Here is the link to the US Observer article that was previously sent out and posted on this blog.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
Nothing new here. Still waiting on the law dude for the 47 page update.
When are we going to get an update? 47 pages? Wow. Why do we need a 47 page update? All we need to know can be wrapped up in a two or three paragraph summation. Where is our money? Why can't we get any of it? When are we going to get it back? When happened to our money? And when is Jeff going to Jail?
to Get on the private blog you gotta email Not much happening there right now. Use your best Eeyore (sp?)voice "waiting again."
If the trades are remotely close to what we see, do we leave some in the kitty to get our interest back? If so, what percentage?
I think that the trades are real. They are not what got Jeff into this mess. If he agrees to be supervised and controlled by our group's representatives, I would be interested in leaving money in and taking out monthly payments.
I have a friend though who is on his last leg. He has enough money left to make his payments maybe one more month and then he starts defaulting on everything. He would not be in a position to leave money in. Right now, he needs his money badly to survive.
So Jeff basically needs to IMMEDIATELY pay back the "desperate" ones and I can't imagine he is not aware of who they are (just ask Ed) and then setup a payment plan to handle the rest of us. I would be happy to start our first payments as somethin very small say 1% of account value (a mere token) and then work up to a % he can live with based on his trading performance. He could continue to post our accounts with a monthly 2% increase while paying us 5-7% monthly. In this manner, he could likely catch up on his obligations in short order and in the meantime, everyone would be satisfied.
Just my thoughts but this all assumes Jeff actually has money. I say he does! Ed says he does!
You must really think we are stupid! Do you honestly think we are going to willingly accept another time delay attached with a "promise" of payment? Do you think we will believe any promise or anything you say since all of it has been lie after lie so far? Seriously, how dumb do you think we are? I have some news for you; we are not that dumb! The wolf that has been hiding in sheeps clothes has been revealed. We know you are nothing of what you represented. You are a selfish, greedy, dishonest, evil man who is willing to sit idly by and let families, lives, marriages even children be destroyed when we know damn well you have a significant pot of money that you are clinging to while shouting, "MINE! MINE! MINE! I won't pay them this money it is MINE! I won't walk away from this empty-handed after 4.5 years of work!"
Well, my enemy, your days are numbered! You may think we are pacified by Jay's work with you but that would be a mistake. I know many things that are in the works and you should be afraid! Very afraid Jeff. We are coming Jeff and we are armed with the sword of truth and righteousness! We have uncovered your deceptions and we know the real you. We are prepared to make sure you never do anything like this to anyone... ever... in the entire world. The internet makes the world a small place my enemy! Information posting is only a shot accross the bow. Just wait for what is coming! Prison might start to sound like a great place!
So liar, you have only one option and that is to start making payments without any more delays. We want to see at least some of the most desperate who are in immediately, impending doom be payed first and then we assume the rest will be willing to work with you on a payment schedule. Fail to meet that payment once and you will be destroyed!
No more games Jeff. We are not stating this as an ultimatum with some deadline date. We are already well underway in doing what I hinted at. It is coming and it is coming fast. You cannot run or hide from us! Your only way to stop us is once we know a payment has been made. That will slow us. Make another payment and we are slowed even more. Pay all the desperate clients, we slow completely while you setup a payment plan. Then we wait patiently while you execute that plan. We will go from there.
Again, your days are numbered unless you act now!
Anon 1:25
Death threats are not the way to go. I don't think that they are constructive and if you are really to the point where you would kill someone over this than I guess that is a sad and tragic reflection on yourself. Losing this money would be awful for me and I have a lot at stake. But if I were to lose every dollar to my name I still would not be looking to kill the person that took it. Instead I would be focussing my energy on how I would start over and make ends meet. Leave justice to the maker.
With that said, we should defininately go after Jeff to the full extent of the law should we not get all of our money back in a timely manner.
There was no death threat intended there. Not even bodily harm. I am sorry if it came accross that way!
I have absolutely no doubt that Jeff has a significant amount of money tucked away. Do not believe it if he says otherwise. Never forget that he is a master of deception and will do anything to avoid paying that money back.
Jay is meeting with Jeff today to audit his books. Apparently, Jeff did show up to this meeting. I highly doubt he brought anything that he didn't want Jay to see... ie. hidden accounts. My guess is he will attempt to show Jeff that he has insufficient funds to pay us all now but will try to convince him that he has enough to build upon using his trade system. He will consequently likely ask for time in which to do this so he can make it right for us all. That is my guess and I think it is a pile of garbage!
Jeff has significant money but I doubt he lets Jay see any of it. He wants to keep control of everything including us! I wouldn't doubt that he plans on forex trading against what he has left in hopes of paying us over time but seriously... that didn't work the first time so why would it now? Not to mention, many many of us cannot wait anymore. Our consequences are happening now or in some cases have happened. Jeff has to at least show open honesty and good faith but telling the whole financial story and by beginning to pay a few desperate clients followed by a payment plan on those who can wait longer. Perhaps those that wait get a larger interest percent for doing so... who knows.
Just don't believe the crap that I think is going to hit the fan tomorrow. I have it from many solid sources including Ed Snook that Jeff has a significant amount of money... meaning more than 12 million dollars which he is not wanting to part with. He hopes we will buy his "I'm broke" story and give him more TIME...
NO MORE! PAYMENTS START IMMEDIATELY OR THIS ENDS NOW WHATEVER IT TAKES!!! Jeff, you have no power anymore. You cannot con us anymore! We have the power and we will destroy your life if you do not comply NOW!
Maybe some feel death threats aren't the way to go, but honestly, I think bodily harm is more like it, and not just threats. I know people who can get very close to him, very easily. He *thinks* he's well hidden... he's not.
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