Jeff Lowrance – A Polished Con Artist?
First Capital Savings & Loan Debacle
By Investigative Reporter
Edward Snook
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Dear, Jeff Lowrance. You are a liar.
16 years ago
--------------BEWARE OF PONZI SCHEME----------------- This site is specifically designed to connect clients of First Capital savings and Loan. Please email any and all information you have to Everything posted on this blog is opinion, including all blogs linked to this google account.
Well, this a message for you currently investors of FCSL and all USA Tomorrow Distributors, employees.etc etc, last thing we heard from Mr. Lawrence (MR. Satan) as Antonio calls him was that this son of a $%&/& will not pay the employees of the panama call center the closing fees, that's right folks, Mr. i read the bible will not respect the labor laws of the republic of panama and will leave just like that, also, he owes the payment of the rent of his offices, what a crook. my suggestion is go against this son of a ·$%&%&/ with everything u got because legally speaking wont do much, because all his business in panama and offices were always under some other peoples names, and those guys are far away from here now in Peru (for the ones who doesn't know Jeff had a lot of Peruvians under his payroll including traders, that's right the genius behind the trading if that is real, (which i doubt so) was a Peruvian guy). Hope u don't get in panama again Jeff because there will be some chombons waiting for you to give u a very deserved welcome, or probably they will find your body in cerro azul with ants in your mouth.
PD: Hope this gives you lights about who u are dealing with and what his view of honesty respect and legality is.wont talk about religion because i think he just used that as a tool to accomplish his criminal intention of getting honest people into all this BIG SCAM. my last thoughts at least madoff was Jew (no pun intended)
Anyone heard from Jeff after the US~Observer post?
yes I have--this is Jay--about to send something to blog admin to post
I have been in contact with Jeff L. We have talked a half a dozen times in the past 2 days. he has called me and I have called him.
He has broken the update into 2 parts as it is VERY long. I have the first part of it. I reviewed it and discussed it with him and we will talk again tonight and he hopes to have the second part done by tomorrow.
We then again plan to discuss that update fully and make any typos and changes and have them both out at the same time so it makes sense fully to everyone.
Please be patient-there are a lot of forces at play in this case both with Jeff L and others. We have been pressing forward for answers for some time and they are almost here so please bear with me a bit as I work through it for the interest of the entire group.
I have been in contact with Jeff L. We have talked a half a dozen times in the past 2 days. he has called me and I have called him.
He has broken the update into 2 parts as it is VERY long. I have the first part of it. I reviewed it and discussed it with him and we will talk again tonight and he hopes to have the second part done by tomorrow.
We then again plan to discuss that update fully and make any typos and changes and have them both out at the same time so it makes sense fully to everyone.
Please be patient-there are a lot of forces at play in this case both with Jeff L and others. We have been pressing forward for answers for some time and they are almost here so please bear with me a bit as I work through it for the interest of the entire group.
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