I have been in contact with Jeff L. We have talked a half a dozen times in the past two days. He has called me, and I have called him.
Jeff has broken the update into two parts as it is VERY long. I have the first part of it. I reviewed it and discussed it with him, and we will talk again tonight. He hopes to have the second part done by tomorrow.
We then plan to discuss that update in its entirety, fix any typos and make the necessary changes. The goal is to have them both out at the same time so it makes full sense to everyone.
Please be patient; there are a lot of forces at play in this case both with Jeff L and others. We have been pressing forward for answers for some time, and they are almost here. So, please bear with me a bit as I work through it for the interest of the entire group.
Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
“(Re)earned Honor”
1) Jeff doesn’t have 100 million dollars.
2) A unanimous vote of “no confidence” of Jeff’s ability to fight a war on 12 different fronts prevails.
3) The trades are real.
4) How much trading money he actually has (he’s not broke).
5) He would rather trade with it to:
A) Stay out of jail.
B) Protect his family.
C) Stop the negative data on the internet.
D) Win back respect of family members.
E) Win back respect of potential investors.
F) Win back respect of existing investors.
6) We as current investors can stomach yet even further delay for the return of our funds if:
A) Any and all future financial transactions during the course of the repayment requires two signatures.
B) We continue to hold 5ab+c above, over his head until our principle is paid back in full.
C) He only then has earned the right through paying back our interest to pursue 5d e +f above.
7) A deadline of real consequence is imposed if a real and realistic timeline for the repayment is violated. Perhaps this could be formulated using how past trades results broadcasted over the past few years, once averaged, are applied to current trade volume, to project a realistic target date for repayment of principle and then interest.
8) That when Jeff claims he doesn’t have a dime to his collective name, he doesn’t believe we’re so naive so as to not know that he is not that stupid. We know that he is self-preserving enough to have used his period of silence with us to funnel millions into various hiding places. Read Ed Snooks current article 5th paragraph Jan 6th, 2009 Carl Almos quotes Jeff that day saying “he is not about to return all investors money and walk away without money after 4 years of hard work.” It then is necessary to flush it out of hiding to be used to trade us investors back into his assets instead of his liabilities as we now are. In my opinion if he is willing to accept what I believe to be this or another similarly extremely generous proposal(s) he is unworthy of any more time before we recompense the current injustice. -Diligent
Here we are again; Jeff is feverishly doing some unknown things away from our observation, and now our representative is working behind the scenes with him away from our observation, and we're supposed to just be quiet, patient, and - once again - wait until unknown things happen that we'll know about later, when an "update" comes out.
In the dark again. No communication. Shut up and wait for an update.
I am confused, of which update are we talking about and patiently waiting for, because we must not have waited patiently long enough? The January 5th update self imposed by Jeff? The post-Jan 5th update that was supposed to answer every question on the blog? The January 30th update deadline given by J? Or the February 1st 22 page part 1 update promised by both of them?
Now while you are all patiently waiting, please sign a 15% contract with the attorney that will not tell you what he know from these 1/2 dozen phone calls with Jeff.
I suggest that everyone, no matter how bad it is, keep their heads about them and try very hard to check their emotions at the door. I have a significant amount on deposit as most of you do. it was my kids college fund. I have now been out of work for 6+ months, exhausted any savings and investment $$ that I had and my family is living on a meager unemployment check, day to day. I know how bad all of you are hurting, but J., along with this blog's administrator, have been VERY successful in organizing us as investors and opening up dialog with Jeff in a short amount of time. I for one am grateful for his service. Get off his back and allow him to do what he is doing. The only thing that focusing on the negative will do is bring more of the same. I would encourage all of us to look for and support solutions and not throw rocks. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem. You are all honorable individuals and name calling and complaining are beneath all of us.
I agree with 5:15... there are many questions and I believe those are being pursued as fervently as humanly possible by J. Gentlemen, you have my full support. Thank you.
Yes that is THE "UPDATE". Come on be patient, 7 months is not long enough to get the "TRUTH"
I wonder who's working on who - J working on Jeff or Jeff working on J?
Oh wait - we'll learn that in ... The Update.
the attorney only gets 15% IF he recovers any money it is in his best interest to trya nd do everythign he can to get money and I believe from listening to him that has been his goal all along to get the entire group their money or as much as possible--
I sent him my $100 , that is what we all asked for, a small payment and then a percentage--he givesus that and we still complain and then we want it fixed overnight that just doesn't happen, especially with JEFF
I feel Jay has already done more to bring this to a resolution than anyone we know of on the scene-what did everyone get for the thousands they sent to snook, an essay, oooohhhh I bet Jeff is just quaking in his boots!
lets remember who the target is here, not J, Not ed, not the blog guys- but
to the 7:57 AM poster--if you did not contract with J, then what right do you have to demand anything from him? I believe he is doing his best and since he has come on the scene he has been a hard charger and learned a lot and been frankly invaluable in my opinion, no one else here tried to organize us
9:29 Yes, I agree with your post. But I also understand that it becomes frustrating to always be asked to wait in silence for an update that never seems to come.
Jay is doing a very good thing and offering us the best value we have at this point, in my opinion.
I agree Jay has done a wonderful job pulling things together. Please Jay do not wait too long before telling us what you know, trust I imagine is running thin as we continue to be screwed by Jeff. Even Ed who had documented 'proof' of funds was snookered by Jeff which in return screwed us yet again.
Is anyone checking on validity of the trades? This mornings trade: Here is our latest Forex Currency Update. "We are CLOSING the following trade:
Exit GBP/USD at 1.4229 at 4:18 AM Eastern Time, February .2, 2009
+156 Pips Profit On This Trade" is not true. The GBP was at 1.4246 and went down to 1.4206 from 4:00 to 4:30 EST. This is 40 pips not 156 pips as stated in the above trade.
I think the difference is with Jay he is an attorney and has ethical obligations and standards to meet with his law license, I am wiling to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, from what I have found he was a decorated war hero in Iraq that was honored at Congress, that alone gives me some comfort, if he does so much for our country I am sure he is trying his best for us!
Jeff stopped sending the trade reports on January 5th. Is anyone else getting daily trade reports?
I fail to see the point of working with Jeff? The guy is so dishonest and completely unreliable! Not like it will matter cause if Jeff doesn't start making payments within a couple of days Ed will have him hoping for a jail cell! Jeff has the money but thinks it's God's will to keep it.
I have received regular trade activity since the 5th.
I am getting trades almost every day.I got several this morning.
Don't know if they are for real or run through a simulation package.
No trade activity today . At least the reports. dont know if it is a holiday or what.
Corrections. I got the activity reports. Just a little bit later today than Normal.
Is there a way we can have a section of the blog that shows daily trades for those of us that have been taken off the email list?
Nothing seems to be progressing today. Jay, I still have received nothing in the mail or the info for the private blog. Is that still going to be up and running?
Someone attempted to hack into the private website last night--please bear with us as we reissue new passwords
I dont know how true these reports of trade are anymore. With all this talk of Ponzi Scheme etc.
But ere it goes , The only trade report I got today was the following
Exit GBP/USD at 1.4565 at 9:12 AM Eastern Time, February .5, 2009
+46 Pips Profit On This Trade.
Trades, updates, schemes, blogs, Sheesh, I'm giving up... would somebody plz send a msg when Jeff has finally been sentenced to prison time.
The one thing here that I see is that you most of you want to blame these men that are working more time than you can imagine, while you're sitting around waiting to hear from them. Cut them so slack. If you want answers, try getting them yourselves. Randy, J, and Ed are doing what they can, trying everything they can think of. If you have any suggestions, post, otherwise, let them alone. They're trying harder than you are while you're reading this comment!
Donald Hoerl, director of the SEC's Denver office, said the agency has filed about 70 Ponzi cases in the last two years and has filed four cases since Madoff was charged in early December.
He said the schemes follow a typical pattern: They are led by a very charismatic person, they involve secretive and very successful trading programs, and the investment advisers are seldom registered with the SEC.
Sound and look familiar!
Nothing at all in the last few days? What is happening with the private website?
Waiting patiently for the update. Looks like we will have to wait even longer. Oh well. At least I know that my my money safe issafe in Jeff's hands.
A question was asked by someone recently if anyone knew of other investments that might take the place of FCSL. I know of one....an arbitrage program which pays back 7% a month, $50,000 minimum investment secured by a promissory note. For more info. contact me at brwalls@earthlink.net.
It is my understanding the update has been sent out to the attorney that has talked with jeff-join the private website and you can find out more. At least that he has it.
Join the website??? I have yet to get any info on the private website or anything else.....I have not even received the letter and agreement that Jay was sending out. I guess I am still like a mushroom.......
I sent you an invite to the private site. I don't know when it will come but check your '65 hotmail acount frequently. You may want to check your spam folder as well as it might be getting blocked. I am not the website admin so I don't know how long it will take.
I too have been waiting to be verified and to receive a password to the private website. I keep reading that you are very busy; that I must be patient and that you will get to me as soon as possible. What can I do to expedite this process? The conference calls have stopped as well as the postings here on this blog. I feel as though I am missing out on important information by not being in the private website club. I don't want to be left out or miss the boat because someone forgot about me.
You should get into the privates site, but don't worry, you aren't missing that much...we are just being told to wait there too with not much info.
I trhnk that Jay+ Attorneys and Ed Snook are competing in who can get jeff to deliver instead of working with each other. This means very little info will flow out to the rest of us either here or on the private website as both sides are concerned about getting to Jeff first and then of course there is still the paranoia that Jeff still has associates and allies who could be divulging info to him. Best thing to do is to wait and let this situation work out as we know Jeff is being pursued by 2 groups who are both serious about getting to him first.
All I hope for is in the end Both teams should make the Jeff pay out to all of us and not exclude anyone. We are all suffering and need relief equally.
There is no race between Jay and Ed. Jay's info is 10 steps ahead. He is in constant contact with Jeff now and is working on resolving the situation. Obviously Jay cannot disclose all of the information received as he has many non-disclose contracts as an attorney. Ed is a crook that has nothing solid on Jeff, just rumors. Jay actually has solid information. Please be patient with Jay as he is continually working new leads.
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