deposited into First Capital are traded in the Foreign Exchange Currency Market, otherwise known as the FOREX Spot Market. The monthly deposit bonuses offered below are produced from the rock-solid trading skills of our well-established trading professionals. All bonus percentages are locked in at a fixed rate to provide a predictable monthly income." NOT A PONZI??????
Use some logic for a moment here... Jeff is a pathological liar. It is what he does. He dedicates a small novel to bashing Ed. To me, that makes Ed the best thing out there. Ed was the one who got his hands on this update and sent it out for pete's sake. Why would he send something out that spends so much time bashing him?
In my opinion, I want to be associated with the man who Jeff hates the most because that man is the person who is most likely in a position to get me money or make Jeff pay.
People are complaining that Ed has not done anything... how do you know that? He is not about to give us a play-by-play. He isn't trying to negotiate with Jeff he is methodically squeezing him until he makes payments. No negotiating, no more promised delays.. money or pain.
Profile of the Sociopath ie Jeff Lowrance.
This summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.
* Glibness and Superficial Charm
* Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
* Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
* Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
* Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
* Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
* Incapacity for Love
* Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
* Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
* Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
* Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
* Irresponsibility/Unreliability
Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
* Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.
* Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
* Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
As far as i am concerned im sorry i ever sent SNOOK THE CROOK a damn dime! At least jeff and jay are working on a soloution,and not sitting around blowing smoke up our ass.
Now I have 2 people to ask, when are you going to send my money back, JEFF AND ED!
I as well as the people that sent ed any and all money should be refunded immediately. Demanding accountability, maybe you need look no further than under your own nose.
I feel like i am in hell, jeff doesnt have any of my money, and ed has my last dime.
i think I should go watch "Dirty rotten scoundrels" today as that would easily describe these 2
jeff is broke and ed has our money. I suggest we demand our money back from Ed. How much has he really gotten from Jeff? Does Ed really believe the money he got in the fall is not investor money now? oh come on.
return our money ed and go away
Jeff return our money also!!!
"Did you know that if you fire someone in Panama, you still have to pay them something close to 6 weeks of pay!! Welcome to socialism! Our beloved country will become the same way if we don’t stop the socialists from expanding their agenda"
Buddy If you are the Model of Capitalism we have no hope of stopping Socialism. Guys like you who abuse everything and everyone around them with lies and fraud, push us further and further towards such laws.
Stop Blaming the system. If you had been honest with your vendors and employees in Panama the laws would never had to kick in.
if this was the old west we would have already gotten a posse together and hung jeff l and then grabbed ed crook and lynched him to
I trust Jason over Ed. I think both are trying to pursue decent ends by their own means. I think Jason's means are now more effective as he seems to have a more constructive relationship with Jeff. Why send Jeff to jail? He is in his own personal hell anyway. His dream is done, and he has no trust or ability to do any kind of business. He has his trading--maybe. If that works out then great. If not he is sunk. He is probably sunk anyway. I don't want my tax dollars to go to feeding and housing this guy. Like prison would be worse than his current situation! Also then the tiny chance that anyone sees money is gone.
I trust Jason because he has worked with Jeff and has the ability to get at the actual books--the numbers will tell the tale. Ed has taken our money recently from Jeff, and as far as I know, no one has been paid. I have paid neither of these men, but that is only because I have nothing to pay. The money that Jason is asking seems much more reasonable than Eds plan.
So let J work--let him come up with this plan. If he can watch the numbers--the books--on an ongoing basis and we know that the money is going to actual trades, and those trades are reasonably successful on a consistent basis--then we take what we can get.
Jeff Says: I'm telling the truth now, I've been lying to you all along, but get mad at Ed. I've snookered you all for years, but don't take it out on me. Oh, and by the way the money is all gone, and we never traded for profit, but give me a few months and I'll have this all straightened out. I couldn't make a cent for 3 1/2 years and used all of you money to pay myself, some of my staff, and to slowly pay clients, in what is "technically" a Ponzi pyramid scam, but now that we have nothing, I'm ready to start generating money and pay you all if you will just leave me alone for a while.
I say: With all of the lies and mis-information, it's hard to even believe that he is being honest about not really trading and the money being gone. I really just can't imagine trusting someone who tells me he lied for years and is now finally being honest. Is the money really gone Jeff? or is that just another lie?
I agree with Steven. It is time for Ed to take a step back and allow this plan to work. May be he wil get his $150K as part of this plan too. Not that I belive jeff's accusations Entirely but at this Juncture it is less productve for Jeff to continue in the role of an Arbitrator for us. I have not paid either of them money. But I plan to support Jay soon with my money. his fees are reasonable , He has his own investment at risk,Seems to Have Jeff's confidence, has accounatility.
I hope Jay follows though validates all of Jeff's claims and not take his word at Face value. Ensure that we are protected in the long run.
agree with Steven. It is time for Ed to take a step back and allow this plan to work. May be he wil get his $150K as part of this plan too. Not that I belive jeff's accusations Entirely but at this Juncture it is less productve for Jeff(I meant Ed- Fraudian Slip) to continue in the role of an Arbitrator for us. I have not paid either of them money. But I plan to support Jay soon with my money. his fees are reasonable , He has his own investment at risk,Seems to Have Jeff's confidence, has accounatility.
I hope Jay follows though validates all of Jeff's claims and not take his word at Face value. Ensure that we are protected in the long run.
anonymous 4:30-
There is no reason to trust Jeff at this point--but he will be held accountable to his statements from now on. A thorough audit will be done--THE NUMBERS WILL TELL THE TALE. Then we can use oversight to make Jeff stick to a plan. That is the only way he will keep his freedom. That is the only small chance we have of getting money back. We can hold Jeff to the truth if we can have J there keeping things transparent.
I have been following closely all this situation i have a few questions
*how did he manage to pay clients the earnings for 3 years if he wasnt trading
*it was clear to me that ed took advantage of the situation that was an easy one
*so if he wasnt trading then he was investing the money in what
*why start the newspaper if you knew you didnt have enough money
*if you where never trading when you where going to tell people the truth
*you are suppose to be a good trader yourself why didnt you trade the funds or is it you are not a good trader at all
*its clear there is no money but how do you have participation in these projects that are suppose to be the life savers of this group of investors
*you would have made more money selling the reco's why didnt you try that
this hole situation is so amazing im just curious how did you pull this one off
Why are the majority of you so blind or is it just denial? Open your eyes! How can a con-artist be expected to repay anyone when he has no human life value to begin with. Jeff is hopeless, useless and a complete waste of life. There is only one solution and sorry everybody but getting our money back isn't part of it, it's gone accept for the few million Jeff has hidden which of course aren't on any fraudulent books. By the way if he has been running a complete scam and fraud then how will an audit do any good, he's not a business man so his books will be a lie too. The money I'm sure he has tucked away somewhere is a fraction of what he owes all of us but plenty for him to live off of for the rest of his life if kept free.
He has the nerve to say that he's the only thing of value and we have no hope of seeing any money if he's not kept free, well folks, we have no hope if he is kept free, what would make any of you think that he could be a productive member of society now? Let alone produce all our money back? IMPOSSIBLE!!!
The only solution I was refering to in the beginning of this blog is PRISON! PRISON! PRISON! and hopefully lots of ASS RAPING like he's done to all of us.
nope not a good idea on the post bfore this one if he says he has the solution trust my guts he has it so putting him away could only endanger the solution know to figure out if he is really the solution the questions need to be answer
*how did he manage to pay clients the earnings for 3 years if he wasnt trading
*so if he wasnt trading then he was investing the money in what
*its clear there is no money but how do you have participation in these projects that are suppose to be the life savers of this group of investors
in my life i have heard about many investments where people where screw away of there money the one thing that is clear is that he had no intention of doing a fraud im going to tell you why when your intention is to commit a fraud you can do it the proper way and walk away like nothing ever happend and trust me on this one i have seen many and heard of many if he was really trying to screw clients over he would of even avoid the situation in panama that he mentions and that you do it by stablishing a simple risk disclosure but he was not that brigth so that tells me there was no intention it is clear he wanted to do good but couldnt put it together but its also clear that he couldnt put it together because he was only listening to himself probably
or even listenin to wrong people
It's easy to pay clients for 3 years when you continue to raise new money from new investors, that's what they call a ponzi-scheme, duh. WAKE UP AND TURN YOUR BRAINS ON!
Jay is the only chance we have of either getting our money back or putting Jeff in Jail. He has and always will be steps ahead of Ed and he is doing it legally. Ed is stealing our funds from Jeff and Ed is scaming those foolish enough to yet again put your funds up to a scoundrel.
i dont know if your are doing the math but base on his update most the clients receive 100% or more of the principal if we are talking of 26m in 3 years if you divide 26m in 3 it comes out to 722,222 per month take as reference the highest amount he was payin in hearning which was 7% when he started and even go lower to the 5%the numbers wwoont run to 3 years plus you need to remenber we are talking about 400+ clients
forget to retunr the favor
If there is any Question of Ed's intent and integrity this whole sequence of events is proof enough.
First he convinces one of his buddies to Join Jay's privae blog and his inner circle to steal info that Jeff was giving him. Then he publishes the report before Jay has a chance to release it. Then Knowing what was in it, Sends out an email to all his potential clients questioning Jay's credibility an try and split the group. So far he has produced no results other than the article in his paper. We could have bought an ad in the Wall street Journal for less than that and probably written a eqully good article. would have had more impact because it would have come from our heart and sense of desperation.
Both Jeff and Ed are Crooks who belive that we dont desreve the money we have and so can be scammed into parting with it. Equally arrogant, Deceptive and under the disillusionment that they are here to save this country and our way of life.
With scum bags like these the only way to teach them a lesson is to hit them where it hurts.
I say We get Jeff thrown in Jail for criminal mischief and use his notes ad documents to start a civil litigation against Ed.
+ if we think about it its clear the money was paying for the expenses so how can you pay the expenses pay the investors (salaries commissions to the sales people he say one of the sales people made 425,000)
for the post before mine you need to remenber none of you have said you didnt receive your principal back in earnings only the ones that havent could have a case i could be wrong on my toughts but it wont be an easy case at all you guys need to slow down get the answers an do the math we are missing something here
Why is everyone believing the information in the update? Jeff is a proven liar so why would anyone want to believe what he has said.
Also, why would Jeff write so much defaming Ed Snook? Seriously... think about it for one second! It is not because Ed is a bad guy, it is because he represents the greatest threat to Jeff's stability.
For everyone claiming that Ed has done nothing... how do you know that? How do you know what he has and/or has not done? Because he has not told everyone what he is doing? We didn't pay him for a play by play, we paid him for results. Jeff's massive bashing of Ed is proof that Ed is getting those results!
Jeff is just trying to divert attention away from himself here! He wants us to all believe the following:
1. That Jeff is our only hope for money.
2. That Ed is the devil and we should all waste emotional energy focusing our anger toward him.
On the other hand, Jay has done some wonderful work. His efforts are also commendable. I personally think that Jeff has doctored the data he is supplying to Jay but that is fine with me. At least it could lead to more information.
Do not lose focus here! Jeff is the criminal, not Ed or anyone else. I also have no doubt that Jeff has a significant amount of money. Do not lose hope or focus!!!
again you people are not paying attention and doing the math
since the update came out none of you have said that the 26m is not the right amount and that the 42m is actually and amount with interest add to it so base on that im assuming the numbers are right
about ed ill say this one time and one time only its obvious he saw the opportunity and seize it guys any investigator or lawyer charges and advance for expenses not the full amount or base on the amount he could of say lets put some money together for expenses and if we get something back you pay me it makes sense to ask for the full amount of his cost if he knew he would never get nothing back because he knew there was no money
When Jeff stopped paying the monthly payments back in June, Ben Greenwood specifically told me that there was over 2.4 million in the account that they use to pay the monthly payments. So I know that money existed after he stopped making any payments.
jeff made one big mistake even when ed was representing him he had no power over jeff to ask him for his clients list people clients list is the most important info any firm will protect because that's money right there even when clients loose money its just psychology of investors to invest more what could have made jeff turn over such a valuable asset you can only twist someones arm when you know something or you have something against them and trust me in my comments im not taking any sides i do know jeff i never met or talk to ed but i do know he is the same jeff went to to have the blog remove because it was hurting the business
when i saw his request on the blog to clients to sign up with him i use the same word jeff use in his update opportunist know we need to go back to doing the math something is not right there
no we are talking the question is how did ben knew there was money in that account if only a few people knew and had access to accounts ben was just a sales guy and fairly new to the structure was he sure or that was something someone told him
Ben Greenwood also said that the 2.4 million in the account was enough to make the monthly payments for 6 months.
I can't believe that any of you actually believe anything that Jeff says. He strategically spent 3/4 of his "investor update" talking about Ed to divert attention. I am astounded that you all are falling for that and playing into Jeff's continued scheming.
Some of you actually believe that Jeff is broke. Are you kidding me?
Ed didn't pay anybody for the update. Jay held on to it for nearly 2 weeks. Why?
You all are totally losing your heads.
so if eliza is dani i belive you have no saying in this situation because you where even more new to the company plus you didnt have access to information on the investment side your job was newspaper stick to that and its clear in the update jeff was the one who connect you to ed so you must be in debt with him for his assistance to you lets get back to the numbers 2.4m for six months represented 400k per month im more than sure that base on the amount that was raise 400k monthly is not close to the amount he was suppose to be paying in earnings
I am not voicing my opinion of Ed based on Jeff's letter or even believing anything Jeff says. I am in complete agreemnet with you. Jeff is a pathological Liar and a scumbag. But Ed's mode of operation is not very professional. I saw someone write a note that Ed did not pay for the Jeff Response letter sent to Jay. You are right. he stole it. The right thing to do would have been to Talk to Jay find out why he was not releasing it and then come to some agreement on when to relase it with proper comments and explaination of what it says (Like a conference call). Instaed he choose to try and divide us. Not cool. By doing this he is causing the distraction we dont need. Now I just Hope Jay sticks to the plan, Pursues Jeff. Doesnt believe anything Jeff Says at face value and validates and documents everything.
The key question is do we need the money back or do we need Jeff in Jail?
I vote for the later but I gurantee you that more than 90% of th folks would rather have their money back. If Jeff staying out of jail is the only way to get our money back the we should do so provided he allows us to monitor, audit and have complte transperency to his dealings. Any thing less than that we are better off throwing him in jail, writing off this whole thing and at least ending the nightmare here and now.
this is more stalling by jeff until he can get out of the country and live off his offshore accounts. he has no intention of ever paying anyone back.
last coment is not making sense if he wanted to go away that he could of done long time ago
Eliza, no one is saying they have renewed trust in Jeff. We do want our money back and I for one believe that Jay is the only way we will get it back. Ed has proven to only care about himself as he has only taken more money from Jeff that could have gone to those 18+ that are abosolutely desperate, in addition to scaming those foolish enough to believe in his unethical scheme. He has nothing on Jeff and I am sick and tired of you, Eliza, constantly defending him. How much is Mr Snook paying you?
I agree with 7:17 "If Jeff staying out of jail is the only way to get our money back the we should do so provided he allows us to monitor, audit and have complte ransperency to his dealings. Any thing less than that we are better off throwing him in jail, writing off this whole thing and at least ending the nightmare here and now." And this is what Jay, NOT ED, is accomplishing.
I also agree with 5:37 "to start a civil litigation against Ed."
Any more involvment by Ed will only take money from us. Eds involvement is only costing us potential payments.
Mr Snook i would suggest that you reimburse all of those whom you received moneys from and step away from the situation and be happy with all that you have already made and received from Jeff. If you really cared about those investors in dire straits you would take those funds you received in January and forward it to Jay to be disbursed. But I do not expect you would do this as you are not an honorable man. You are the same as Jeff Lowarance.
For all those worried about whether Jeff still has funds or not, I spoke with a closely referred Research and Collection firm that only deals with tracking and seizing funds off-shore. I was assured that it was very unlikely that Jeff had spent all the funds, that in all previous cases they were neatly tucked away, until they found the funds and seized them.
I know for a fact that Ed agreed to help many of us for little or no money (not the advertised price). Some were allowed to pay a small fee (less than 100.00) and then the rest upon recovery of funds. Some paid nothing at all. In the conference call that he joined, he indicated that if people had extenuating circumstances, they should call him and tell him so he could help them out. If he was all about making money off of us, why would he take on some for nothing and many for a token payment (with no further obligation ever)?
Ed is not a bad person at all! The stuff Jeff said is a pile of lies designed at distracting us. He also wants us to revolt against his greatest enemy. In my book, any enemy of Jeff's is a friend of mine!!!
WHY DO YOU THINK JEFF DEDICATED SO MUCH OF HIS UPDATE TO BASHING ED? THINK ABOUT IT!!! Do you really think he was telling us all that information to help us? What would his motivation be?
I will tell you exactly what it is... he perceives Jay as an ally so he speaks highly of him. He knows Ed won't cooperate with him or negotiate with him. He knows Ed has found out things about him that can and will (if he doesn't pay up soon) destroy him. He even states in the udpate that he knows Ed can put him in prison for 20 years.
I know that Ed has put countless hours into finding info on Jeff. And not just Ed, his staff is assigned to it as well. Ed is not going to report it all to us because, as Jay has learned, there would inevitably be information leaks.
Ed did not steal the update... how would he even do that? Seriously! Did he hack someone's computer? It was given to him and he chose to send it to us. I don't doubt that Jay had a good reason for recommending that Jeff delay the release. Probably because of what is happening now. But did Ed do wrong by sending it out? How can people bash him for that when just 2 days ago they were begging for its release?
Ed is a kind, honest person. He can be direct and aggressive but that is just how he is. He did receive payments from Jeff on money that was contractually owed him... but how is that any different from anyone receiving money? Bucky stated that he got money from Jeff in December.. is he a crook? If Jeff sent money to the 17-18 desperate people this week, would they then be co-conspirators? Fact is, I wish I was as good as Ed at getting Jeff to pay me back! If so, you bet I would walk away from this and not spend my efforts helping everyone out just to be bashed up and down!
I have read a lot of comments bashing Ed, saying he is dishonest and all this stuff. But what proof does anyone have? Because he got some money from Jeff? It was a fraction of what was owed. Is it because you perceive he is doing nothing? If he is doing nothing, then why is Jeff attacking him so badly? If he were doing nothing, Jeff would be praising him as a friend and ally!!!!
As someone previously said, TURN YOUR BRAINS ON! Do not fall for Jeff's diversion! Jeff has money that he does not want to part with.
Jay, keep on working with Jeff!
Ed, keep on doing what you are doing!
Jeff, start making payments! If you don't, you will be in prison very shortly!
I vote whole heartedly with PRISON! What ever money he does have left will be a fraction of the principle he owes us. I have personally been one of those that lost everything as a result of this, including my home. My family will be homeless within the next few months and I'm sure I will be bankrupt soon after. I receive non stop calls every single day from debt collectors harassing me. I have nothing left financially to lose at this point and I thank God everyday that my wife hasn't left me yet.
I am at the point now that I don't care if I ever see another dime from that lying, devil worshiping bastard, you see those that serve the devil always use Gods truth to manipulate others.
The only justice I care to see now is Jeff in a cell for as long as possible, the only reason I haven't gone to the authorities myself is out of respect for the other investors.
8:36, Well said.
7:01, You are clearly one of Jeff’s cronies. What I was able to understand of your post went in one ear and out the other.
I owe Jeff NOTHING. You got that? I posted my response to Jeff’s lies about me on the newspaper blog. It has no place here.
7:17, Does Jay clear what he does with Ed? Jeff is the only one trying to divide everybody.
8:24, Neither Ed nor Jay has recovered any funds yet. You clearly intend to perpetuate the 47 pages of BS propaganda Jeff wretched on everyone.
I have never received nor expect to receive a dime from Mr. Snook.
dani my bad eliza again you have no saying in this situation how long where you with the newspaper i would trust jay over ed simply because he has money invested there so if things where looking real bad he wouldnt be happy at all if jay is saying lets move on it has to be because he knows something you guys dont its clear you need the answer to the questions before doing assesment on what to do and eliza sorry dani even that guy antonio had more balls than you my bad you dont have balls stop trying to distract people this is a serious matter people are in serious debts here and here you come again trying hard to clearly divert them from what they need to analize to make proper decisions I KEEP SAYING THE NUMBERS ARE IMPORTANT 3 1/2 years something is not right we are missing something ask jay if he has the answers to the questions already
*how did he manage to pay clients the earnings for 3 years if he wasnt trading
*so if he wasnt trading then he was investing the money in what
*why start the newspaper if you knew you didnt have enough money
*you are suppose to be a good trader yourself why didnt you trade the funds or is it you are not a good trader at all
*its clear there is no money but how do you have participation in these projects that are suppose to be the life savers of this group of investors
*you would have made more money selling the reco's why didnt you try that
WAIT A MINUTE- So if i read the update correctly, Ed received 350,000 for a chain of law services, that never happened then he pays 50,000 salary for again something that never happened. SOOOO i guess ed needs to be the good guy he claims to be return the 400,000. After that he can start paying the investors back, if i read it right HE NEVER INVESTED A DIME so who the hell is he to take 50,000 of INVESTOR MONEY????
We have no issues with you.
1) You have the right to follow and adore whoever you chooses to.
2) We agree with you that Jeff is the main culprit and scumbag
3) We should not believe anything jeff says as he is a pathological Liar.
Having said that it is obvious that you are too close to Ed and cannot see the forest from the trees. Don’t know what is game is or his true role is in this entire Saga but he sure is coming across like an opportunist and wants to benefit from our misery. There was no Issue of dividing us until Ed starts sending out Emails trying to sabotage Jay's work. He also unethically obtained Jeff's Long over due response (which he could not obtain after repeated promises) that was sent to Jay and releases it to everyone and follows up with a letter to his group that accuses Jay of being the editor. Then we find out through documented evidence that He did receive some money from Jeff since Jan that should rightfully have gone to the really desperate Investors who are about to loose everything but he chooses to credit it to his account of IOU from Jeff. I remember very distinctly in the Telecom that Ed clearly said he was very wealthy and did not need this. The 16-18 investors who are about to go completely broke need that money more than he does. The right thing to do would have been to turn it over to these folks and let them at least come up for some air.
So our problem is not with you or our turning away from the real problem that is Jeff but having Ed murky up the situation further, Distract us from our goals and try to divide us.
God bless you and I hope you find your peace and get your situation with Jeff resolved like the rest of us are hoping to, But for heavens sake don’t tell us to follow another Arrogant, refuses to be accountable, Shady , self promoting person who uses Patriotism and Christianity to hide behind as our leader in pursuing the ultimate crook. We need professionalism, Accountability and a true understanding of what the investors are going through to get to the bottom of this.
co-sign comment before me now guys does anyone now the answers to the questions jay should have an inmediate answer to them been that he already new about the update and had time enough to start askin does questions which can define the reason for him not wanting to put jeff in jail does nayone know the answer to the questions or not yet
You do not know the story behind the money Ed got. I do, and it is not at all like Jeff is making it seem! Do not let Jeff change the subject!
Focus on Jeff!!!!
Folks. This is not the forum for Ed vs. Jeff discussions. Those Two can take their Battle elsewhere and fight it out.
All I care for is for my money to come back to me from Jeff. And to make sure that Jeff doesn’t do this again to anyone. If that means He needs to go to Prison. So be it. But first Priority is to get my money back. Jay is doing that and I fully support him to pursue that option in a Legal, Accountable and reasonable way with out getting carried away by Jeff's promises or his ranting ensuring that he validates everything Jeff says and follows the money trail very diligently.
the only one that benefitted from Ed posting the update was ED, why doesn't everyone see that. If Jeff is arrested Ed wins as he keeps OUR MONEY and the spotlight will be off him. Also Ed tried to drive a wedge between Jeff and J and if there is any possible solution I believe J will find it not Ed. I agree with the posting in the private forum how is Ed going to find the money and even if he does how does he get to it without a court order? I highly doubt Jeff is carrying that much cash around.
Eliza have you even talked to J? ask him for his reasons don't assume-- you seem to be so deep in bed with Ed it is pathetic, grab some pom poms as you are his biggest cheerleader. From the conf call to other calls, all Ed all the time with you. What did putting the update do but enflame everyone-I believe J held it for that very reason and is working for our best interest, Ed is working for his interests only!
Jeff either squandered the money or has it hidden, either way he is shady. Ed is ALSO shady and guilty of fraud too.
11:10AM identify yourself, how do you know what the nature of the money is to Ed form Jeff???
so many opinions so many agendas but lets keep it simple ask yourself who has profited from all of this so far? jeff l and ed snook. lets keep focused here people
I'd like to know why anyone cares about Ed or Jay or any udpate.
I'm in agreement with all those who say: Jeff will never pay anyone another red cent and NOT JAY NOR ED CAN GET HIM TO!, So... we need to get Jeff locked-up for life, and as quickly as possible.
Everyone trying to make sense of the numbers and figure out who did this or that... it's just nonsense.
We get no money back, and Jeff winds up in prison, end of story.
I am sorry---it just sounds pointless to me to work for Jeff to go to jail. Like anyone is ever going to trust him again. Like he is ever going to dupe investors again. Is it just out of a sense of justice? Why waste the energy? Is it so we can see him go to jail, point to that and say "there's the monster that ruined my life, see they put him in jail, what a victim I am".
We now know the situation better than we ever have because of J and to some degree Ed. We will know more when the audit is done. We can watch Jeff closely and have oversight. If he somehow (please someone come up with a viable way that you can stash or transfer millions with it not showing up on a record somewhere) he has money hidden or some such we will be able to see him use it in whatever way and can squish him then.
If he has truly lost the money then he is in his own sorry HELL. He can get himself a job slopping tacos, or maybe a paper route. His reputation and ability to raise capital is shot. I (and we) gain nothing from his punishment, If he can somehow make it up, then great, that would be the desired solution, and the ONLY way I or we gain if we want to play ANY part in our lives other than SORRY VICTIMS.
I completely disagree with the last comment. Justice demands that someone who perpetrates a Ponzi Scheme must serve their time. It is not simply to punish the offender but to deter other like-minded individuals. There must be dire consequences for ruining so many lives!
As for how to go about that... Jeff obviously works on two basic principles:
1. He sells hope. As long as we buy it, he avoids consequence. His explanation for how he will make it right for us in such a short period of time does not make any sense at all based on the money he reports "not" having. On the other hand, assuming he does have a large amount of money (which I believe), it may be possible.
2. He only acts when given ultimatums leading to immediate consequences. He will never pay us a dime as long as he feels he can avoid consequence.
So I propose the following course of action:
1. Jay continues verifying information and finding out what he can.
2. We set a date by which at least some payments must be made. I do not think the April date is soon enough. At least some payments to the "desperate 18" must be made within 4 weeks time or we turn him in as a group. If all of us act simultaneously there is no way the FBI or whatever authority will ignore it. I propose that we set the date of Friday, March 13th for some payments to be made to show his little plan for our success is in fact working.
If he does not pay, there is no way we should allow him to walk away from this with only his conscience as punishment. I am not convinced that he still has one based on that update.
Jeff: I’m finished. Jeff plus economy equals financial ruin. I gambled on Jeff to change my families future. He did. The culmination of my life’s work, a financial epitaph.
I took out a HELOC last January when home values were high and work was plenty. Now I am 200K upside down on the home, 200K in dead business debt for equipment I can’t sell or use with no work in four months. On top of all that I have 50K in exorbitant interest rate credit cards. Sold all personal possessions to pay interest only. Monday I file for bankruptcy protection.
Update page 1, item #4 “great hope”? Had I known no money would come with the update I could have sold possessions six months ago, instead I’ve been dumping them down an interest toilet for the past six months. I don’t even have possessions that I can sell now to pay for Mondays bankruptcy appointment. Jeff, it’s not that you came clean, it’s WHEN you came clean. I am 45 years old starting over – I must go scrape moss off a roof to pay for used baby clothes now.
Losing this bad hurts in so many ways but one that stings is three plus years of misrepresented trade results that initially sold me…this by a brother in the Lord.
–Aza Cline/Diligent
I say we give J a chance to reach a solution before involving the FBI. He seems to be working on something that seems to have a chance and I am for exploring all options of the return of my money before just throwing these bums in jail, where they belong but where we all lose our money. If it doesn't work we can still go to the authorities down the road.
Nothing that man of the devil could touch could possibly produce good fruit. He is a cancer and needs to be treated as such,.
11:10, I would advise you NOT to identify yourself. Some here are blood thirsty rabid dogs and angry beyond reason. Jeff’s cronies will throw you to them the second the opportunity arises.
It is pathetic that some are dedicating this blog to judging Ed (and now me) when Jeff is the one who has completely screwed everybody.
The people who I’ve spoken with directly all received the same referral information; Ed’s contact, J’S CONTACT, the blog admin, this blog, and an insider.
Apologies if my question about why J would hold on to Jeff’s letter for two weeks made some of you uncomfortable. No doubt J is working his ass off for you, but it is beyond me why an attorney representing the plaintiffs would spend 2 weeks editing a letter for the defendant.
Didn’t Jay consult with Ed about this? Or is it just Ed who is supposed to clear his actions with J before moving forward? J’s clients are more important than Ed’s? You are all in the same boat. You are allowing Jeff to divide you.
Some of you were begging to get Jeff’s latest BS update. We all have a right to hear Jeff’s UNCENSORED lunacy, no matter how uncomfortable it makes any of us. I am baffled that some of you are falling into Jeff’s psychosis.
How on earth do you think Ed benefited from the post? Is J not charging recovery fees?
You aren’t the only people Jeff owes money to.
If you have anything else to say to me or about me, please use my email, as your personal attacks on me have no place here. I hope that the rational investors on this blog can talk some sense into the others.
It’s pretty funny that the foreign guy who was never taught punctuation thinks he’s got some big secret against me by calling me by my name. Cute.
I still wish all of you the best of luck.
Take care.
Not all of us are as psycho as some... I personally beleive Jeff L. is anonymously posting some of this crap to further incite us.
It doesn't matter what we say, for some reason, some people are going to buy Jeff's ruse and focus their anger on Ed. I still have not heard a single bit of tangible evidence against him. I know a smokescreen when I see one and Jeff is blowing a huge one out of his #**!
I do not have any desire to bash Jay either. He is doing what he feels is right in this situation just the same as Ed. The wierd thing for me is this... why is no one bashing on Jay? They are like mirror images of each other. Both are attempting to provide a fee-based service to us in the hopes of recovering some funds and/or bringing Jeff to justice. Both of them have made significant progress. You may feel Jay's is more tangible as you know he met with Jeff but what has he told us? We have been totally in the dark with Jay. He wouldn't even allow the update to come out and even took part in editing it (I wouldn't want anything to do with that pile). I will tell you what Jay was doing... exactly what he felt was right given his circumstances. And we should leave him alone to do his work. Why are we not affording Ed the same courtesy? Because his efforts are less transparent? I have spoken with him a lot and know first hand that he is very involved and spending countless hours (along with 2 full-time staff) on his Jeff attack. Ed has far more experience at this type of thing than Jay has ever dreamed of. Ed has busted this kind of thing for almost 2 decades. He knows how to do it while preserving as much money as possible for his clients. He is VERY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES! Why do you think Jeff spent so much time enlightening us on Ed? Jeff has a motive for everything he does.
Why would he spend that much time on Ed?
Do you think it is because he cares about us and the money we "lost" to Ed? Give me a break! Ed right now represents the biggest threat to Jeff because Ed is not willing to negotiate with him for more time. He is not willing to listen to more of his lies and excuses. He has simply stated to Jeff, "give them their money or be systematically destroyed. And that is exactly what he is doing. It is far more in depth than a simple article. That article is the basis for the news spreading throughout Jeff's peer structure. Don't think Jeff feels that was just a little article! Ed has many more things in store for Jeff and he knows it! That is precisely why he is attacking Ed... trying to divert his attention and ours!
Jeff is playing Jay like a puppet. I am not saying Jay is really going along with Jeff's lies but Jeff certainly seems to believe he is.
We will see what happens. I do not like the division at all. It is counter-productive. I wish there were a way to combine approaches as I read from someone else before but sounds like too much bad blood at this point to hope that Ed and Jay would team up.
One thing I will say... if you think Ed is all you say he is... I dare you to post any of your accusations using your real name! You can get a little taste of what Jeff is feeling cause if you publicly slander Ed, he will get all over your butt!
Any time a compulsive liar says he's coming clean, you better be prepared for lot's more lies. Just because he believes them doesn't make them true.
I think everyone knows that Jeff screwed up, lied, etc and have known so for a long time.
Can someone explain to me what Ed can really do to Jeff? I think Jeff's name is already ruined by this blog. Violence would be criminal agains whoever did it even if it was Jeff.
Ed can't get at any money if it is in a bank or account without Jeff's permission, not gonna happen, or a court order and that looks to be J's department, the legal route. I doubt Jeff has a lot of cash on him.
I am not being sarcastic, I really want to understand. someone?
to 11:47 PM,
there's nothing ANYONE can do at this point, beyond the FBI, SEC, to get that SOB, JEFF L.
yeah and I can see Ed now, oppps FBI got him-I'm done, thanks for your money...
and he walks away laughing
or will he have any decency and return it, I doubt it.
Birds of a feather flock together!
Excerpt from one of Jeff's Emails in early '08:
Now, let me step back a bit as a way of reviewing on particular subject. On top of our 4-year track record, we have the trading activity that is sent directly to your email, so that you have been able to watch for as long as you wish. Some of you have been receiving those emails since we began that email program back in September of 2005. That is nearly 3 years!
The complete trading data is listed on our website on the "Trade History" link on our homepage at That Excel spreadsheet covers thousands of trades and holds out ---evidence that we have been doing very well in the Forex business for a long time.---
Good thing he didn't start lying until September when Ed told him to.....
And here's where Jeff told us how our deposits were insured....It's a Classic
A look Ahead..
Now for our latest update. Last month in mid-October, we applied for the equivalent of Deposit Insurance for First Capital S & L. The process is due to take about another 60 to 75 days. We are really excited about this! Once we have that particular license, we can legally say that we hold Deposit Insurance as a security net for First Capital S & L clients and depositors. As you can imagine, this is a very important license for us to have!
To add to that, in a sense, we already have an equivalent to Deposit Insurance with Post Bank, our European correspondent bank. All of our funds that we hold in Euros are held with Post Bank. If you watch World Soccer matches on T.V., you will see that Post Bank sponsors many events all throughout Europe and Africa.
The only difference with Post Bank and First Capital S & L is that the Deposit Insurance contract is in their name and not ours. We have wanted to have a contract in our name as well. With our application last month, and me getting word just this last Monday that our initial application looks good!!, we can't wait to add that to our website! This won't change our Forex Dividend Plus program at all. But it sure hedges up our banking operations and gives us another step of credibility with anyone doing business with First Capital S & L.
Again, thank you all for joining with us on our venture. You have helped us reach our dreams of launching a National Christian and Patriotic newspaper, of the likes that has not been seen in a long, long time in the US. We hope that with our Forex Dividend Plus program, we have helped you reach some of your dreams as well.
We are forever grateful to each of you for your investing with us!
God bless you,
Jeff what exactly is a patriot? You call Ed a patriot, and yourself as well. You say the US needs more patriots.
Well if you are a patriot, then a patriot is a liar and a thief, and personally, I think the US could do with less not more.
Here's a quote from Jeff's Final update:
"1, That I am neither a thief nor a fraud."
I think my previous two posts show that you are in fact both a thief and a fraud.
4:27 PM, “For some, patriotism is ‘the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ For others, it means dissent against a government’s abuse of the people.” – Ron Paul
Jeff is a scoundrel and an abuser, not a Patriot.
Don't forget a Sociopath.
Since Jeff seems to respond only when given a deadline and only when he realizes failure to do so will result in some serious consequences, here is what I suggest:
1) By March 1st He needs to come up with a plan to repay the Investors (even if it is very low payments to start with). NO BS no excuses.
2) By March 15th the auditors have to confirm that the plan is being Executed (I dont care if it is Jay's group or Ed's Group)
3) My Aprils 1st the initial payments have to start going out to the investors.
Failure to do this would result in us going to the Authorities to Turn him in.
If there is an ounce of truth in his 40+ pages of confession, then he has the time and the willingness to do this in a reasonable time and can still stay out of prison.
I don’t care who wants to get Credit
for this ( Jay or Ed) and look like a hero.
The auditing, Validating and tracing his transactions seem like a good idea but by doing so, we are playing his game. He can have us wrapped around the axle and chasing ghosts all over the place
I agree with that comment. I say we go to the authorities as a group if payments to at least the "desperate" group are not iniated by a specified date. I think it should be March 13th personally. At least some payments made by that date or we all report to the FBI.
Who has the authority to determine who is part of the “desperate group” ? I’m in a desperate situation just like most of us… All investors should be treated the same!!! If not, sign me up as a member of the “desperate group”!!!!!
to the last poster I would think you would have to identify yourself that would be the first step...
I think desperate has been defined as those that will have life tragedies coming vs those who can wait and not have life come crashing down
PS-I think they are having you fill out surveys and send in letter to collect info on the other site
Ed, I can assure you that I am called to do the Lord’s work with my newspaper. The Lord protects His own. My time has not come to leave this earth until I have accomplished my task. You are fooling with spiritual things that you are not aware of and the Lord will deal with you at just the right moment in time. The Lord will do it. I won’t have to lift a finger. As everyone knows, I have enough to carry as it is, and yet you now want to add fuel to the fire by collecting more money from my clients. I pray for you, Ed. And clients, I will do the honorable thing and even get that money back for you as well. Give me the time and I promise to accomplish it.
WoW! You really told Ed! I am a believer !! YEah right.... You honestly believe the crap you are dishing dont you? THat God would seriously allow you- no wait USE you by stealing from other people and ruining their lives? For HIS WORK? You really are a delusional idiot!
Ed is coming after you for money you STOLD from other people. IDIOT! You STOLE IT. The Bible says DO NOT STEAL in the 10 commandments- God would never ask you to go against HIS WORD to do HIS WORK... you stupid fuck.
Get over yourself- YOU are going to HELL. You will have to answer to GOD. You will be judged by our Creator. YOU ALONE.
Those of us that chose to pay Ed Snook to seek you out and TRY to get you to pay back what you stole- We did so because we believe that every work that is worth it's while will cost something. Do you think we would expect him to fight on our behalf for free? You idiot! Ed desreves to be paid whether you do what is right or not and pay us back. He is fighting for us as well as himself. You have nerve - And haha to you- you SINNER... becasue it is obvious to us that Mr. Snook is getting to you. HAHA you selfish prick. HAHAHAHA! Kiss my ass you fuck- You have been making my life hell for the past months. Watching my husband stress and falter. Fuck you!
One thing is for sure- God will exact His revenge. I only hope that all of us, including Mr. Snook get to see the look on your face when you are being told to "Flee from ME for I never knew you". Bastard.
hold on that Jeff post starts with "Jeff said" then quoted him--
blog admin is there anyway to know if that was really jeff or not?
Jeff has no business posting here . he needs to take his battles with Ed directly. by now he should Know , We dont care what he thinks of Ed. Even if Ed is scumbag, he gets the benifit of the doubt. Where as Jeff has left no doubt in our mind that he is a scumbag.
It is like pot calling he Kettle Black.
until Jeff returns the money to all ofus, we will pursue every available option to get our money back and to seek his destruction for all the harm caused.
It wasn't from him. It is a quote from his novel of crap. He did say it...but not in the forum, it is copied from his update.
As for Anon. 2:31...Please breathe. I agree with all you said, and wish even worse for Jeff, but you can't let this destroy you. Stay strong, otherwise the bastard wins.
I understand all of the frustration as I am dealing with it as well. But could you please refrain from all of the vulgar language?
First i am going to start by apologizing to BUCKY FOR DOING THIS TO HIM. In light of all of the lies that have been told by ED SNOOK as well as Jason, the concerned client.. The truth of the matter is BUCKY is the 99.9% reason ed ever got involved. Dan was on his way to the FBI when he was contacted by ed, ed guranteed dan that there was no need for the authorities because he could fix jeff. (For a FEE of course) He was asking a broke down and out guy with a family who was beyond desperate and despair.. You took advantage of his situation as well as him in more ways than one, that will all come out eventually ed. You told him you were his friend, you lied. You used him to get to the rest of the investors, you will rot in hell for what you have done to him and his family. Yet dan is convinced ed cares about him, how is it you took well over 350,000 from jeff, then turn around and squeeze jeff for 50,000 and throw he and his family scraps?
How do i know all of this, i am the first person he came to for help. I have been there with this young family from the begining, first ed rapes him, then tosses him aside, i have a very strong feeling when he finds out the whole truth, it will be you with a sore butt!! Lets move onto to our hero jay jason whatever he goes by now. You went to dan for help, you called him. None of you are supposed to know that BUCKY knew it was a ponzi and had this equation figured out before any of eds service announcements, before any of jays attempts, bucky told jason almost a full month before jay and jeff talked what was what, NOBODY NOT ONE OF YOU NOT 10,20 or 30 of you can ever hope to achieve what this young man has done for each and everyone of us he desreves to be mentioned as well as rewarded. Half of the money ed received and half of any funds jay received rightfully belong to this very dilligent, hard working young man. Ask derick about dans work. Hell why not just go to the two people we put to get us out of this if any of this is true. Call jason, call ed hell for that matter have a conference call and ask jason who got him where he got today and because of who, ask ed why he was hired? Then ask yourself how the hell are we going to get out of this, better yet ask BUCKY, hes had a Plan to help all of us not just himself.
Again i am sorry BUCKY, but its time for us to know the truth as well as move forward, I know when you see this you will be beyond enraged and i am sorry for that. In the end you will come to understand why i felt it was necessary to do this to you, god bless you and your young family. Ask jeff who was there waiting around every corner, ask jeff who it was that was chasing him like a wild dog now for the past 11 months. I can tell you it wasnt the people you overpayed!! Im sorry bucky but i have to put this in here so everyone understands the greed by ed and jason. Bucky asked jason for a small amount of money to help pay for all of his costs as well as to help him for right now, jason kicked him in the teeth, BUCKY is the reason there are any recovery groups ask JEFF!
I have to agree with you. Bucky has been the star since day one. If anyone has guts to stand up to anyone it is Bucky himself. I appreciate your work man and you will be rewarded in the end no matter how bad you get screwed by these people.
Bucky-who is that??-never heard of him. Can someone clue me in?
I agree, bucky has done all the work and people like jason and ed reap all of the benefits of his constant chasing and never quit mentality. I have spoke on the phone with him a few times, i agree he is the one person who is not afraid of anything. A man that stands up for himself is comendable, a man that stands up for many has my respect. He was very respectful to me, but you can tell in his voice that the people who did hurt his family either by taking all of the money for themselves,(ED) or by people who are glory hounds and ride his coat tails. God bless. I agree, ED do the honorable thing give him half of the bounty.
I know that he has went through hell and has chased jeff for a very long time. Has ed ever left his chair? As far as jason, why not tell the truth as to who has got you where you were at today? Why would ed take money from jeff if he knew buckys position?
why do i care to get articles from the US observer from Devvy Kidd or anyone else?? I DON'T I could care less...
Ed just tell us about what is going on with Jeff and First Capital only!!
why do i care to get articles from the US observer from Devvy Kidd or anyone else?? I DON'T I could care less...
Ed just tell us about what is going on with Jeff and First Capital only!!
People remember there are a lot of people here with the same mission-lets stay focused, not rip each other---not who gets credit or paid or anyones tragic story, there are a lot of them including those of us that have never spoke up-Remember we should be focused on
JEFF and the money!
JEFF and the money!
for the writer of the "the truth" if your such a good friend why didn't you help Bucky?
I say it is time for the authorities. we all may want our money back, but how long do we wait for Jeff to hide it as we have J and Ed and whoever else look for it as he hides it.
Jeff has committed fraud and needs to go to jail.
ed wants money to help us now jay has set a deadline to get money back. this is ridiculous either jeff pays everyone back or nobody but giving these other clowns money is not gonna change that because if jeff does not pay every single investor back then he is still going to be brought up on charges with the sec or fbi so paying these sharks money is foolish.
Thank you for your comments....but the truth of the matter is ed never did anything but put me under his wing and make sure jeff wasnt going to get away with what was happening. Im not concerned with eds financial practice or arrangement with jeff. I just want what is rightfully mine. Jason and i have talked a few times, jason has accomplished a great deal on his own, i dont feel jason is trying to do nothing more than to take the best care of his clients as possible. No financial agreement between jason and i exist, nor will it. Jeff is the one who owes us money, not jason, not ed. I dont want a handout from anyone, it was and is my fault that i trusted jeff, nobody elses.
I disagree with the 6:50 poster--I was reading today about the guy in Texas that recently came out in the news and he was brought up up on a civil suit first so that they could get more information on him vs a criminal action. I did find it interesting the FBI was helping them with the civil case. I do think that seems to be the best way to go and I hope that is what is being planned by J. As for Ed he continues to put pressure on Jeff behind the scenes and seems to be getting some results as well.
6:50 I support their efforts-and will support anyone who comes up with another solution--if they can get it quicker vs giving Jeff more time I am all for it. Also what better assets for the FBI than to work with these 2 as they both seem to have a wealth of information. They both seem to have accomplished a lot in a small amount of time also. While I want my money just as bad as the next guy these things do take time. What are you doing to solve the problem?
JEFF WILL NEVER PAY US IF HE DOES NOT SENSE AN IMMENENT CONSEQUENCE! Right now he does not feel that as he has Jay going through information he provided. There is very little chance that the info Jeff provided will lead to the money. Jeff may act like he is broke and stupid but I believe that neither is true. He is shrewd and has a lot of hidden money/assets. He gave himself a long time to doctor the info he gave to Jay. It may be possible for Jay to use it to find something but I am not counting on it.
The bottom line here is that either Jeff is telling the truth in which case HE MUST GO TO PRISON IMMEDIATELY AND FOR A VERY LONG TIME or he is lying in which case payments must begin immediately.
I personally think he is lying and hoping he can drag this out for months on end. He likely does still think that he can use the larger base of money to generate more funds sufficient to pay us all off and clear his name. I do not wish to give him that chance. I would rather get a percentage of my money back now that allow him to lose the rest!
I propose we set the date of March 15th by which verified payments must be received. If not, we all report him that same week.
What does everyone think of this proposal?
I support the March 15th deadline.
I also want to say that I support both Ed and Jay. I have spoken with both of them at length and know that they are BOTH working their butts off on our behalf. Neither has bad intentions though they both work differently. I hope they both find success.
I have come to a point where I believe Jeff has the money but am highly doubtful that he is going to offer it up unless he has absolutely no other choice! We have to put him in that position! I say we set the date of March 15 and if he doesn't make some payments, we all go to the FBI as was suggested by 8:11.
If Jeff has money, he will pay. If not, let him be arrested and rot in prison as he deserves!!!
I support that date, I am tired of waiting and now being pressured with a time frame from Jason when I have no money to even pay the $100 at this time. I really like the idea of Jeff rotting in prison were he belongs than waiting indefinitely, while that criminal remains free. It's like a slap in the face every single day.
Everytime someone steps out to do their own thing, we, AS A UNIFIED GROUP, lose momentum.
OUR GOAL: Restitution/retribution/justice
Make that happen
Pay the attorney/investor the $100 retainer fee for legal action to be followed and carried through to completion
Division tactics and grandstanding
Illegal actions got us in this mess, NOW is the time for legal proceedings.
Let Ed do what he does, if it helps--sobeit!
Have Jay and his aptley able group take legal steps to bring about an end to this.
We need to get this in the past and move on with our lives.
This pig self-proclamed christian is so cinical and shameless, I cant understand how people keep trusting...
Probably he is an incartanion of the devil-himself , and had to do his body of stolen parts from the graveyards and morgues , to do evilness
and THATS WHY HE LOOKS and sounds like a
When are we going to see Jeff in the News like below?
That is the only hope that keeps me going. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.
We need to demand money by a specific date or we go as a group to the feds. Money or prison for Lowrance.
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